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Attachment to Assignment of Beneficial Interes� �of Ueed of Trust dated July 26, 1999, <br /> ' � • ' trustor as Michael J. Sargent and Janelle E. Sargent, husband and wife, and assignee <br /> . as National Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings Association, and Five Points Bank, <br /> . a Nebraskak Corporation, as Assignor. <br /> 99 � 07754 <br /> rx ti t i�rr^n^ <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of tlie South II�IC of the Nortl�east Quarter of thc SouU�enst (Zunrter <br /> (Sl/2 NEl/4 SEl/4), of Secli�m Tl�rec (3), T'ownst�ip Ten (10) Nortl�, Range Nlne (9) West o[ tlie Gtl� <br /> I'.M.In Halt County,NcUraska,more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning At a polnt on tlie south line o[ snid Northenst Quarter of the Southcasl Quarter (NCl/4 <br /> SEl/4) sn[d point being 'Itva Ilundred Corty Unc nnd Scventy Une Itundredtlis (241.71) feet west oC ti�e <br /> soutl�enst corner of snid Northeast Qu�rlcr uC tlic Southcast Qunrter (NCl/4 SE1�4); t6ence westerly <br /> along lhe soutli Iine of slid Nortl�east Quarter of ll�e Southeast Quarler (NEl/4 SEI/4), a dislance of <br /> One Tl�ousand Eigl�ty Nine and rifty Six Elundredtl�s (1,089.56) feet, to the soulliwest corner of said <br /> Nortl�east QuArter o[ tl�e Southeast QuArler (NEl/4 SEl/4); thence northerly along tl�e west line of said <br /> NorWeust Quarter of tlie Southeast Qu�rtec (NCl/4 SEl/4), a distance of Tl�ree Hundred Sixty Seven <br /> and Flfteen Hundredths (3G7.15) fect; tl�cnce easterly purallel to tlie s�rotl� Ijne of said NortlieASt QuArter <br /> o[tlie Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SEl/4), a distance oC Une Thousand Tt�ree Hundred 'Itvenly Nlne and <br /> Six Hundredti�s (1,329.OG) feet to tl�e east line of said Section 71�ree (3); tl�ence soutl�erly aloug tl�e eust <br /> Ilne o[said Secllon Tl�ree (3), u dist�nce ou Une Ilundred f itty Eigl�t and riny One Ilundredll�s (158.51) <br /> [ect; tl�ence westeriy parnllcl to tlie suutl� liue of satd Nortl�east Qu�rter o[ the Soutl�east Quarter <br /> (NEl/4 SEl/4),a distance of'Irro flundred Forty One and Seventy One tiundredths (241.71) feel; tl�ence <br /> soutlierly parallel to tl�e east line oC safd Seclfon 77�ree (3), a distance of 'Itvo Iiundred Eigl�t and <br /> Seventy nne Ilundredths (208.71) fcct lo Uic pince uf bcginnins. <br />