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<br /> ��� Lp�ll XO. ZQ�•�440-57686-1G1 �-
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<br /> �+�•�� tlf�pv►s. t!u unMr�iqn�d. � 1. s eer-•'-� nd s!i riw st•ii•v, hu■band -----
<br /> ...��.:� a^,,nd vil� hav� appl��d !or a loan Lo b� ��our�d by s aiortqa9Utru�ti d�a on th�
<br /> ,.;:,:�. .� loila+inq-d��orib�d pr�ri��� i�n _ �ai1 County, N�bra�ka. to-wit�
<br /> - - �v�-`«" �p,�,, TB1E,. BS�,.
<br /> -.__�;��. .
<br /> -.-�� , ioW s� r x
<br /> -�— - - /�l11M� ---------��..----------�---------••��..-------- 30 9!i • ' -
<br /> - �,R'f.'a57laY.r,,
<br /> �_---���'!�'�'� ,^" oonsisLinq o! _�_ aar��, mor� or 1���. to larm Cr�diti 8ank o! am�ha, omaha, ° -
<br /> '��''��-n<, p�bra�ka, wbioh loan i� in tl� oriqinal prinoi.pai amauat o! � 66.000.00 � a�d
<br /> ��.,:q*`.1:q. .
<br /> ..—��}scea,�4•. —
<br /> w=_��r.�':� :s;,;;�'� i�lgsbe, th�r� i� s tarm l�a�� with ths t�rm o! yoar�, vrhioh --
<br /> -- — ,�+..
<br /> __ -'�:i�:s:-::_ i�ss�� th� abov�-d��crib�d r�ai ��tat� to wavn� su•be,om and
<br /> . :� . � .
<br /> ���'i';i�_.,;: . .. �"_
<br /> -�� �� ,�;��,;� tiHSttt118, th� nnd�r�iqn�d ar� pr���nlly �ntiitl�d to aii o! tb� r�nt• du�
<br /> �..• .;.��� � und�r �aid aqr�wwne� -
<br /> .�•���
<br /> :�� �
<br /> �,;'. • '.� '" �l ' ppp, THips1'aRS, in aon�id�ration o! m�kinq th� loan and oth�r qood and
<br /> �4� J �"1.� . valu�bi� consid�ra�ion, th� r�a�ipt o! whioh i� h�r�by aoknowl�dq�d, tho
<br /> ~ .:,1 � ''• • -�0.., und�r�iqn�d h�r�by tran�l�r, s�t ov�r, and oonv�y �o �arm Cr�dit Bank oi -
<br /> �Y�'�';� a�� Oi�ha aii o! tih�ir int�r��t in and to ��id l�a�� aqr�nt. ia lurth�r
<br /> � � . •�Sc�, ;. , con�id�ration th�r�ot, th� und�r�iyn�d h�r�by wbhoris� and dir�ot wavn�
<br /> =T,,'�`- , au�.boom, th�ir �uaa���or� +uid a��iqn�, to mak� alI payaraE� at r�nt uador tha _-
<br /> ',�"�• .. �' taria l�a�� to tarm Cr�dit eank o! Omahs as oo-payN wiLh th� aad�r�iqn�d, Dal�
<br /> � •° , . ° L st��i�v �nd ehiri�v St�ariw hu�b■•+d and wil�
<br /> `v'� .�.
<br /> �'' Th� und�r�iqe�d larth�r ayr�� that s�y �xt�n�ion or r�n�,ral oi th� farm e=-
<br /> . i ' � �; � ' l�a�� i• �ubi�ot to prior approvai by yarn► Cr�dit eank o! Omaha Rnd any �uah ��"
<br /> `"''"� � � �xt�mion or r�n�wal will b� �ubj�at to a li1c� a��iqrmwnt. __
<br /> .
<br /> ���� ' �• 1►11 0! �aid mon�y�, wh�n saa�iv�d by Yarm Cr�dit Bank o! amaha •hall, b� ,-
<br /> � V. � appli�d at th� option o! �aid Bank in �uah proportion a� tsrm Cr�dit eank o! � '
<br /> •� Omaha, may in it• �ol� di�ar�tion dwm prop�r, r�qardi��• o! wh�th�r th� t�rm�
<br /> � • ,. � upon whiah �aid �a►ouat� ar� appli�d r�pr���nt prinaipal or int�r�st or =_
<br /> ; '�° advana�nt�, or ar� du� or not du�� or �aid Hank aaay at it� option turn ovor
<br /> � " and d�liv�r tio th� und�r�iqn�d •11 or any part o! •aid aawunt• without prajudia� �;
<br /> ;►�� to any o! it� otih�r riqht� und�r thi� imtrum�nt or aoy oth�r in�trum�ne in
<br /> .,.;,.�.,� conn�ation wtbh •aid lou�. -
<br /> �. '.` ,. --
<br /> • ..' Th3� 1►��iqrun�nt i� �x�aut�d a� additional ��writy tor th� paya�at of th� _ _
<br /> � ` � abov�-d��crib�d loan, or any r�n�wal, r�amortisation, r�lundinq loan, or _
<br /> � ' ' - ' , �uppi�ntal loan on th� �bov�-d��orib�d s�ourity and upon th� payaNnt oi �uah _-
<br /> s„�;_
<br /> � •� loan�• r�n�vrai, r�amortisation, r�fundinq loan, or �uppl�ntai loan, this ___
<br /> ' � a��iqnm�nt �haii b�ooa� inop�rativ� and void. �
<br /> �,..., ,
<br /> � � Dal�d ae Gran_d Islan,d. NE , thi� 14th day o! Auwat , 19,�y_. �
<br /> � / � c�� . ��/, ,
<br /> . ,� ., . +
<br /> • Dai� 1. t �rl�y � 8hirl�y Stea • '
<br /> . � p
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<br /> aT�►Te or rr�e�u+sxn � j
<br /> . . � •�. r
<br /> OOUNTY O! HAi.L �
<br /> `--'-__ .,......... .
<br /> - -- On Ehi� 14th day oi A�irniat � A.u.� i� v i � �ava� .�� L ..����+
<br /> + � publia, in and for �aid county and �tat�, p�roonaliy app��r�d Dala F. SteariQV ;
<br /> f • and Sh+r��v 8t�ariav h��band and wilo to ro� known to b� tho por�oa� namod in
<br /> and who �x�aut�d th� loraqoinq in�trum�nt, and �cknowl�dqod that th�y oxocuted
<br /> • th� �am� a� thoir volunt�ry aat and d��d.
<br /> l_. �
<br /> ���� R nald L. Reiser
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> �a..o��u�+
<br /> � �
<br /> ; �
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