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�.� � , . <br /> --: . .. . .�; ... <br /> � � 9�= ioR3�7 <br /> �llc�bb I�w m�y ipeclty!a��+ein�t�tanern) beforo�la ot the PropertY punu�M to�ny powet oF ate ccnWned in dds <br /> 9ecurity LwnunaW;a�(b)a�ay of a jud t entorcin�thl�Sacuirlty Incaument. Tt�o�e catdltloM are tM�t Barower: (�) <br /> na <br /> ' p�yt Lander dl wmt wldeh dbn be due undee thl� Security irwvumau and the NoRe u it no�oaleKation lad <br /> occuned;(b)curos�ny defwlt of any 4tNee cova�anu or a�neanmMt lc)pY�all expatu�Inamed in enfcmcin�d�i�Secudty <br /> Instrwnent� inoludin�,but not Umited w. m��We�uomey�'feer.utd(d)t�ke��uch action u L.adet mey reawr�b�y <br /> roquire to�aturo that the lia�ot thl�Securiry lewrumait.Laxkrk d�ht�in thc Property�nd 8o�rowery obll�tion to psy the <br /> witu securcd by U�is Secudty Liwument �hdl candnue wich�n�ed. Upon �+einuatematt by Barmwa. thi� Secwity <br /> Insuwadit�nd the oWlgRdoni ieairod ha�eby�hdl ran�in fully cffaKive u if no�ccelaadon h�d xcwred. Howeva.thi� <br /> �tn w reinztate cJwll aot apply in the case ot acceteeNon under para�aph l7. <br /> 1!. SwM d Natei Ciqu�e of Sawber. 7'he Note or ap�r�d inoa�at in the Nde(to�dher with Ihi�Secudry <br /> ln�sinana�t)rn�Y be wld one or more dme�without pria notice w�orrower. A�la m�y rowit In �cfun�e in the entity <br /> (krwwn u the"L.oat Secviar")tlut collxu monihlY WYmenta due wider the Nda and this Security In�qvmen� Thrne�lso <br /> mRy be pw or mone clw�ga ot the L.o�n 3erv[ar unrcl�ted w,�wile of the Note. If thene i��ch�nge of the Lan Servicer. <br /> Bonower wUl ba g�ven writtan no�ce of thn ch�nge in accor+dance with puagrnph 14 a6ove�nd appllable I�w. The notice <br /> wlll�te d�e n�mo and addrcss af tha new Lo�n Servicz�md the�s to which pay�nents al►oul�be msaa. 71u nodee wUl --. <br /> _ �Iw conuin any�er infamaflon rcquired by epplkable I�w. <br /> Yp. fuw�dow SuAp�aees. &xrower shaU not cause or permlt the prcsence.use,disposal.stonge.or rekase of�rty <br /> Hazudous SubctAncas on a in the Pmperty. Bornower shaU not do,nor allow anyone elsc w do. anything affecting d�e <br /> pr�npaty that L!n violation of any Bnvimnmental 'ilie preceding two centetkes shall not Apply to the presence,use,or <br /> etcmige on the Pnoperty of emaU qwmtitias aP Haiardoua Subwroes that are genorally rocognlud a ba�pprupriate to non►u�! <br /> reeidentid uset aad to maintan�nce of the Prnperty. <br /> Bonower shali P�P�Y B�ve I.,�nder written nwlce of any invostigadon,cln�m.dcmend,lwwauic or other acdan by any <br /> _-_-._..�.�__ govanmentai ur re8olatory agency or privata party involving the Pmperty and any H�Mous Substance or Envi�+onmental <br /> — I.�w of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower lwuns. or is notifiod by any governmeNal or regulatory <br /> wtlwdty,that any nemov�l or other rcmedi4don of any Hazardous Substance af�a�ng Ihe Propeny ir necasaryry.Borrower <br /> �hall promptly talce all neaasary rrmedi�l actions in accordance wllh Lnvfronmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragreph 20."Hazerdous Subctances"are those substances deMed ns toxia or hazardous substancea by <br />---- Fnvironmental Law and the following substences: gasoUne.kerosene. other tlammable or toxic petroleum products.toxic <br />-�— pesHcidea and herbicides,voletile solvents,materiats containing asbescos or foim�ldehyde,and tadioactive materials. As <br /> used in this peragraph 20."Bmlronmental"means federal laws and laws of the judsdiction where the Prnperty is locAted <br /> Ihat�elate to healih,safety or env�ronmental protectlon. <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />- 21: Acceleratlon; Remalks. l.ender sbWl give aoNce to Borrower prior to Acoelemdau tdlawlog Borrnwer's <br />---- breacb ot aay covenAnt or aq�reement in this Security Instrumeat(but not prbr to acceleraUoa ander p�ragrap617 <br /> -� unles�applicable I��v provides otherwise). TIIC�1MI�!'BIIflII pp4�I�: (a1 the det'ault;(b)t6e acNon reqrired to cure the <br /> ..�:„� deles!!;(e?e d$te.�ot !�4h�n�d�yg�'oro We date We aoNce is given to whicb the deiaalt must be <br /> --"�� cured;aad(d)thwt f�iluro to cure the default on or be�ore the date specMed in the aotice may result in Aeceleratian of <br />��::� We aume secured by Ihie Security I�slrument and sale ot tde Property. The notice stwU iurlder in�orm Borrower of <br /> � _ lhe right to reinatate after acceteratbn Aad the ripht to bring a conrt adbn to assert the oon�exlstence at a default or _ <br /> �.s� ony other defense ot Borrower to acceleratbn and sak. It We default ts not cured on or betore the ds�te epec(tied in <br /> - tha notice,Lender at Its option mwy require immediate payment M tldl at all sums secured by this Securtty lnstrument <br /> --="_-"�''`�==� witUout iuMder demend and mpy invoke the power ot eale and any other remedies permitted by applicaMe low <br /> .---.�:�� Lender shell be entiqed to rnllect all expenses incurred i� pursuing the remedies provWed in this paragraph 21. <br /> __,�,,�;�— Including,but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'Pees and costs of title evidence. <br /> -�.-..=^� it the power of sa1Q is invoked,7lrnatee shAll record a notice of default in each county In whieh any pArt ot!he <br /> +�,�n� Propert9 ia located and sball mail copies of auch notice in the mAnner prescribed by applicabk Iww to Borrower and to <br /> _.-,�av-�.�x;- . lhe other persons prescribed by appUcabte law A�►er the time required by wpplicable law�7lruslee shAll give public _,_- <br /> � ��`''��,.; eodce ot sale to the persons and in the mAnner presc�ibed by appllcnble IAw. 71�uslee.without demaad oa Borrower, _ <br /> --�`��w�• — <br /> ----�'_r-?J; sh�ll seM the Property at puMic Aucibn lo the bighest bidder at the time apd pls�ee And under the terms desig�ted in <br /> --_::�:: the notke ot sale in one or more parcels and in any order'Ibusfec determines. 'I�uslee may postpone snle ot all or ony �, <br /> ---�_•= parcel of the Property by public Announcement at the time and place of Any previously scheduled�te. Leader or its �F,�� <br />__� ,�L�,,,.� designee may purchase the Property at any sale. — <br /> -""= <br />