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- ��i"� . � ..•r��I ,I i'G.�,�`� ° � � . _ <br /> ��� . -�. r+r .. ,. -- -- --- ---- - --- - <br /> �;�: ....::� — . __ <br /> ��;:��J 1� 10���� _ <br /> - - 9 <br /> _, . <br /> � � applicable law may�pocify tor roimutement)bcforo�nle oP the Prop�rty pur�uant to Any power of salo contained in thi� <br /> Security instrument;or(b)eixry of a judgment enforctng this Security lnedument. Thosc condilions arc thpt Aorrower. (p) <br /> � . payr L,ender all eums which thrm would ba due under �his Securliy lnswment and the Note as if no acceleration hed <br /> --�� occurred;(b)cures any dafault of any wher cavenanta or egreements;(c)pays all expenRes incurred in enforcing this Secu�ity <br /> - lnawment,including,but not limited to,reaeo�ubto attomeys'feea; ond(d)wkea xuch action as l.ende�may rcasonobly _ <br /> .-,,,�,,,,,e�,�„�� require to aesua that the lien of this 3ecudty lnstrument,Lender�righta in�he Property and Borrower�obligation to p�y tt�e <br /> aums secuted by this 5ocurity Insuument shull continue unchsutgcd. Upon ninstatement by Borrower, thin Security .-- <br /> Inspument and the obligations�ccuad hereby shall rcmain Pully cffective as if no ncceleration hed cecurned. liowevcr,this <br /> -.;�, - t� �I�ht ta reinstate ahall not appty in the case of ucceleration unde�paregraph 17. �__ <br /> -. �� 19. Sale of Note;ChaaQe ot Los�n&rvker. The Notc or a partial intereat in the PJote(together wi�h thia Security � <br /> Insaument)may be sold ona or more times wlthout priar notice ta�orrower. A eale may result in a chunge in the entity <br /> ---�;-� (known as the"Loan Servicer")Ihat coliecta monlhly payments due under the Note ond Ihis Security lnatniment. TIlRfC AI80 �, <br /> may be one or more changea of the Loan Servicer unrelated to e salo of the Note. If there is a chunge of the Loan Servicer, - <br /> —=::.i Borrower will be given wt�tten notice of Qie change in accordance with paregraph 14 Above und uppiicuble law. The notice � <br /> ---`'i wlll atate the name and addresa of the new L.oan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be m�de. The notice will <br /> ���� also contain any other fnformatian required b�+applicable law. —" <br /> -_ <br /> 20. H�rdous Sub�tAncea Borrower shall not cAUSC or permit ihe presence,use,disposal.sroruge,or release of any � <br /> _ _ -.--�__�_� Hazardoua Sul+Rtaacec an ar in the Propeny. Bortower shall not do.nor allow anyone else ta do,anything affecting the <br /> —�°`- '� Property that is in violation of any Envlronmemal Law. The precedi�g two sentences shnll not upply to the presence,use,o� �:- <br /> -'�'-'_`_� storage on the Property of smeil quandlies of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nc►nnel -- <br /> �_.��_�,�.._ -- <br /> _--_ ___ .- —,� residential uses and w maintenance o the operty. --" <br /> --�-• --•� •-- Borrower shall promptly Bive Lender written notice of any imestigadon,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any f���� <br /> n,.�.,;,�,_:,�� _.=. <br /> gavernmental o�regu�atory agency or p�ivate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Subatance or Environmenwl <br /> - <� '���• �: Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrawer lesms, or is notificd 6y uny governmentel or regulatory �,� <br /> .--x=r:� .��!;;;� authoriry.that any removal or other remediution of any Hazurdous Substance affecting�he Propeny is necessary.Borrower �`�.' <br /> '�"=-���.'�c:�: ahall promptly take ali necessary remedial actions in nccordance with Environmentnl Law. <br /> -�����.. As used�n this paragraph 20,"Haztudoux SubFtunces"are those substances defined us taxic or hazardous sub.r•tances by �.. <br /> ��,��= Environmental Lew and the folbwing substances: gasoline.kerosene,olher flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic �_•- <br /> `` -s�•��_ � pesticides and herdicides, volatile solvents, material�containing Asbestos or formaldehyde, and radionctive materiuls. As �;_; <br /> �' used in this peragraph 20,"Environmentul Lnw"menns federul laws and lawa of the Jurlsdiction whcre Ihe Propeny is located <br /> '�'s'"'''""`�•� lhat relate ta health,safely or environmental protec�ion. ��l• <br /> � ' • NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boirower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> =�;`�°�r�r$., .� s4;:.. <br /> ��.;:.,����,_S Zl. Acceleratton; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleralfon Pollowing Borrower's _ <br /> _= v ,�;��,��° bieAth at a�y eavenant or sgr�e�neM#n thiq�urity Inxtrument IbW not prior to accelerAtion uader paraRraph 17 _-- <br /> _ ��.. (b)fhe�ctfon re uired to cure the <br /> � ,- ;•.�, unless applicable low providea otherwlse). The not(ce ehall Apecii'y: (al the dePault; q <br /> �i. ... . defAUlt;(c)A date�not less than 30 days Prom tbe date the notke is given to Borrower,by which the dePault must be <br /> ��"�� �,.,..- <br /> — f,q�ra,��,.:-.� , ,,,,;, cured;nnd(d)tiwt failure lo cure the dei'ault on or before the date specified in 1he notice may result in acceleration oP � <br /> --_���'�• ; ,,., .:d the sums secured by Ihls 3ecurity Inatrument and sale of the Property. The nolke shall Purther inform Borrower oP — <br /> :AK•.� �� �::n� the rlght to retnsWte aiter acceleralion And the right to bring a court aMton to assert the non-existence oP a default or <br /> -���±��.;. °�:�,:: ..;,;,,.;' Any other defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. If the default is not cured on or bePore the date specified in <br /> --=.,�� � ,� •�• „ tl�e notice�I.ender pt its oplion may requi�e immediate payment in full otAll sums secured by this Security lnatrument <br /> ,Y._ , �,� , wilhout Purther demand and may invoke the power of Rnle and any other remedi�.w permitted by applkable low. �,,± <br /> _ n, ,.�.�., Lender ahell be endtled to cdlect all expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedkw provided in this parA¢rnph 21. �-' <br /> ''; . . ,,,,,,, . including,bat not 8mited to.revsonAble attorneys'Pees and co9fx oP tifle evidence, a_„ <br /> ��•• IP the power of sale is iovoked.7lrustee ghAll record a notice of default in each county in which any part of the +� <br /> ��•<�^' � Properly is IocAted And shall mafl copies of 9uch notice in the manner prescribed by epplicable law to Borrower�nd to ���'. <br /> •�°��'�'`"�"���`^ the other persona prescribed by appNcAble IAw After the time required by Applicable law,71�uslee sh�ll give public ___ <br />" . n�� � �� '.�; noqce of eale to the per�ons and M the munner presrrfbed by ypplicable luw 'IY�ustee.without demand on Borrower. �i�� <br />�-_ sholl sell lhe Properly at public auction to the highest bidder s�t the time and place and under the terms drsiqnated in ____ <br /> �..:.•� 'r � the notice oPsnM in one or more parcels nnd in any order'I�ustee determines. 7Yustee mAy po4tpone sale of all or any -�---- <br /> ..- <br /> �� pArcel ot the Property by publlc announcement pt the time And place oP any previously s�cheduled saM. I.ender or its �' <br /> • ;°�* designee may purchuse the Properly at Any sale. - <br />-:x . ��,�;`•',�� ' U p o n r e c e i p t o f p a y m e n t oP the price bfd.7Yualee shell deliver to Ihe purchaser 7Yustee'c deed conveying the <br /> - ' � � PropeMy. The recitals in the'iruslee's deed xhall be prima Pucie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. <br />, " �,'•�° ' 71�astee ahaN apply Ihe pruceeda of Ihe sale fn the following order: la 1 to all cost�pnd expen.ges of exerclvins lhe power ° <br /> � <br /> ., ,�. .. .• - -- <br />� � .,'�r,uSo.. . . ��. <br /> . •1.r, ' - <br /> , �.. <br />. -• _ : u , �� � <br /> �� <br /> F/NIII�� V/� (�N/.QPSri�I1�1UuP�) <br /> ' , r'. <br /> ., ��`�..`9' <br />� ' -_•-� -_"r. - F - <br /> o' <br /> - - - - ' • .t�:�iw.eJ�r 7�lPt��"wr!iA�. <br /> .� � i•�t:��.'.<,-r.. , . . _ <br /> . n <br /> ; ' . �.� ,�..� . . <br /> ., i . / <br /> ` • 1 � <br /> 7 . ' . I ._.. . .___' _ <br /> J <br />