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<br /> TOCiETHER WITH all Ihe impmvemcnts�now or hercnper erected on thc psoperty,und ull Cus��nents�,uppuqenunccs, -
<br /> --- ond fixturer now or hereAfter a put ot`�hc propeAy. All rcplocements ar�d addilionK xholl Wco ba covered by this Sccurity
<br /> In�uuument. All of the foreg4ing is referrcd to in this Security Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> - ------- - ------ HORROWER COVENANTS thut Borrowec is Inwfuliy sciscd of thc estate hcrcby conveyed and has the right t�gren� �-
<br /> - -- and convey the Property and�hat�he Rnperty is unencumbered,except for eocumbrunces of record. Barrower wam�nts And
<br /> __= wfll defend generally the title to the Propeny against all claims und demaods,uubject to any encumbrances oP rccord.
<br /> —_�
<br /> THIS SECURIT'Y INSIRUMENT combines uniform covcnants for nutional usc and non-uniform wvenaots wlih
<br /> -:;� �, Umited varietions by Jurisdiction to constiwte a uniform security instrument cove�ing rea properly.
<br /> - --- U�FIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenaru and ugr+ee As follows: `
<br /> ----y� l. �ayment of Princlpal and Interest;Prepwyment and Late Chw�ge�. eorrawer sholl prompUy pay when duc the
<br /> -� pr�ncipal ot and interest on the debt evidenced by 1he Note And any prepayment and late charges due under the Nate.
<br /> ��-3� 2. Funds tor 7lwxes t�ad Insuraace. Subject ro applicable law or to u written wuive�by Lender,Borrawer shall pay to
<br /> -•-°=-��=�� l.ender on the day manthly payments sue due under the Note,until thc Note is pafd in full,u sum C'Funda")for:(a)ycarly
<br /> - •.—=ti � taxes und assessmert:s which may attain prioriry over Ihis Securiry In�trument as u Ilen on the Property:(b)yeurly leasehald
<br /> _ _�_=a••�'�� payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yeiuly hazsud or property insurnnce premiums; (d) yearly flood
<br /> °-'`' .: insurance premiums, if any;(e) yearly moAgage insurance premiums, if any; and (t)uny sums puynble by Bormwer to
<br /> ��'�"""'�`":,� L,ender,in accordance wilh the provisionx of pAragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage inaurance premiums. These !
<br /> � �- items ere called"Escrow itema." Lender muy.at any time,collect and hold Funds in i+n amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> --- •i:eil
<br /> - amount a lender for a federelly related mortgage loan muy require far Borrowerk escrow account under the federnl Rea
<br /> -�,4.Q:==_..�;. � Bstute Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from�ime w tfine, 12 U.S.C.4 2601 cr scq.("RESPA"),unless another �
<br /> --- � , law that applies to the Funds sets a IeRSCr amaunt. If so.Lender may.at uny time.collect nnd hold Funds in an amaunt nat to
<br /> _ ::� excced Ihe lesser amount. Lendcr may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the busis of current data and reasonAbl�
<br /> -- e .: � estfmates of capenditures of future Escrow Items ar othenvise in eccordance with a�licable law. �
<br /> '--:�%�.� The Funds shall be held in an institutian whose deposits nre inaured by n federnl agency, instnimentulity,or entity _
<br /> �'�.�.;� (including l.ender,if l.ender is such an institutioN ar in any Federnl Home Loan Bunk. L.ender shull apply the Funds ro pay —
<br /> =...-�.,-�� �• � y g S PP Y� B Y Y 6
<br /> �_,��,�.���� the Escrow Items. I.ender ma nat chur e Bormwer for holdin i+nd a I m the Funds,nnnuall unul zin the escrow
<br /> -.'.�a._:�-:.�,�:` . accaunt,or verlfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Barrower interest on �he Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> �=�k���?�''V'..° l.ender to make such a charge. However. Lender may require Borrower ta pay a une-lime charge for an independent real
<br /> �`-"'�'n«�r'�'�" estate tax reporling�ervice used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicablc law provldcs othenivisc. Unless an
<br /> _.-_ �°��, '�;'�„��`�`y' ugreement is made or applicuble Inw requires interes�ta be paid.Lender chnll not be requi�ed to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> = °�"���
<br /> »�,��-r��«��; earnfngs on the FLnds. Horrower und Lender mny agree in writing,howcver.that interest shall be paid on the FLnds. Lender =
<br /> —.��',,�;�,i�,. '�� shall give to Borrower.without charge,an nnnual accounting of the Fundx,showing credits an�debils ta the Funds and the �
<br />��t�;�,, purpose for which each debit to�he Funds was mude. The Funds ore pledged ps addilianal security for ull sumx secured 6y
<br /> ���'��:+ �s•� this Securiry Instrument. _
<br /> ���`���� lf the Funds held by Lender excecd 1he nmounts permitted to be held by upplicuble law. Lender shall account to _
<br /> - - - Hortower for[he eaccss Funds in accorduncc wi�h the requir����cut.ui'appiicabic taw. !f ihc amount of the Funds tseld by
<br /> ���t,:•�: ;,,.;.;,',. Lender at any time is not sufficient to poy the Escrow Items when due, Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and, in
<br />-�;������ such case Borrower shull puy to Lender the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up �he
<br /> _ _d—.—.. :+��-T•`� de�ciency in no more than twelve manthly payments,at I.ender�sole dixcrction.
<br /> Y°� �� � . . Upon payment in full of nll sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shull pmmptly refund tu Borrower r+ny _-
<br />'`:.'�-;P;= ^:,''�.. . Funds held by Lender. If, under parugraph 21.Leader shall acyuirc or sell the Property.Lender, prior to the acyuisition or _�
<br /> -t '��„,, .1`� �-� d' sale of 1he Pmperty,shall s►pply uny Funds held by Lender ut thc time of ncquisition or xule av n credit againgt the sums _
<br />.,::.!�•_" : _
<br /> -_- �� �w,w secured by this Security Instrumant.
<br /> '�'��: � � 3. Appllcatlon of PAyments. Unletis upplicuble luw provides athcrwisc, ull puyments reccived by Lcnder under —
<br /> e��.��' x'-+z�',.
<br /> „_,.,�,,., pnrogrophs 1 mid 2 ahull be upplied:first,to uny prepayment chsugex duc under thc Notc;sccond,to umountz puyuble under
<br /> ��' :;,��;•�,:,r� ", paragraph 2;third.to interest due;founh,lo principul duc;ond last,to:�ny lute chargeti due under Ihe Notc. _
<br /> tif� ''� .,:.. - .L . 4. ChprQes; Liens. Bortowcr shall puy ull luxes, ussesxments, churgcs, fines und impositions uttributuble to thc —
<br /> �-�• ��• � Property which moy uttoin priority over this Security(nstrument,und Icukhold puymem�ur ground rcnts,iP uny. Bormwer
<br />_ a� :.���� shall puy these obligu�ions in Ihe munner provided in purngruph 2,or if nW puid in that manncr,Borrower shull puy�hem on
<br />_-= w,+a..�.��•=-b time direcUy to the persun owed puyment. Borrower shall prampUy furnish to Lender ull noticc,ot'omoumti to be puid under _
<br /> -r_`" T'����•�•^��• • �his parngraph. If Borrowcr mukes thexe puymcros direcdy,Borrower shull promptly fumixh to Lcndcr rcceipt�evidencing -
<br /> ^�,.. , a� the payments. _
<br /> � �;,.
<br /> _�� �`''.� • • Bomuwer shall promptly dischurge nny lien which hus pdarity ovcr thi+Security In.r•trument unless Borrowcr:lul agrceti _;
<br />--- �.�i:=••- '. • in writing to the puymem of the abligAtion xecured by�hc lien in u munner uccep�ublr ro Lender,(b)contestx in goad Paith the -
<br />—.,--�-�. �.::•:.s.:::- lien by,or defends oguinsl enforcemeni of thc licn in.Icgul prixeeJingx which in the Lendcr's opinion opernte ta prevent thc f`
<br /> �..
<br />="":' '•� = � � enforcement of the licn;or lc)securcs from Ihc holder of thc lien un ugreemcnt sa�isfuclory to Lender ruix►rdinating the lien
<br /> �=�� � to this Securiry Inxuument. If Lender dMCrmine+thut uny part of Ihe Pn�erty i,subjec�ta u lien whicb may atmin priority �
<br />-=--�"" �,,i�:�x�°;�y �� over this Securiry Instrument,Lender may givc Botrower u notice identifying the lie�. Borrowcr shall sutixfy the lien or take _
<br />-���' `� f;''� • �� one or morc of Ihe aclions sct fath nbovc within lo Juys of thc giving of noticc. -
<br /> :axr. ' S. Hazsrcd or Property lnsurance. Burtower shull keep the improvrment+now exfx�ing or hereufter erected on the �_
<br />';;�� � Property insured ugainst loss by fire,huaurds included within the tcrm"rxtendeJ coveruge"and uny ather huzards,including �
<br /> •, • tlaoda or flooding,For which l.ender requires inwun+nrr. 'fhix inxurunce shull be muintuined in the rmoun�s and for the --
<br /> -_,.
<br /> � Fwm J02N 9/9D r/�uur=r,/o►ruxes► � .
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