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� � . � , �. . '_"`�`"�. �°��_.._�"`�""'" . -..-:--_ � <br /> - � . x-=�� �w , -, .-_ <br /> ,,, . <br /> .. � � ` l�^ M. - ._ .- �- <br /> -:=�!�i�.-. _ _�°°.� , gl-- 105530 <br /> --- <br /> _ -� �.. <br /> �=�� ' perioda thu l.ender requhea. 'fhe lnaurance c�rrler providing the insunu�oe�h�ll be thosen by Bo�rower rubject to Lender'r <br /> �pproval whtch�11 not be unrcasatuibly wi�hheld. If Borrower f�iln to mdnuin covera�e desc�bed above.Lender <br /> _�`- ---�,"}. l.e��der's option�obtain coverr�Qe a protect i.e��der's ri�ht�in the Property tn accordence with p�ngraph 9. �__._... <br /> �•. All insuruKx policies and renewals:hall be pccepuble to Lender and ehall include��undud mmt���e clause. Lender <br /> ,;" �h a l l hwve I he r i�ht to hold tha p oliciea ond ronewala. If Lender requirs�,Borrower shall promPtlY�ive to Lender dl roceipts <br /> of paid prcmiunu�nd renewa!notice�. ]n tho event of lou.Borrower sh�ll Qive prompt notica to the inwr�nce�urfe�+u�d <br /> -' Lender. Lender may m�ke proef of las�if na made promptly by Borrower. <br /> ` Un(ees i,ender�tid BoROwcr otherwise egree in writing.inruronceproceeds shall be applied to rcstontion or r+epdr of �.-:: - <br /> a `_'� �ep�operry ed. if the restoration or npair ia economically feaeible And Lenderh �ecurity b not le�sened.��l� <br /> °.� ' - � �estoration-or�r is not economiealiy feasible or Lender�s security would be�e in:utance proceeds <br /> '^�y� �•^. applied to the tuma secure�by this Security lnctrument,whWher or not then due,with�ny exce�s paid eo Burrower. If <br /> =°T��' Borrower abmdans the Prope�ty. or doea nd an:wer within 30 days a notjce from Lender that the incuran�x carrier h�s <br /> �.-u�.'�t� offered to setde a cleim.then Lendcr may calkct the insurance procads. Lender may use the proceed:to mpair or restore <br />__� ----°-°_� _ the Propetty or w pay sums cecurcd by this Secudty In�trument,whether or noc then due. The 30-day pedod wlll beQin whan f--- <br /> �" '6� - the notice Is given. <br /> --`;-'io._:�:;�y �' licetion of raceeds to rinci shall not extend or <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree!n wridng,any app P P P� <br /> ��M"����r " postpone the due ds�te of the monthly paymenta refarnd to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymenw. If <br /> -,_�;;�=��--��a"'•.���° � ur�er puegraph 21 the property is acquired by Lender,Borrower�s right to ony insurance palicies end proceeds resuldng <br /> -----�r;�;,;;,�—,��'. : from damage to the Propecty pdor to the acyuiAiNan shall paac w Len�det to the cxtent of the aums securcd by thie Secudry <br /> �°`''°""°'�'.;' InAwmrnt immediately prior ta ihe uc uisition. <br /> •���_:�.:... . <br /> ;��. : 6. pccupanry, praervation, ntenance and Protectton ot the Property; Borrower's �n AppliaiHon; <br /> 1,eateholds. Bonnwer shall occupy,eatablish.and use the Property es Bortower's principal residence within sixty day:nfter � <br /> -�r��...___,�u,,,'�",,.��� the execudon of thjs Secudty Insuument and shall continue to accupy the Property as Borrower'�pdncipal ra�idencx far at <br /> �_:,- <br />-.��-���;_.� least aaie yeu after ihe dete of occupancy. unkss Lender otherwfse in writing. which consent sh�ll not be <br /> i�:�`i`� unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuoting circumstences esist which ere beyond Bortower'a control. Bomnwer shall not <br />- <br />