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<br /> t� Ii'l.endec nquirad mori{qe inwtnux a�ooadiNa�af m�icin�the lo�n�acurod by thia Security ltWruma�t.
<br /> :�.. .�. Borrower shtll pay the pr�raium�requirod to nuiatain tbe imunrt�ce in eQect until tuch tima a the raquiremeat fot ths L
<br /> insur�nco termin�ta in accordaece with Horro�er'��nd Lender'�wrltten a�rament or�pplic�blo Iww. -
<br /> ,r'' -`�`: O. iasp�ctia�. l.endar or in�ant may mske rauon�ble enl�la upon and inspections of the PropertY•Laid�� --...
<br /> • �lull�ive Horrower notice at the tima of or prior to�n in�pection specityin�rawoable causa for the impection.
<br /> "�°~ 9. Co�dew�tlai. The proceed�of�ny awud or cl�im for dam��a�direct or con�cquantW.ie connection with
<br /> _ L',�",> any condemmtion or other tskinQ of any put oi the Property,o�for convcy�nce jn lieu of coadmnndlon,ae berrby --
<br /> -�_±�'r` as�i4ned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> -•�_ "R"�� in thc event oP s toul takiaQ of the Property.the proceads shdl be�pplied to the sumt�ecured by this Sxudty __
<br /> N_�,�a .
<br /> �--,��,.�;� Inurument.whether or not then due.wlth�ny excaa p�id to Borrowa.ln tbe evmt oP�putid takina of the Property�
<br /> �-x��_. unlaa Horrower�nd Lmder otherwi�e��roe io wdt�na,the sums�ecured by this Security Iestrument shall be reduced bY
<br /> - --y-�' t he�moun t o f t he p r o c e e d s m u l t i p l i e d b y t h e f o l lowin g fraction:(a)the total unount of the sums�ecured immediatdy
<br /> �a _ .
<br /> - �- - -` beforc thc twkiog,divided by(b)the fair muket vdue oi ehe Pr+operty immediately beforc the takina.Any bslaace�hdl be
<br /> ,�-'"�',� •_.. ---
<br /> �"'�-°'s��"� paid to Borroaer. --
<br /> '-°;�•- If the Property is ab�ndoned by Borrower,or if.aiter notice by Lender to Horrower that the condemnor olFen w _
<br /> _____,_�-�---��`'a'ti�:=�- - make an�wud or settle a c Wm for d�m�ga,Borrower fdb to rcapond to Lender within 30 day:after the date the notice i� _
<br /> -_�,��,,r. � � given,i.ender is authorized�o collect w�d apply the proceods.at its option�eithar to ratontion or repair of the PrnpertY ur _-
<br /> - .:,;:,„ to the sumc xcured by this Securlty Inatrument,whether ar not then due. -
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in ar�ting,my application oPproc�eds to principsl th�ll not extend or !`
<br /> '��'!W .�"�•°�'•�' pestpone the due date of tbe monthly paymenta rcferred to in pnragraphs 1�nd 2 or charnge the amount of such payments. �_ ;
<br /> *�� �.,�;._: � 10. Borrower Not R�leaad=Forbeu�uke By Le�der Not �Wdrer. Eatension of'the time for payment or _
<br /> e
<br /> modiflcation of amortization of the sums seeured by this�3ecu�ity Instrument grwued by Lender to any :uccasor in �
<br /> ''.,: � .,,,j�{ a:� k .. interat of Borrower�hall nat operate to rele�se the li�bility of�he original Borrower or Borroaer's�uccesro�r in interat. _
<br /> ' � �`•' '' Lender shall not be required ta commence proceadinga ag�nst any successor in interat or refi�se to extend time for =-
<br /> �� ���• paymant or otherwise modiiy amorti:alion oP the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand m�de �_
<br /> "• by the original Borrower or Borrower's successora in interest.Any forbeanuice by Leader in exercisin�any ri�ht or remedy ---
<br /> ��� "'� o���• � Rilall not be a waiver of or prcclude the eaercise of ony right or remedy. ��
<br /> ;,:: .. '��:•.� Il. Succes�on�nd Assi�Bouad;Joint aad Se�enl U�bWtn Co-:I�nen. The covenau�ts and Agreements of i'_
<br /> �� .,� •• this Security Inatrument shdl bind and beneflt the succasore and�ssigns of Lender and Borrower.subject ia ihc prav�sioiss —
<br /> .� of parograph 17.Borrower's covenants�►nd agraments sMail be joint and ceveral.Any Bonower who ca�igns this Secudty _
<br /> ;.�� .;. ;_} Instrummt but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing thia Security instrument oniy to mortgage,grant and convey _
<br /> that Borrower s intcrcst in the Property under the terms of thi�Security Instrument;(b)ia not personally obligAted to p�y
<br /> , �..'�,.. ., the sum:secured by thia Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agra to extend. ��
<br /> '•y��_ � modify.Porbear or make any+�ccommadations with re�ard to the terms of this Socurity Instrument or the Note without
<br /> ' !��'`"� ''� thot Horrowcr's conscnt.
<br /> � '�"''• , 12. Loan ChuQe9. If the lonn securcd by this Security Instrument is subject to a law whieh sets ma�cimum loan �
<br /> " ""�'• charges, and that law is �nally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chargec collected or to be collected in —�
<br /> ' . " . connection with the loan cxceed the permitted limit�, then: (a)any such loan charge shell be reduced by the amount —
<br /> . necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded �``
<br /> ' permitted limits will be refunded ta Borrower. Lender may choose to make thix refund by roducing the principal owed
<br /> . • '. under the Note or b makin a direct a ment to BBrrower.If a refund reduces principai,the reduction will be treated as a �"
<br /> ; Y B pY
<br /> . � partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. —
<br /> �,�:.+ 13. Le�tolallon AKectlnQ I.ender's RiQhW. If enactment or eapiration of applicable laws has �he effect of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according�o ns�erms,Lender.et its option.
<br />� � , may require immediate pAyment in full oP all sums secured by tbis Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies :•
<br /> • .. � -�•:.,� permitted by paragrnqh 19.li Lender exercises this option,Lender shall take the steps specified in thc second paragraph of �;.;
<br /> paragraph 17. _=_
<br /> �' ° " " 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided Por in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or by _
<br /> • mailing it by Brst class mafl unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be dirtcted to the "
<br /> " Property Address or any other eddress Horrower designates by notice ta Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by ,._
<br /> ' first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designa�es by notice to Borrower.Any notice �
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shqll be deemed to have been�iven to Borrower o�Lender when given as provided ��
<br /> � -°�� _ in this paragraph. �T.
<br /> 1S. Governiag Law;5evers�bility. This Security Instrument shall be gaverned by federal law and the law oPthe
<br /> , juri4diction in which the Propeny is loceted. In the event thut any provisian or clause of this Security lnstrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such canflict shall not affect other pro�•isions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note �
<br /> which can be gi��en effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the pravi�ions of this Security Instrument and the �
<br /> Note are declared to be severable. ~
<br /> • , ' 16. Horrower•s Copy. Borrower yhall be given onr rnnformcd ci�py of thc Nc�tc und of this Security Instrument.
<br /> _., . _ - 17. Tronsfer of the Property or q Hene8clol Interext in Borrower. If aU c�r any part uP the Property or any
<br /> � , interes�in it is sold or trnnsferrecl(or�f n bene(irial mterest m Borrower i�sold or trunsfrrrcd and Borrower i�nu�u uatural '
<br /> , person)without Lender's pric�r written conaent.Lender may,at it�optiun,reyuire immediate payment in Pull��f ull sums
<br /> , secured by this Security Imtrument. However,th�s optam shall not be cxerci�ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by �
<br /> fcderal Inw as of the date of th�s Security Instrument. .
<br /> If Lender excrcises ihis option,Lender shall give Borrower nouee c,f acceleruuon.The nntice tihall prnvide a perioc!
<br /> . •+- ...•.....��....w....�n a.....r,.....ti.ao...ti......:..�.,a.i�.,.�...i...�„o�Iw1 u,�eh�n Whirh pnrrowcr mu�t nav ull tiums Secured by
<br /> •..
<br /> --_��- �- � ..........,,,,..............�...............»......_......__._.._.••-•--... ..._.•-- •---- . . �
<br /> ��• this Security Inatrument. lf Borrowcr fuils a�pay theve cums pn��r la�hr ezpiration uf thi..prnrd.Lender m�y mw�ke any h
<br /> ,,, remediespermitted by thisSecurity Instrument without furthernoticcordemand�m Bc�rmwcr. �
<br /> . 18.Bor�ower's Right to Reinatate. If Bormwer mee�s ccrtain candition•.Ik�rrower�hall ha�•c the right w huve
<br /> �' ` enforcement of thiti Securi�y Inslrument di�continued at any nme prior t��thr curlirr af:(a)S days(ar such other pericxf o+
<br /> , appbcablr law•muy�pecify for rein�wtement)before wle of�he Properry purw.+nt t�i:iny{wwrr uf sule r�m�ained in�n�x
<br /> Security lnstrument;or(h)entry��f a judgment enforcros th�.5erurny lu�trum:n�.7'hu+c condmon.are thal Dorrowcr:
<br /> (a)pays Lender�II sums which then would be due under �his Security Intitrument und thc Note had nu u�relcra�ion
<br /> occurred; (b)cures uny defuult of any other covenant�ur ogreement+; (c) p•ry+ull exFxn+es mcurred m enfixcmg Ihic
<br /> �� Security Instrument, mcluding,but not Gmited lo,rea<onable nttorneys'fees:and(d)luke+such arnon a.LenJrr may
<br /> " re:��unssbly require tu assure that thc lien of thix Security lmtrument, Lender'� nght+in Ihc Property und H��rrower's
<br /> obligation ta pay the sums xcured by this ScK:un�y In.trumen! shall con�inue unchungrd. l.►�x►n reins�u�ement by
<br /> Borrower,thia 5ecurity Instrument and the obligotions secured hereby shall remam fully effect�ve as�f no urcelerauon hud
<br /> '' � � occurred.However,this ri�ht to rcinstate shail not apply in ihe ca�e of acccleralion under parugrupha 13 or 17.
<br /> � . . f
<br /> f
<br />