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,� . <br /> � j� 99 1�`7'763 <br /> :�, <br /> currently owned or later acquired) . <br /> This power shall include the power to (i) sell upon such terms <br /> as my Agent shall deem appropriate, subject to the limitations <br /> (if any) stated above, (ii) sign any documents (including deeds) <br /> that may be required to convey title to such property, and (iii) <br /> collect and recei ve the proceeds from any such sale. <br /> 6. Mortgage or encumber any interest of mine in real estate <br /> (whether currently owned or later acquired) . <br /> This power shall include the power to (i) mortgage or encumber <br /> on such terms as my Agent shall deem appropriate, subject to the <br /> limitations (if any) stated above, (ii) sign any documents <br /> (including a mortgage or deed of trust) , and (iii) take any <br /> other action that may be required to effect such mortgage or <br /> encumbrance. <br /> � 7. Manage, insure, improve, repair, collect rents, execute leases, <br /> or take any other action that a landlord might take, with ' <br /> respect to any interest of mine in real estate (whether <br /> currently owned or later acquired) . <br /> 8. Sell or convey any tangible or intangible personal property that <br /> I might own (whether currently owned or later acquired) . <br /> This power shall include the power to (i) sign con tracts of sale <br /> and documents to transfer title (including bills of sale) , and <br /> (ii) accept a security interest for any unpaid portion of the <br /> purchase price. <br /> 9. Obtain credit or borrow money as deemed appropriate by my Agent. <br /> This power shall include the power to (i) obtain credit upon <br /> such terms as my Agent may deem appropriate, su�bject to the <br /> Iimitations (if any) stated above, (ii) sign any documents <br /> (including notes, credit agreements, security agreements, and <br /> financing statements) , and (iii) take any other action that may <br /> be required to complete the above transaction. <br /> 10. Prepare, sign, and file documents with any governmental body or <br /> agency, including but not limited to, authorization to: <br /> -2- <br />
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