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<br /> � p�dudr that l,ender rcqoires. 71�e insurancc carcier prov(din�the insurnncc Rhall be chosen by Borrow�8�5,��t^�aFE�de*'�
<br /> - - uppsoval which r�ll rwt bc unm�oc�ably withh�ld. !f Borrower fAile to meintwin covemge dacdbed above.L.ender may. at _.
<br /> Lenderg optlon,obtein covemge to prutect Lenderh rights in the PropoRy in accordanco with pwa�rAph 7.
<br /> All insurence policiea end nenow�ls slwll be ucceptable to LRndar ond shwll include�Rtwidard moAgege cluuse, l.ender
<br /> sh�ll have the right m hold tho policies and renewuls. If Lender requires.Borrawer shell promptly givc to l,r,nder all rxefp��
<br /> of paid premiums and rencwal notices. In�ha event of loss,Barrower shall�ive pmmpt notka a the inaurw�ce oarder and
<br /> _ ,r,_,_� _� L,ender. Lendcr mpy make proof of loss if nat mada promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bormwer otherwise agree in writmg,(nsur�nce proceedx shutl be npplied ta rcgtorntion or rcpair of �, -
<br /> --_----� thep�+operty damaged,if the �rRtorntion �r repair in economicully feaRible and Lenderk cecudty is not lessened. If t6e
<br /> restoruion or repnir iR not xanomicaily feasible or I.ender's securlty would bc lessened, the insurance proceeda sholl be
<br /> applied to tho sums secured by thfs Securfty Instn�ment. whether or not then due, wilh uny excess paid ta Bortower. !P —
<br /> Bomower abandons the Proporty.or das not anawer within 30 days a notice from Lender thut the insurance carrier has
<br /> ofiered to seple a claim,then Lender moy collect thd insurance proceeds. Lender mny use�he proceeds to repair or neslore
<br /> _ .__ _s tlte Property or to pay sums secured by thia Secu�ity Instrument,whether or not�hen due. The 30�day periad wlll begin when —
<br /> tha ndlce is given. Iicalion of roceeda to rinci I shell not extend or
<br /> Unless Lcnder nnd Borcowcr othenvfRe agree in writing,nny app p P I�+
<br /> postpone thc due date of the monthly payments t�ferred to in paragruphs I nnd 2 ar chunge the amount af the payments. If
<br /> _, under paru�aph 2l the Property is acquired by Lender, Botrawer's right to any insurance policie9 und procecds resuUing
<br /> __ _ ___ ,_
<br /> — from damage tu the Property prior to the acquiaition ahall pass to Lender ta the excent of�he sumw securrat by thls Secu ty -
<br /> — Inurument immediately prfor to the acyuisition. ,
<br /> 6. Oocupancy, Preservotton, Maintenance and Proteclion ot the Propeny; Borrower e Lopn Applicationi
<br /> - -� � I.eseeholda. Borrower shall occupy,e.g�ablish,nnd use�he Property as Borr�wer's principal residence within siaty days afur
<br /> _� the oxecution of this Secudty Instrument and sholl continue to occupy the Property ns Borrawerk principal re�idence for at F
<br /> — least onc yesr atier the date of occupancy. unless Lender otherwf�e agrecs in writi�g, which consent shall nw bc
<br /> —�., unreasonably wlthheld,or unless extenuating circumstunces exist which are beyond Borrowerl�control. Borrower shall not
<br /> --• destroy�damege or impn�r the Property,ullow thc PropeRy to deteriorAte,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall �.,_
<br /> �,� be in dafault if any forfelture action or proceeding,whether civll or criminal,is begun lhat in L.ender's good faith judgment
<br /> -- could result in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise materiully impuir the lien creuted by this Secunty Instrument or
<br /> __- l.enckr'�security interest. Borrower may cure such e default and r�einstute,as provided in pArngrAph 18,by caueing the action
<br /> ---�^"° or proceeding to 6c dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's gaod fuith determinution.precludes forfeiwre of thc Borrower�
<br /> -�-��•� inlerest in 1he Properry or olher materiul impoirment of the lien cr�eated by this Secur�ty Instrument o�Lender's security �
<br /> =�$: interest. Borrower Rhall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan oppiication pracess, guve muterially fal�e ar
<br /> —�-''� inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with Any material informution)in connerlion wilh
<br /> = the loen evldenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, representationa conceming Borrower's occupancy of tl�e
<br /> = Propr�ty,ss r�,ri�x:ipai residence. IF this Sccurity lastrument ls on a len+:Phold,Borrowcr shall comply with ull ihe provisions
<br /> „�,r�__`� of the lease. If Borrowcr acquires fee�itk to the Propeny.�he IeasehoW nnd the fee title shall not mcrge unless Lender agnecs _
<br /> to the merger in wr�ting.
<br /> -.-��';�� 7. Protection of I.ender'A Rlghfs In the Property. If Bortower foils ro periorm the cavenanls and ogreements
<br /> � contained in this Seeurity Instrument,or there iti u legul praceeding that may r�ignificantly aifect Lender's rights in the
<br /> —__;� Property(such us a praceeding in bunkruptcy,probate,for candemno�ion or forfei�ure or to enfarce luws or regulations),�hen �
<br /> - l.cnder may do und puy for whatever is necessury to pmtect the vuluc of the Praperty and Lender+rights in the Praperty. _
<br /> ��-� Lender's ac�ions may include puying any sums newrcd by u lien whkh ha4 priarlty over thi+5ecurlty Instn�ment,appearing __
<br /> �. �;� in court.pnying reusonable uuorneys'fecs u��d enterin6 on�he F�roperty to make rrpairs. Ahhough Lender muy �uke action _
<br /> -=�:•=�-a under�his pamgraph 7,Lender does not hnve�o do so. ��,
<br /> - Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this purngruph 7 shull t�ecome udditional debt of Borrower secured by�bis .
<br /> - --°— Security Inswment. Unless Borrower und Lcnder ugree to other ierms of p:�yment,the,e umountx xhull beur interest from the �
<br /> _—__-'�'-.'�•� dute of disbursement ut the Note rute und rhull be puyuMle, with interest,upm notice from Lendcr to Botrower reques�ing �_
<br /> -==--,• poyment.
<br /> -��=�� S. Morlgage Insurance. If Lender required mortguge inruronre us u condition of making Ihe loun secured by�hix _
<br /> --�{ '�°`���� Security Inxlrument. Borrower shall puy tlx:premiums required to maimuin�he mortgage fnsurunce in effec�. If, for uny
<br /> --�,-��:' reuxon, the monguge insurance covcruge reyuireJ hy Lender lupses or ceusrti to be in effec�, Bonower +hall pay the —�
<br />—•---�_�,,,;,:: premiums reyuired to obtain covers�ge subxlunliully equivulent w Ihe mortguge insurunce previously in effect, ut u cutit
<br /> --=:...'`�s� aubstunciully eyuivulent ro�he cost to Bonowcr of the monguge inwurunce previourly in effect,from an aUemute mottguge
<br /> ;:h;;,;�.�� x insurer approved by Lender. If�ubxluntiully eyuivulent m�xtgage insuruncc covrrogr i4 nat avuilable,Borrower shall puy lo
<br /> -�-,��i`�s1�:�'r;., Lender euch momh a sum eyual to onc-�welf�h of�hc ycurly mortguge insurunce prrmium befng paid by B�rrower when the --
<br /> -° •'?���:�` insurance coveroge lupsed or ceuxed to lx in eFfec�. L�nder will uccept.we unJ re�uin�hexe payments as u loxs reserve in lieu �,
<br /> -° �-��- of mongage insurunre. Loxx rezrrve puyments muy na longcr be rcyuircd,ut �hc�►p�ion nf Lendcr, if mortguge insurnncc =_
<br />_�.;'���:�_� covem�e(in the amount and for thc F�enoci thut I.cnJer r.�yuires)provided by un in.urer��pproved by l.ender uguin herome� _
<br /> u,. uvuilablc und is��b�uincd.Borrower vhull puy Ihc prcmiums rcyuimd to muinlain mur��ugc insur•rncr�u cl'Icc�.�►r tu providc i�
<br /> 3°'1�'`"*?7',�'�`"�`''�' loxs rescrve,until the rcyuiremern for m��rtRaFc inxurunce ends in accordunce wiih any wriucn ugmement 6etwecn Borrowcr =,=-
<br /> �d_a�f+l_��,,�.a u���...
<br /> .�t �;.�.,.�� und Lcndcr or upplicublc luw. ___
<br /> �(- 9. Inspectlon. Lender or i�s ugrnt mny mukr reutiona�Mc emric.upon wid in.Exctiun�uf�hr Pru�ny. Lcnder�h�dl �_::
<br /> �ilFiti^y�,�;-.�-�,_.
<br /> „V ij._�__, give Borruwer notire nt thc time ut'or prior to un ins�xrtion w�xcifying rci�xnnublc rauu Gw Uk ins�kction. �•:
<br /> `'"....•` 10. CondemnWlun. The pr�xreJti ol'an��uward or cluint frn'Jmnagr�.dirrcl��r rnmcyurnliul,in runneclicm with uny .-
<br /> .:. . . �•�"
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