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Attachment to Warranty Deed dated July 26, 199g between Michael J. Sargent and --- - <br /> Janelle E. Sargent, husband and wife. <br /> . <br /> -� . <br /> 99 � 0'7'752 <br /> rxtntirr^n^ <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of ll�e Soutl� Il�if of tl�e Nortiieast Quarter of tlie Soaltienst Qunrter <br /> (Sl/Z NEl/4 SEl/4), of Section T7irec (3), 'I'owusl�ip Te�i (10) Nortl�, Runge Nine (9) West of tlie Gtl� <br /> Hnll County, 1�Icbraska,more particularly described as Collows: <br /> Beginning ut a point on ihe soutl� line oC snid Nortl�c�st Quartcr of the Sauthcasl Quarter (NCl/4 <br /> SEl/4) sntd point bcing 'Itvo [Iundred �orty Ouc nnd Seventy Une Iluudredll�s�(241.71) feet west of tl�e <br /> s�utlienst corner of snid Nortl�east Quar(cr of tlie Soutl�enst Qunrter (NC(/4 SE1/4); tl�ence westerly <br /> along lhe soutli line of slid Nortl�east Quartcr of ll�e Southeast Quarler (NEl/4 SEI/4), n distance of <br /> One TI►ousand Eigl�ty Nine and i'ffty Six Ilundredtl�s (1,08956) feet, to tlie soulliwest corner o[ said <br /> Nortl�enst Quarter of tlie Soulheast Qunrter (NEl/4 SEl/4); tlience norttieriy along the west line of said <br /> Nortl�east Quarter of the Soutlieast Quarter (NC1/4 SEl/4), a distance of Tl�ree Hundred Slzty Seven <br /> and FiCteen Hundredths (3G7.15) feet; tl�cnce easterly parnliel lo ll�e soutl� Ilne o[sald Nortl�enst QuArter <br /> o[the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SEl/4), a distance oC One Tl�ousand Three Hundred Ttventy Nlne and <br /> Six Hundredtl�s (1,329.0� feet to tlie cast line oC safd Sectlon T7�ree (3); tl�ence soutl�erly ato��g the east <br /> line o[sald Sectton Tl�ree (3), a distnnce ou One I[undred f71'ty Eiglit and Clny One Iluneirecilhs (158.51) <br /> [ect; tl�ence westerly purullel lo tl�e suutli liue of sald Nortl�east Qurrter of the Soutf�east Quarter <br /> (NEl/4 SEl/4),a distance of'Ityo 1lundred Forty One and Seventy One Fiundredtlis (241.71) feel; tl�ence <br /> soutl�eriy parnllel to tl�e east line of said Secllou 'Il�ree (3), n distnnce of 'Itvo Iiundred Eigi�t and <br /> Seventy One Ilundredths (208.71) fcct to U�c pl�ce of beginning. <br />