__ a�r • `� .� ._ _.. _.._ ____ _ _ �
<br /> ..:.. r:.—
<br /> �„ . : � . _
<br /> �i ::�� ,..,: . . g3�. 1��� �� ; .�..
<br /> wbRluldvly�qul�etcq� inu�+noa covcngc!�not avdl�ble.B�rrnwer ahdlp�y to[,a�der e+ich momh�e�m�eqtu!to
<br /> o�p�1y ' i�unraoo premium beinp p�id by parrower wha�the incunmoe oovar�o I�psed or ce�d tu
<br /> 61 in wll) . � ad e+d�in thrao p�ymenu u �!o� roierve in Ileu of mort�e inwauice. Lo�a re,�e�vo
<br /> pynanu nrq�no lan�' d�µbnd.�t the aption af l.cndcr.if mort �e inwr�noe aweraQo(In the�m�unt u�d tar the podad
<br /> ,, �t i.aider requit�ai)�nruvided by m inwrer irppmved by Latdpr a�n become��1'di�ble�nd i�obainod, 8ama�er�l!p�y
<br /> d�e premiwas requirod to mdnuln a�nt=,�o In�unnce in a�'eq:a[o pr+avlde a low�aerve�until�he evquirdaak tor aho�t�ya
<br /> ' lnur�ce e�od�in nceoidmee witih my wripen�raemau betwaen Bonower ud Lrnder or�ppllcablo I;w.
<br /> !. I�ation.IxMer m 1u�eatn�y m�ke rcaaon�ble entriri upan�rrd iro�pectiau of the Properiy.l.c�der�iull�ive
<br /> Homower noticb At Q�o Ume of or priorlo�n inspxtion<<wcifyin�teawnable c�use for the lncpection.
<br /> 1�. Co�faatN►p. 'lliep�p� ot any�wud or cloim for d�u�es.diroct or oon:equentW. in oonnecdon wlth�ny
<br /> oondertu�tion or otFKr W�i��o��qy pWt of tbe Propaty.ar tbr ounvry�nca in lieu of oondc�nmtian, a+e hereby�ned an1
<br /> _-_�.,�.�,�-r--�-�--� . �II be�id w Leruler.
<br /> In the eveat of�Wt�l wkln�of the Property�tha pnoocede aholl be appliod to the wn�securad by thie Sav�ity Instnimrnt.
<br /> wkther or not then due. with any excess p�id to Borrower. in�he eve�t of a panial taklag of the Propetty In which tha fiir
<br /> mukd vduo af tho Prnperty immediately bof�ro the Uiking iR eqwl to or grc.ater than t6e amouat of the sum�securod by lhie
<br /> Secudty l�utnima�t immedieuly beforo the taking,unksA Borrowa Aad Lender otherwise agme in wddn�,the sums sacuroA by
<br /> �his Sav�lty Inauument chwll be roducad by the amount of the p�+oceed� multipliod by tNe fdlawing fraction: (a) the wtal
<br /> -- aatonnl of!he eems eecurod immediakly bef��he taking,divlded by (b)the fair market value of tl�e Prnperty immediWely
<br /> - before tha Wcing. Aoy 6alana ahal! 6e paid w Aorrower. In the erdot oP a pariial taki�g of the Pn�►erty in which the f�i�
<br /> muk�t vdue of the Property immodiwtely befon�he laking is le�s tl�ao t6e amount of 1he sums aavred lmmediately befao tho
<br /> t�Wng,unleso Borrower a�d Lender otherwise agrea in writfng or ue�kss applicabk law otherwiso provjdes.lhe pr0000ds ilnl�
<br /> Mo wppNed ta tha sums securod by this Security Instrument�wbcther or not the sums ar�e then due.
<br /> If the Pmperty is aba�doned by Horrawer.or if,�fter a�tice by Lender tu Borrower that the cundetmwr offeis to nwke an
<br /> awu+d or senlo A claim for damages. Borrower(ails w�espond to Lender within 30 days efter the date the ndice is glven.
<br /> l.ender Is authoricod w collect and tpply the pra�oeds.At its optioa, eithor w oestoration or r�epsir of Ihe Prupenx or tu the wu�
<br />-= sea�rod by this Security InstnuaenA.whetber or no�tlKn due.
<br /> ; - UNess lxnder wid Borrowzr other�is� agroc ia writing, any application of procads to princi�al slasll nat extend or -
<br /> � postpone the due date of t0ie manthl paym�mts rcfemod to inparegraphs 1 and?or change 1he amount af such payments. _
<br />;: 11.Bon+uwer Not Rela�ced;�o�beArana By Leader Not�Wslver.Factenxion af the time for payrtrent mr modification _
<br />' of�unoRi�tion of the sums secured by lhis Securfty Instrument granted by l.ender ta uny successor in interest of eorrower shall "=
<br />��� not operate to rclPace the liability of the odginal Bomnwer or Borrower's suc�rs in interest. Lender shal!not be required to
<br /> _ commraice pr000edings against any succcssor in intereu or rcfuse to extend time for payment or othervvise modify amortization
<br />"'�'�. of the su� secured by thls Security Instnirt�ent by reasan of any dertwnd made by tha original Borrower or Horrower's
<br /> rti suaessors in i�uen�st. Any forbearance by Le�der in exercising any right or rcmedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude tha
<br /> �' �u
<br /> .� �,�y� eaercise�of any dgdt or remody.
<br />:�.,. 12. Snooessors and Assi�ns Boundt Jotat And Sever�rl Llpbllity; Co-stgneis. The rnvenunts and egreements of this
<br /> - }.,., - Secu�lty Instnunent shall bind aM beaefit the successors And asslgns af l.ender and Borrower.subject to�he provisions of
<br /> ,' '.�,�'�' pueg�ph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint ond several. Any Borrowe� who co-signs this Secu�ity
<br /> Listrument but does not eaavte the Note:(a) is co-signing this Secudty Instrument only to mangage. grent and convey that
<br />,,�`'--°° =°° -___-- ---=_ &M7'u►vcr's l�iiCi�i In itiz fiii�
<br /> '�. �y. i �riy unde�the tem�s of this Security instrusncnt:tb)is aoi persoea!!y obligstal so 3 the ausss _ .
<br /> e
<br /> -�����, savred by Ihis Securf Instn�ment;and(c)�grees that Lender and any other Borrowsr may agree to extend, modi .forbeiu or _
<br /> ;<.k,; -
<br /> �ke any acrnmmadat ons with regard�o the terms of Ihis Security Instn�ment or the Note without thet Borrow•er'�consent. _
<br /> ' 13. Los�a Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instn�ment is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum toan charges. _
<br /> and tbat law is fi�ally interpreted so that the intercst or other loan chargea collected or to 6e collected in connection with she
<br /> � loan ex�eed the permitted limits, then:(a)any such loan cherge shall bc reduced by the arnount nocessary to reduee tha charg� -
<br /> . �•i • te the permitted limft;and(b)any sums �Ire,ady cnllecterl trom Borrower which excceded permltted limits wlll 'be refunded to -
<br /> � '��'� �i,•� Borrower. L.ender may chiwk: to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct -
<br /> I''`�'E'?!�''��?'� payment to Borrower. If n refund rcduces principal, the reduction will be treated ac a partial prepayment without any --
<br /> � ��:;,:��
<br /> .• ���•:,,.•. ;• prcpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � iP'1"� '+`�' ' l4. Notiees.An notice to Borrowe� rovided for in this Securit Instrument shell be iven b deliverin it or b mailin
<br />_;� , �„t: Y P Y 8 Y B Y 8
<br /> r �'�1�E;;:,i,,;^u.'!�rt'+t il by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of unother methad.The notice shall be directed to the Praperty Address
<br /> _ � `rh��� '�::.�Y�..;;�' or eny other address Borrawer dcsignates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by frst class mail to
<br /> ��' ,� ~����� �, [.ender's address steted herein or uny other address I.ander designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ''`¢'"%���"�'""'��' Socurlty Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bormwer or I.ender when given as provided in this patagraph.
<br /> � �`�."±•°t°'�'"'"�"�' 1S. Governtng Law; SeverabtlAy. This Sccuriiy Instrumcnt shull be govcrned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> :��:,�� � }udsdiction in which the Property is Iceated. ln the event thnt any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> �'-"�''�'�"�. contlicts wnh upplicable law,suc con0ict shull not affect nther mvisions of Ihis Securit Instrument or the Note which can 6e
<br /> : :.'°`��=; h P Y
<br /> "�'�- ,�':�':'..
<br /> -. ,.•���;;�;,,; � , ; given effect withewt the conflicting provision. To this end the pmvisions of thia Security Instrument and�he Note are declered _
<br /> , ,;�,:;�,<:;;�.`.�}:: .��,... to be severabla. =
<br /> _ %��;��, ., 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shull be given ane confomicd copy of thc No�c;u�d of this Sccurity Inst�ument. -
<br /> `�9y • ��,�µ � �:� l7.Transfer ot lhe Praperty or a &neticial Interest in Borruwer.If ull or any pan of the Property or any interest in it
<br /> ;;F.,. .; � .;�; is sold or transterred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is u�ld or trAnsferred and Borrower is not a nuturol person)without
<br /> _. • M�::�.;::; , L.ender's priar wriuen consent. I.ender may, at it, �iptiun, require immedinte payment in full of all sumx secured by this
<br /> � .0•;;�1'S;` ; Security Instrument.However, this option shall not bc exerciseJ by Lender if exercire is prohibited by federul law as of the date
<br /> •r:;.,
<br />��,,., s.}��;�5�,.����,,,,,.,; of this Security Instrument.
<br /> . ��5 If lxnder exercises this option, Lender shall give Bnm►wer notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not _
<br /> . '`'°°•, • • .•,�1�; ; leas than 30 days from the date the notice is deflvrreJ or muil��l within whirh &�rrower must puy ull sums secured by this
<br />" " � •"°'' Securit lnst�ment. If Borrowcr fails io ,� the�c sum� riar t�►�hc cx irutiim of this ruxi, l.ender ma invol�e an remedies
<br /> ° . �.',,jrs;,�'. Y P Y P P t�� Y Y
<br /> � • r;�.,�..' • permilted by i'hi+Securiry Instrument withnut further noticc or dcmand on&�rrowrr. _
<br />' "` '' ,'�js�' 18. E{orrower's RiRfit to Reinvtute. If &rrr��wcr meci� cenain ronditinna. B��rcuwcr shull havc the right tu hrve =
<br /> `���r"'�'�'�''��� enfnrcem�nt of Ihic Securicy 7�s�rument di+cnntinued a� an�• time prinr tu the eurlier af: (u) S Jays(or such other periud as -
<br /> :��'s;�'';�;s;�'� upylicable luw may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuunt to any power of sale contuined in this -
<br /> .rf,.,.�;::. :
<br /> .<<+�••.��r.� �:-. •.�� Security Instrument;or(b)entry of n judfiment enforcing thit Security lnstrument.'Thnr,e conditions ore that Borrower.Ia)pays
<br /> r,r�,s;�:;:,.: ��_• .,,r -
<br /> y;� c�,��. ; -, Lender all sums which then would be d�e u�uder this Security Instrument and the Nate us if no acreleration had accurred: (h)
<br /> +`�j�`�' �' � •?��'�� cures an default of an other covenant�c+r u reementti; (cl a ull ex nses incurred in enfnrcin this Securit Instrument.
<br /> ' ,;f�+�_�'�•,•�,,,.,1j,7; Y )' S P�Y Pe F Y =:
<br /> •��a� ..,�! .,.•,,,: . includMg,but not limited to, re.asonc�ble attorneys' Yees; and (d)takes surh ncti�n as l.ender may reusonubly require tn a�sure __
<br />�- � ' �'r'�:s, ,.k_• :+:
<br /> ._''�: ..��s, y,�ti ;s,`.:;�yr� tlwt the lien of thia Security Instrument, I,ender's righis in Ihe Propeny and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ---_ ' y4;,,��„?�..ti;,��;�,• this Security Instrument shall continue unrhanged. Upon reinstaiement by Br�rroa•er, this Secur�ty Instrument and the
<br /> ` + 'Y�"•���" ' obligationa secured hereby shull remuin fully effective u�if no ucce�era�ion huJ orcurred. However,this right to rcinstute shall "
<br /> -_;. .�—� ,�. �:x{;�a-,;�-�-°• not app�y in i6rcase oi uct-cicraiiun uiurr�raiagra�ri� ii.
<br />.s,, `'Nf'��,�,:.,���e.:,{�t 19. 5.�e ot lVote; Change oP I.o�n Servker. The Note ar a partial intcres� in the Note (together with �his Security -
<br /> .r ��{•,�,,....,I 1. Instrument)may be wld one or more�imes with�rut prior notice to Borrower. A bale msiy result in a chnnse in�hc entity Iknowo _
<br />- '��l�t� . .� ,
<br /> = , '� };��•t�;�•;•� as Ihe"Laan Servicer"1 that coUec�s munthly paymems due undcr�hc Nutc unJ this 5ecurity Inst�umcnt. Th�re ulso nwy he one
<br /> '`� �,:�s���l�ti`•�_;�.;,� . or more changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelateci to a sale of�he Note. If therc ih a cFu,nge of the I.�wn Servicer.&irniwer will be
<br /> ``��-�'--_a: � given written notice uf the changc in acccmlunce with parngruph 14 uM►ve und applicable Inw.The notire will statr thc name and (
<br /> �; � �.�..":jfi;��, eddress of the new Loan Scrvicer and the adciress to whirh paymerns should be made. The notice will �Iw a�ntain any �Nher !
<br /> v,��0+� ,.;;.,.,:.. , ,s :
<br /> .�.,.,. �.,�.� infornwtion�rquired by upplicablc law,
<br /> ___��„t���w'� 20. Hpz�rdou4 5ub�nces. Barrower �hall not cuuu or permit the pre+rnm, use. Jispn�al, titorngc.or rcicu.�e�f uny `
<br /> .=.�_4�;;.yf , ,-. Hazardous Substances on or in thc P►openy. Bnm�wcr shull not du, nnr alluw anyune rlxe w du, vny�hing ut7�tilinK the ..
<br /> -_�.: :»-.:.• Propeny that is in violution uf any Envimnmentul Law. Thr prececiing two scntenrc.shull n�n upply t��thc pro�en�r,usc, ur =
<br /> ` " � storage on the Propeny of s�rtwll quanlftics of Hau►nious Substan�r�thut ure gcnrrully r��o�tnizcrl tn Fx •rppropriatr w nurmul �
<br />:�:s
<br /> --- ��,,;��.�,� residential uses and to mainterwnce oi thc Property. `
<br /> �-,`��--�..F Pp�3 d 4 � . FOIT 30Z8 91�
<br /> -
<br /> ��: ,�
<br />