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<br /> ''*�•'�,:���r —
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<br /> 1
<br /> .� : I S.Taat.At�Mr,�/d�M�.Trusta�I�all pay oll tax�s,ms�ssmmis and oth�►cho�s,fn�tudinp,without IGnitatian,fims ad im-
<br /> .� :� mK+ts a ound nnts,ff an�.Mfon tlw saM baan�d�linqwnt.Tnnta d�oll pramp•
<br /> - . • _ . positions otiPibutabla to the Property,and Isas�ho�d pol� �
<br /> , �i Ny fumish to Bm�Nciary ail notic�s of amounts dw undu this porapraph,and in th��v�nt Tnnfor siwll mala pa►inwM dinc►�y, Yrostar stioll - -
<br /> '� + promptly furnish io B�fkiory naipti�vid�ncinp:uch palrm�MS. Trosta shall po�r all taxa and osssssmmts which rtw�r b�I�vi�d upon
<br /> � B�rwffciary's iM�nst Mnin a upon this DNd of Trust witlaut npord to amr law ihot mor b��noct�d imposlnp poYm�M of tiN whoN a any
<br /> ,A�,.• , ,:
<br /> ;�• ,� port thK�of upon th�6�ficiory. ��''"�
<br /> .. . =..���. 6.���,����/�Ieiwy'��cwipr•Trusta sholl mok�all paym�Ms of iM�nst and pincipol ad pa�nts of an�
<br /> . _:.:k.: .� .
<br /> -� � „ othx charp�s,fs�s ord axpema contratod to bo paid to any existinp Renholders or pria benefielari�s w�d�r on�prior o irost or nwr- --
<br /> . . ,..�...,t- �_- - __ ---- --
<br /> _ ,,�'+��` ' � � tqape b�fa�tM dat�th�y an d�linqw�and promPt�Y PoY�discharp�any ard all othe li�ns, clakns or cha�s whkh mal►i�oPn►dfz��tw - _—
<br /> �,,,wr�.'�.,.,�-• =
<br /> '.', " ' security prant�d hu�in.If Trostar fails to nak�an�such pa►rm�M or faNs to peform onY of th�covenaits and apr�nts contain�d in this _
<br />�:::
<br />��•=?� � �"'' , D�ed of Trust,or in an�aior mortqope a dNd of trust,of if any ocfian or praNdinp is eanm�nead whieh mot�►IAlly affuts B�n�fieiary's in• Y�
<br />:' ' � teeit in the Prop�rty,includinp,but not Nmited ro,ominmt domain praNdinps,or pra�dinps bvoh�inp a duend�M,or if Trusta fails to po� ��__
<br /> . , • Trusta':debts�en�rally os they becom�due,th�n 8�n�fkiary,ot Ben�ficiary's option and w(ihout notic�to or d�mond upon Trustor and —�
<br /> . without ralwsinp T�ustor from anr oblipotbn horeunder,mo�make such oppeorone�s,disburso such sums,and tok�such action os Is na�ssary �,..•-_��
<br /> _ _,':.,
<br /> to protat B�roFicbry's int�nst includi�p,but not limited to,disbursam�nt of reosonabk mto►my's ftis,paym�nt,purchas�,com�st a com- eT "�_�
<br /> — � :.:�:•-�. L. p�omis�of any e�cumbronca,charqe or Ii�n,ond ontry upon ihe Prop��ty to make npairs. In tfw went that Trusta shail fail to praur�i�- __ _.
<br /> , � ' ' surance o�to pay taKes,assessments,or any other charyes or to mak�any poym�nts to vxfsfirg prlor lien holders or beneficiaries,Beneficiory - —
<br /> .�,, ^ �,:_.—i^".;---- =-
<br /> 'n,:;jpi.•� mo�praure such insurance and moke suth poym�nt.M�amounts dis6urstd by B�n�iiciary pursuont to thfs Parapraph 6 shall b�com�additionol �
<br /> ..r'�!� ind�bt�dn+ss of Trosta s�cw�d by this D��d of Trust.Such omounts sholl b�poyabl�upon notia fran 8�n�ticiay to Trusta�eqwstirp poy
<br /> r,.':�'" • m�nt th�nof.ond sholl b�ar inttnst from th�dat�of disburs�m�nt ot th�rot�pa�obl�from tim�to time on outstandinq prhxipo�und�►th� �:.—
<br /> • , Not�unt�ss poynNnt of interest ot wch rotQ would b�coMrory to applicabl�low,ln which avont such omounts sholl 6ear int�re;t at th�high�st ___ ____—__-__
<br /> ` y rot�p�rmissi6b und�r opplitobb law.Nothinp containtd in thfs Paop�'aph 6 shall rtquir�B�n�ikiory to incur any�xpms�or toka an�attion `�jr' _S` _.
<br /> ' •; �`ti •. • ^� -
<br /> N. •� . h�nund�r. " _ —
<br /> _��.� . 7. A���f d RMt�. B�neficary sholl hove the ripht, powx and autharity durinp th�continuante of this D�ed of Trust to collect the ^�••
<br /> "" nnts,iuues and profits of th�Property and of any personol praperty lacated tiwreon with or without taking poss�ssion of th�prop�rty aff�cted �
<br /> �• � h��nby,ond Trusta henby obsolutoly and unconditianally assigns aU such rents,issuas and profits to Ben�ficiary.Bon�ikiary,howtver,hereby ���„�R,`T,:
<br /> � ' cons�nts ro the Trustor's colloctfon and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they occrw ond became poyabl�so long as Trustor is�rot, F,�__ _
<br />� " � ' ot such time,in da(ault with respoct to poyment of any indebted�ess secured henb�,or in the pKfamance of an�aqreortwnt hveundor.Upon =�._.�,,_ _
<br /> . ' any such default,Benaficiary moy at an�time,eithor in person,by opent,or by receiver to be appointed by o court,without notice ond without
<br /> � regard to tha ad�quacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured, (a)ontK upon and toke possassion of the Proporty or ony paN `
<br /> � `' tha►tof,and in its own nane sue for a otherwise collect such rants,issws ond profits,includinq thou past due ond unpoid,ond applY th�sume,
<br /> . I�ss costi ond exp�nses of oporotion and coil�ctian, including reasom,ble otiarrwys faas, upon ony in�ebtedness s!N'!wRd iu�'abY.and in such �!'"'•'�i��'.:_ __0_
<br /> ` '` order os BenQ(iciay may determiner (b)perform such ats of repair o►protection as may be rwcessnry or proper to consErve the value of the -�,,,�-
<br /> ., _..�
<br /> Properryr(c)I�ose ihe same or any port thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as�is judyment moy dkrote or terminate o►ad- . �.�_�
<br /> ' just the t�rms and conditions of any existing IQOSe ur leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiary a�re�otherwlss in writinp,any appNcation of rents, xf :�:��,r;.—
<br /> . . ;T�-:---
<br /> issues or proflts to any indobtedness secured hereby shall not Qxtend or postpone the due date of the installmant paymants as provided in said ,�:-�•
<br /> �. promissay note a chanpe the amount of such instollments. The enteriny upon and takinp possession of the Property,ihe tollettion of such :+;��'.�-
<br /> rents, issues and proffts, and the applicatian thereof as oforesaid, shall not woiva or cure any dofault or notice of default hereunder. or in• . .j .
<br /> •• ' validote any att done pursuont to such notice.Trustar olso assigns to Benefitiory,os further security for the performance of the obligotions ; �7'
<br /> � secur�d hereby, aN prepoid reMs and all monies which may have b een or moy herea her b e d e p o s i t e d w i t h s a i d T r u s t o r b y o n y l e s s e e o f t h e Pro• . ��=
<br /> � '� porty,to secure the poyment of any rent or domages,and upon default in the pe�formance of ony of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to ¢ �,�i4,z;.`�:i
<br /> - delive�such ronts ond deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of 8eneffciary's exarcis�of the riphts yrantad hPrein,to any tenant oc• � .-:��:''
<br /> cu p y i n q said p remises sholl 6e suffkient to require said tenant to poy said rent to the 8eneficiay untp furthQr notice. , .,..-_-
<br /> . g,�o�d�wMtlon, If title to ony part of the Property shall be taken in tondemnotion proceedinps,by right of e m inent domain or s imi lar at t ion, ► •>•:--�`
<br /> ; ` `�?: �—
<br /> " • or sholl be soM under threot of cond�mnotion,all owards, domages and proceQds ara he�eby assigned ond shall M poid to eoneficiary who sholl -- �t
<br /> apply such awards,damages and{xoceads to the sum secured by this Deed ot Trust,with the excess,if any,poid.to Trustor.If Trostor reteives � ��`�;-_,.
<br /> ` any notite or other informotion reya,Jing such ations or proceadinps, Trustor sholl qive pranpt written ratite thereof to beneflciary. �
<br /> � Beneficiay shall be entitled,at its aption,to commence,appear in ond prosewte in its own namQ an�such ottbn or praeodinys and sholl bQ en• f y?���,'�^•
<br /> titled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with any such oction or praeedinqs.
<br /> . 9. R�M�dlu Not Ewelusl��.Beneficiay sholl be entitled to en�orce poyment ond pe�famance of any indebtedness or obligations secured
<br /> , hereby and to exarcise oll riyhts and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other opreement eKecuted in connQCtion herewith or ony lows ; ,,,,,
<br /> now a herea(ter in fo►ce,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby moy now a hereoHer be other• ! ,:
<br /> t`' �
<br /> wise secured,whether by mortyoge,deed of trust,pledqe,lien,assignment a otherwise.NQither the atceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> � • enforcement whether by court action or pursuont to the power of sale ar other powers herein contoined,shall prejudice or in any monner affect ;
<br /> Beneficiary's right to reolixe upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary, it being agreed that Beneficiary shall tw '
<br /> enlitled to enforte this Deed of Trust ond any other security now a hereafter held by Beneficiary in such order ond manner as it may in its ab•
<br /> solute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiory is intended to be extlusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> • or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereoffer
<br /> ' existing ot law or in eQuity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to 8eneficiary or to which it moy be ,
<br /> otharwise entitled, moy be eaercised. concurrent�y u� ���Japendently, from time to time o�A aa oftnn as may be deemed expedient Beneficiory
<br /> ond it moy pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibitinq Beneficiar�from seekiny a deficiency judqment o9aimt
<br /> thQ Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by low.
<br /> , 10. lnntf�r of Prop�cryt Aau�ption. If oll or ony port of the property or any inte►esr therein is sotd,transferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> without Beneiiciary's prior written consent,eacluding(ol the creation o(a lien or encumbrance subordinote to ihis Deed of Trust,(b)the trea•
<br /> tion of a pu��chose money security interest for household oppliances. lcl a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon the deoth of a
<br /> •. . .. . . . �.�� •-•----• 'e •�-" ..�.... .., le.. �nf rnnfnininn nn oetion to uurthose. BenefitiorY moY, d�
<br /> .� � �OIOT T@f10flf M (0) ifl@ 9fOni ot Uny �eo�enuw �ma�a�� w ���.ac �.+..�, ... ..... ..-. --'�-- - • • �
<br /> Beneficiory's option,dQClare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediotely due and poyable.or cause the Trustee to file o notice
<br /> of defoult. Beneficiory shal)hove waived such option to eccelerate if,prior to the sale, tronsfer a conveyonce,Beneficiary and fhe person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferred reach aqreement in writing thot the credit of such person is sotisfoctory to Beneficiary and thot
<br />- the interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust sholl be at such rote as Beneficiary shall request.
<br /> 1
<br /> • � 1 - ' -
<br />