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.. . , r <br /> 99 20773G <br /> 2 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, <br /> terms, and conditions of this Agreement, the parties hereby agreed <br /> as follows: <br /> 1 . Bindina. The parties agree that this Agreement <br /> shall run with the land owned by Gloe, and be binding upon the <br /> heirs, successors and assigns, and future owners of the real <br /> property owned by Gloe, as legally described above, in perpetuity. <br /> 2 . Location of Citv's Well.. City's municipal supply <br /> wells are planned to be located on real estate legally described as <br /> follows: <br /> The Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 9 North, <br /> Range 11 West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska <br /> City agrees to site its municipal wells, 98-1, 98-2, and <br /> 98-3 in the location shown on the wellfield map prepared by Olsson <br /> Associates and provided to DWR in support of City's Applications . <br /> The parties anticipate City's wells will be located <br /> within one ( 1 ) mile of the Gloe registered irriqation wells, Nos . <br /> G-7261, G-7264, and G-38731 and the possible unregistered <br /> irrigation well (hereinafter collectively "Gloe wells" ) . If for <br /> any reason City does not locate its wells in the anticipated <br /> location, or in another location within one mile of the Gloe wells, <br /> then this Agreement shall be null and void. <br /> 3. Well Restriction. In consideration of Gloe's <br /> withdrawal from DWR of their Objection to City's Applications and <br /> upon Gloe's submission to City of verifiable proof, using standard <br /> principles of hydrology and geohydrology generally accepted and <br /> applied by qualified hydrologists or geohydrologists, that the <br /> operation by City of any one or any combination of its municipal <br /> water supply wells has had an actual, material and disproportionate <br /> adverse effect on the usage of the Gloe wells, or their <br /> replacements, as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. §46-602 (3) ( 1998 <br /> Reissue) , for irrigation, stock water, or domestic purposes, <br /> including any reduction in the amount of withdrawal, rate of <br /> withdrawal and time of withdrawal, City agrees to reduce its demand <br /> on its municipal water supply wells during the time periods when <br /> the operation of the municipal water supply wells have been <br /> determined to have an actual, material and disproportionate adverse <br /> impact on the Gloe wells. Actual material and disproportionate <br /> adverse effect shall mean any effect which is not proportionate to <br /> the sharing, in times of shortage, of groundwater between the Gloes <br /> wells and the City's municipal water supply wells under Nebraska's <br /> correlative rights doctrine. The reduction of demand by City shall <br /> be made in phases until the impact has been reduced to the level <br /> which reflects Gloe's and City's proportionate share of the <br /> shortage as follows: <br />