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<br /> _-- TU()ETHgR WITH oll the improvGmmts now or he�+eoRer ctocSCd an Itie property.pnd All wuement�.appurunoncer.
<br /> .
<br /> _--° rt All re lacementa ond addlUons sholl also be cuvercd by lhis Sxu ty
<br /> •nd Oaturcs now ar henrcaftcr A part of the prnpe Y• P
<br /> "��° _�-T=--' Incunmatt. All of the fot+e�oing ix rcferted to in thla Sccu�ity Instrumcnt as the"Property."
<br /> -- :ie BORROWER COVBNANT3 thut Bormwer is lowfully seiced af the ea�atc hercby canvcycd and has thc riQht to�r�tt
<br /> ,;��, and convey�he Property and that the Properry is unencumbered,eacept for encumbriu�ces af rcconl. Bomawer wurnnta�nd
<br /> will defend�ener�ily tM dUe to the PropeRY against�II claimo and demAnds.cubject w any encumtxance�of record.
<br /> � THIS S6CURITY INSTRUMENT combinca uniform cavenanls for national uso und non-uniform covenantt wfth
<br /> ---�-- — � Umited varfatfona by judsdiction to cons�itute a uniform security Instrument covcdng rcal property. --
<br /> � � UNIFORM COVENANT3. BoTmwer and l.cnder covenant end agree as fallaws:
<br /> _:� 1. P�yment of PriacipW wad Interat; PflP1ry111lIIl A11d Lqt!ChAt'�CA. Borrower shall promptly pay when duo Ihe
<br /> __ princfp�I of and intercst on the debt evldenccd by�he Not�and a�y pr+epayment and Ipte chargea due under the Note.
<br /> — 2. F�unda for 7hxes and lnsw�nce. SubJect to applicable law or to a written wniver by LendeG Borrower ahall pay lo
<br /> �'-' L.ender on the day monthly paymcnta nre due under�he Note,until lhe Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for. (a)yeuly
<br /> _�__� , ,�.;_�"� taxes nnd axsessments which may attain priority over this Secu�lty lnsnument as e lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> payments or gtnund rents on Ihe P�opeRy, ff nny; (c) yearly hazard or propeRy insurancc premiuma; (d) yearly fload
<br /> __:;;�� insurnnce prcmiums, if any: (e) yearly mongage insurance premiums,if any; and(� any aums payable by Borrower to _
<br /> �_a,
<br /> ? --- Lender,in accordance wlth the provisions of paragrnph 8.in lieu af the payment of mortgage Insurance premiums. ese
<br /> -_-•:•-
<br /> ___�- ____ _ _ x� items are called"Escrow Items:' I.cnder moy.at any time,collect and hold PUnds in en amount not to exceed the max mum
<br /> amount a lender for a federally related morlgage loan muy require for Bort�owe�� escrow account under the federal Real �
<br /> --�;,.. ;.:. Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as unended irom time to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("R4SPA"),unless another -
<br /> �;_ .
<br /> ' Iaw thet applies to the Funds sets a I�sser amount. If so.Lender may.at any dme,collect and hold FLnds in an amount not to
<br /> _. .
<br />- --�— �°�-° exceed the lesscr amount. I.cndcr may esdmate the amount of Funds due on the baxis of current data and r�eawna e
<br /> - '•;��;,��,:�- estlmatea of expenditures of future�scrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. T
<br /> - � === The FLnds shull be held in an inslitudon whose deposits are insured by e federal agency. instrumentaliry.or entity
<br /> _°���-�y` ^ (Including I.endcr,if Lcnder ls such an insdwtion)ur in any Federal Home Loun 8s+nk. l.ender shull apply the Funds to pay �.�;
<br /> �r-=�r:•:..;:'
<br /> - .��..:°��x.,e, the Bscrow Items. l.ender may not char�e Borrower for holdin$tind applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow _-
<br /> =--�"'��.�'� account, or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicable law pertnits
<br /> _ --=��-r;�5 ' L.ender to makc such a charge. Hnwever.Ler�der may require Borrower to puy u one-time charge for an independent real �
<br /> _ ;�;u;f�,a,,,�� estate tax reporiing servfce used by Lender in connection with thia loan,unless applicable IAw provides otherwfse. Unlecs an
<br /> _,�.,;k�;,, : agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ��;
<br /> Y����,y�,;;y. � earnings on the Funds. Borrowcr and I.ender may agree in w�iting.howcver,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> �•�:�°����.;' shall give to Borrower,without cherge,an annual accountin$of the Funds,showing credits and debita to the Funda and ihe
<br /> � �"'�""'��`�: ' purpose for which each debit to the Funds wux made. The Funds are pled�ed as additionul security for aU sums secured by _
<br /> -.- ?"��'"��•. thi�Security Insbument.
<br /> .�.. ,�,�-, �
<br /> _ - �_��••-<� � lt the HUnds heid by Lender excced rhe umuuu�., �uiiitted to be hcld by applicablc law. Lender shs!! account tn _.
<br /> :;w ''�r'#�=:f'. . Horrower for the excesx FLnds in accordance with the mquirements oP applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by �
<br /> �....,
<br /> �t �:..-.- �, l.ender at any time is not sufficicnt to pay ihe E.ccrow Items when due,Lender may sa notify Bortawer in writing,and,in �
<br /> .,r. ;��. �.v such case Borrow�r shull pay ro Lender the umoum necessary to muke up the deficieney. Borrower shall make up Ihe
<br /> - �� •� .�. dcficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at LenderB sole discretian. "`
<br /> ' I� 7��•' � Upon payment in full of oll sumg secured by thiti Security Instrumen[,Lender shali promptly refund to Borrower any �
<br /> �� -- � Funds held by l.ender. lf,under paragroph 21,Lender shall ucquire ar Fell the Ptoperty,Lender. prior to the ncquisition or ��:�
<br /> �`''��° ?� � sh II u 1 an Funds held b Lender ut the time of ncquisitian or sule as a credit again�t the sums s:F,�::
<br /> sale uf the Property• a PP Y Y Y
<br /> 9'���� '�� � �� secured by this Security lnstrument. �,:.
<br /> ��'-j��' 3. Applicatlon oP Payments. Unless applicabk IAw providex atherwise, �II payments received by Lender under r_
<br /> -" �_ �, , ' ���°, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall6e upplied: firsl. touny prepnyment charges due under thc Notc;second, to nmounts puyable under �-
<br /> - ':_�',..� ,.- t�: -� �y
<br /> --"Y������?�' puragruph 2;Ihird,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and lact,to uny late charges due under the Note. '
<br />_-_ � `• 4. ChwrQes; Lfens. Borrower shall pny all tuxes, assessmenis, chnrges, �nes und impositions uttributable to the �►'`�"�
<br /> 1i._:„����r�,;�y � Property which may nttuin prfority ovcr this Security In�trument.and leasehold pnyments or graund rents,if uny. Borrower �'
<br /> s��• � shall pay these obligutions in the munncr provided in purngraph 2,or if nat paid in that manncr.Borrower shull puy them on �
<br /> _�u��A��-,� °
<br /> , � •w�- • time directly to the person owed paymen�. Bortower shall prornptly furnish ro Lender all notices of amounts to be puid under iu::"
<br /> - '""�` s •• this ara ra h. If Borrower mukes these a ments directl ,Barrower shull rom t! fumish to Lender recei ts evidencin `'="
<br /> _- p 8 P P 9 Y p P Y P � ,
<br /> '�''�•'. •, " the payments.
<br /> -=�.A�;'v, "", � Borrower shall promptly dischurge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(u)agrees ��-"
<br />--_-"�!�� " �'�� ' in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u munner acceptAble to Lender.(b)coMests in good faith the �-
<br /> ,�-����. �t'° ° � lien by,or defends aguinst enforcement of�he lien in,legal proceedings which in Ihe Lendert opinion opernte to prevent Ihe
<br /> ':s��.'• .�_.
<br /> •-•-• ��� ';�.;;,;� enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from the holder of the lien un agreement sutisfuctory lo I,ender subordinating the lien =
<br />=`����;' ' '"' - to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any pan of the Praperty is subject to a lien which may attuin priodry `
<br /> __ %,. ,..,r',,� ..
<br /> ••yr.�• •r;j�., over this Secudty Inslrument,Lender may gfve Borrower n noticc identifying the lien, Borrower sMall satisfy the lien or lake �-
<br /> �v ,n '``�:•.�_ '� • one or more of the actions set fonh ubove wi�hin 10 days of�he giving of no�ice.
<br /> � � � "'�'' S. Hazord or Property Insurance. Borrower shull keep the improvements now exix�ing or hercafter erected on thc
<br /> ',,`,r� � � ` >
<br /> . �+^••!".� - � Property insur+ed ogainst loss by fre,hnzards includcd within thc term"extended coveruge"und uny o�her hazurds.including
<br /> ��•• ,. � floods or flooding. for which Lender require� insuruncc. This insuruncc shall bc maintaincd in the umounts and for the
<br /> " .. bbrm JOlB 9f90 (Ik+Re 2 njb pugesl L�;
<br />� ., ,` __._.�.. ... ..,._.. �tr.
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