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�._.. .____ <br /> __�. ,:� '�' .. , « <br /> — _ _ ....�.,....a� _�,� :::. — <br /> , .�; ..:.. ' :..� <br /> __. � f.�rt".\ � i. 'W4'�__ _ <br /> ."��. !.�.. . .._ _ __ • - __ <br /> --�-`. _� ..i r: +__'. rr?��_L•�� __ -__--_. <br />���t�',% � • __�_�� __-_ . <br />_ _��_ -- --.�-. 9�.... 1€��4�� <br /> I payments,which a�rofcrrod w in Paragrap�2,or ch�nge the iunount of such pwymente. My cxcesr proceods over an <br /> -- amountroq uirod to p�y�11 ouaw�din�indebtedrie�under�he Noto u�d�hi�Security In�trument�hall be pud w�ho entlly <br /> =_ _ _ ____ le��lly enddeA thcreto. _ <br /> � .,,� — 8. Feea. Lender may coltect fas and charQex wthoriud by the Secrctary. <br /> :T. 9. arounds tor A¢cekratioa of Debt. <br /> (�)Detwl� Lender may.eaapt�Iimlted by regulationa iacued by the Secretary in�he cn�e of psyment defwlt�, <br /> •requine immaN�te{wyment in full of WI eumc secw�ed by thia Secudry In�uument iG <br /> •�� (i)Bc»TOwer defaullr by falling to pay in full any mon�hly peymeat aquimd by thi�Securiry In�uumertt p�ior <br /> -�=----�---_---_� <br /> °"' to or on Ihe due date of the next monthly payment,or ` <br /> _� (ii)Horrower defaulw by failin�,for a pedod of thirty days,to pe�farm any other oblig�tiaw contained in thie <br /> - ��-=:.i Security lnstrumenG <br /> .,� (b)Si�le Wltbout Credtt ApprovAl. L.ender shall,if pertnitted by applicc►ble law ond wlth the prior�pp�oval of the <br /> Secretery�requirc immediate payment in full of all Ihe auma secuad by this Security Ins�rument if: <br /> '_=,:� � (i)A I or part of thc PropeRy�or a benefici�l interest in a wst ownfig all or prut of the PropeRy, is wld or <br /> otherwlse trar►sferred(other than by devixe or descentl by the Borrower,und <br /> -�����: (ii)7'he Property is not accupied by the purc baser�Ois or�tixr credit Thacr not cti en�approved in a cordance <br /> --°-�-�� or grantee daea so occupy the Properry <br /> ��-.�•a with the requirementa of the Secretary. <br /> —_—'" '}`�a�'a' (e)No WAiver. If circumslances occur that would permit I.endor to require immediate puyrtient in full,but Lender <br /> - �--A ..� <br /> _��=-� das not nquirc suchpayments,L.ender daes not weivc itx�ights with respect to subxequent events. <br /> � -�"--- (d)Re�ulntlona of HUU Sieeretary. In many circumstancns rcgulations irsucd by th�Secrctury wiU timit l.ender'a <br /> `- rights, in the cese of payment defaults, toreq uire immediste payment in full nnd foreclose if not paid. This <br /> --- _ Security Insaument dces not authorize acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of U�e Secreiery. <br /> -_-__�-___ (e)Mortgpge Not Insured. Borrower agrecs thpt should this Securiry Insirument end the nutc recured thereby not <br /> ��. � be eligible far Inaurance under the National Housing Act within � ��}� from the <br /> ���,,!•� � Y � �6rAPn q <br /> � . date hereof.Lender may,at i�g option and notwith5taadin an �hin in ,require immediate payment in <br /> .;,_. fuil of all sums secured by this Security Insuument. A wdtten statement of any nulhorized pgent of the Secretary <br /> �_��i:4,�_• deted subsequent to *h from Ihe date hereof,dedining to msure this Secu�ity <br /> "�-_���s Instrument and the note��c��Zti�eby,shall ba deemed conclusive praof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding <br /> =�sc�'..:.�r9� �• the foregoing,this aptiom m�y nc�t be exercised by I.ender when the unavuilability af fnsurancc ia solely due to <br /> �;�i-µ`n 7,`� , Lender's failure to remit a mongage insuruncc premium ta the Secretary. <br /> � 10. Relnatatemeat. Borrower has a right to be rcinstated if L.endcr has required immedipte payment in full because <br /> -��-�"�;;,�,�;, � of Bomower's failu�e to pay an amount due under the•Note or this Security Instrument. This right applies even ufter <br /> ,-�Ft;;::.:.; , , foreclosure proceedings are instituted. 7b reinstnte ihe Security Instrument, Borrower shaU tender in A lump sum ali <br /> - amiwntx required to 6dng Borrower's account currem including,to the extent they are obligations of Bortawer under this <br /> -�'-:i�;-. `k°�� Secu�iry Instrument,forecbsure costs and reagonable and customary a�tomeys'fees nnd expen�:�pruperly assckiaicd wiih <br />':�': 'c;.�.N_:.,� , the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reins�stement by Borrower,this Security Instrument und the obligonons lhat it secures <br /> 0 <br /> •�: shall remein in eifect as if Lender had not rec�uired immedlate puyment in full. However,l.ender is not required topermit <br /> _7�� � ' �j " reinstatement if: (i)Lender has accepted remstutement after the commencement of fareclosut+e prceecdings withln two <br />;;_� �.+ yeara immediately preceding the commencement of a curtent foreclosure praceeding, (ii) reinstatement w�ll preclude <br /> ^.,� �'� ;�� '�� " foreclosure on diffen:nt grounda in tha fuwrc,or(iii)reinstotement will udversely uffect the priority of the lien creatcd by <br /> �;� <br /> t� ,,. ,;.,�' .• �hisSecurity Insuument. <br />�•� `� � I1. Borrower Not Rekwsed: ForbearAnce b� Lender Not u Waiver. Eatension of the time of payment or <br /> . 4,.. ,�., :. <br /> , ��, ,,�, madification of umortizntfon of the sumc secured by thix Securi�y Ins�rument gmnted by Lender to nny successor m interest <br /> .�._ ...._, ,' . . of Domower shall not operate to releare the liubility of Ihe originul Bortower or Bortower's successor in interest. l.ender <br /> *� W . shall not be required to commence proceedings uguinxt uny sucrexsor in inlerest or rcfuse to extend�ime for payment or <br /> otherwise morify amortizution of the sumx securcd by this 5ecurity Instrumem by reuson of nny demund mude by the <br /> '_;���+,;-;,_-,.• o�iginal Borrower or Borrowerk successo�s in intercst. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall <br />"��'-"��:-=::''�� not be a wniver of or preclude the excrcixe of ony right or remedy. <br />'`�`�,:'�� ,� ,,,,,, 12. Succes,sors wnd Assiqna Bound;Jolnt and Several Liobillly;Co•Signer�. The covenants smd ngreements of <br /> �:��•_,;,_�LL_, thia Security Inxtrument sholl bind nnd benefit the succesxors und atisigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisiona <br /> -_a�°�';�' " `' of Pur�grsph 9.b. Bomower�+cuvenants und ugreementa shall be joint und severAl. Any Bortawer who co-signs this <br /> ''"" Security Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (n)is cu-xigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage, rant nnd <br /> --�. ,,:�• � <br /> + .� convey thut Borrowerk interest in the Property under the�crms of this Security Instrument;(bl is not personully ob igated to <br />=���`,�{�i"' ' pay the sums securcd by thig Security Instrument;nnd(r)agme�thut Lender unJ uny other Borrower muy ugree to exlend, <br />-____�. � <br /> �- ;;. f�;;,• modify.forbeur or muke any accommodations with regard to the�rmi.oi thi�Security Instrument or�he Note without t ut <br />��i�� '` Borrower�s consent. <br /> �.., tAS1..� � <br />="� �:�"-� " � t l3. NoNces. Any noticc to Bam�wer provided for in thi+Security Instniment shull be given by delivering it or by <br /> ' w,_. • � ` "` muiling it by first clusti mail unless applicubk law reyuircs use of unrnhcr methai. The nolice shall be directed ta the <br /> ."-'�' Propeny Address or any uthcr uddres+Bormwcr dcsigoutes by iwtire w Lcndec Any nulirc to l.ender shnll be givcn by <br /> -=�-� ���, -N' .�J first cluxs mail to Lenderti uddre�+ xwted hcrein or uny uddre„ l.ender drtiiunutez by notice ro Borrower. Any notice <br />`Yr " provided for in this Security In.trument shull he dcemeJ to huvr Ix�n givcn ta Bnrmwcr or Lender when given ax provided <br /> ' . . . , in this pArugraph. <br /> � °" 14. Governing I.Aw;tieverabilily. Thiti Security In+trumcnt .hall Ix guvemcJ by �deral law and thc luw of the <br /> . juri+diciion in which the Pmpeny is I�xuttd. In�he event thut ony pr�►visiun ur cluuxe of thiti Security Instrument or the <br /> Note canflictx with aipplirublc luw,wch conflict +hull not uffect other provi,ium��f�hix 5ecurity Instrument or�he Note <br /> . whinc�an be given effec�with��ut the contlicting provixion. Tii thix end the provi�i�m�of�hiz Serurity Instrument ond the <br /> •�� . Nwe ure declured to be�everuble. <br /> � � 15. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr tihall Ixx givcn onc cunti►nn�J ropy o(Ihi+Srcurity Itt+�rumcnt. <br /> ' 16. Asslgnment of Rents. Borrower unrunJitionully u..i�n�unJ trumtcr.tu Lcnder all�he remx und revenues of the <br /> propeny. Barr••w�r nuthoriir�I.rndcr ur Lcnder:u�enh to ci►Ilrrt Ihe Rn1.und rcvcnuc�unJ hercby dinxl,each tcnunt of <br /> . the Propeny to puy thr rentti to Lendcr or Lcnder:ugcnh. Huwrver,prior to Lrmkr.noticc to Hormwcr ot Horrowcr: <br /> , breuch of any covenunt or ogreement in the Securiry tn.�rument.Borruwer,hull collrr�und rcceive vll rents urxi n�venues of <br /> " the Property as tru�tee for thc Ixnefit of LcnJcr uncl Bnm�w•cr. Thi.u+signmrm ut'rent.con�tiw�es un ubxolulc ussignment <br /> �- • '�- and nnt on acsignment fiir udditi�►nul Kwrity only. <br /> ,�t!!�r��-��a�__ _ If Lendcr�tives notirc of brcurh to Bom►wer: lul ull rcnt+nrcivcJ hy Bartuwcr shull ix hcld by Borruwer us uu,tee <br /> - <br /> -: --T --- - --- - <br /> •.�_, . <br /> fur benefit of Lender onty,a�Ix applied to thr sum� scrund ay ine icrunry in.irumcnr, ini i.�nuer .nuu ��c��������� �.� <br /> . .. rolk�ct and receive ull uf thc romx ot'thc Rnperty:and lcl each tcnunt ul thr PnKx rty.hall pay all ren�s Jue•rnJ unpaid ti� <br /> " " Lender or Lender ti ogrnt on Lcn�kr�writtcn demund to�hc tenxn�. <br /> , ., •• Bcxmwcr hu�nnt cxeculyd uny prior u�.ignmcnt of�hc rcnt. und ha� nut ond will n�N �rli�m� :u�y uct thu� would <br /> . • prevent Lender fnun exenitiing i��ri�hts uixlcr thi+Purogruph I h. <br /> „ Lendcr shull iwt tk reyuircJ to rntcr upun,tiilcc r�►ntn�l uf�x maiutoin�hc 1'ro�xrly Ix�ti►rc or aRcr givin�nulicc�►f <br /> ? breuch to Borrower. Howevcr, Lcndcr ur u judiciully uppuintrJ receiver nwy du w ut any time thcn i,u breu�h. Any <br /> ' � upplicu�ion of rentx shull n�u curti��r waive any defuult ar mvuliJutc imy u�hrr riFh�ur rrmrdy uf Lrnder. '1'hi.a�+itinmen� <br /> oF rents of the Ropchy,hull icm�inulc when thr dclu securcd by the Srrurity In.trument i.puid in full. <br /> � „ . qwXr?��/o��vr.► <br /> " . ' <br /> ` <br />