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<br /> ' Y I''�'i�, RL� � � �i �M1� �Q7� _ _ —�NiO�iiLi�f
<br /> - ' l�ereiu ca�ed'•8arrewer:'and t�►c L,Tniud Sata of Amecfca,aeti�g tLrbu�i t6e Farmets Home Admiaistation.United Suots
<br /> "` '�' : DeParanent of Api�wlnsce,berein alled t6e'.'Goremment":.. _ . . � . �. ' �
<br /> WHBRE/�S Bariow�er u iedebted to tbe Ga�unmeat,as erfda�ced b�one or more procRis�or�eae(sj aa�uaaptios
<br /> ; �-� ..;. .,,._., a8eementts)or anl�a:ed�ppraiadon ar rnapmre agRamrnt,herein called"nota,"w�5ide hu beert aauted b�r Ba�tawa,
<br /> . - - -� °� is paTabk m t1►e order of the Guremn�ens.snthorues aeeeleration oE the enths inde6udnest at ttie option of tTre('�cw�eat• _-- - --
<br /> °�_��,:�. , ._ . --
<br /> ,_ �' '��L��: mrnc upoe any&faWt 6y Bairowrr,aad is aesda"5ed as fdlows: - �. ---
<br /> .. -'s�;-. :�;�,... . . - � _ - -
<br /> ` ;.-• ' .:. . • _ . . � Amptal Rate �'F� _ _
<br /> „ .,�=:. DKeDauofF�J :�•
<br /> - _ 'j ':-`�._ 1]bteof� . PrincipatArtokwt . .' o Irtterest IMSta�ttat .`-';`°--
<br /> � - ;�=�.:;�-,. . �z-�::__
<br /> , •�:- �' Auguet 14, 1991. . . . $31,O�G.00 , . 8.75� - .� , ' 20Z4 ' _ �—
<br /> :�,..•-.
<br /> � _ ��-� , ,.
<br /> - �s
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<br /> - t'�'� � (I'he intecat nu fos limittd saouree fam+ownerahip oi lanited rewurce openting toan(s)seeured by this insaumrnt. ( . . �-
<br /> . :''•' � -. may b e incrcase d as pravi d e d i a t l u Fsumecs Home A d m i n i s t r a don regu latinns an d t h e no t e.) . { :'`. . . .••�.`�'��
<br /> . Aad the nots cgidrnca a toan co Bosrower.and the Government,at assy dme,may aui�the aou and inune tke Qs�- �'�` —.
<br /> �� . ' ment ti+enof par�ant ca�c Goawlida�ed Fsnn and Rural Devetopmenc Acc.or Titk Y of the HunsMg Aet of 1419 0�any : 1�'"�
<br /> ..-;;' other statute adasiaimred bp dsr Fumaa Hame Adminisuation. � <
<br />' '�'��''` ` Md it is tl�e pnrposa and intent of thia lnmummt that.among otlter thirigs.at aU times whcn the nou is hetd 6y tke �'*
<br /> . . .� ��a,+.'i:�ff':,: � � r '� I`''y"i;'^� —
<br /> ! �'.r�_—
<br /> � •,�x:a�!�-:•� Go+ernment. or in c6e event c6e Governmeot�hauld assi�this insaument without in�rar►ce of the note,this insrsument � „�,�,_�
<br />` �� �,__ -- . � � shal)secaro payment of the nute;bnt wheo the note�+held by an insured holdn.this instrument shaU not�ecuse poymens ;` ,_
<br /> •�_�� . of the nou or auxh to the debt evFdeneed t6ereby.but aa to the note andsuth debt sliall constitute an indtmnity mortgase , .� � ,.r��?�3=
<br /> ' + �- '�� '��' • to secure tJ�e Gavcmment against lou ander its insurance eontrut by auoa of any dcfault by Honower: `r � :� ;�".
<br /> � ��- .
<br /> , ;:_'� • , And this insaument also senues the recapture of ang interest credit or subsidy which m�y be granted to the Berrower � ',: •
<br /> o n mounts due uadeo an Shue�A redanon A eement7ltecap- i ��'���`
<br /> �.-t. , b y t l�e G o v e rn m e n t p u r s u a n t t a 4 2 U.S.G §1 4 9 0 a. r a y� y p p 8 s �
<br /> - � '� � `" '`' � ture Agreement cntered into pursuant to 7 U.S.C.2001.
<br /> , . � : � ` - . .. �.
<br /> ;,��,- ,;. � NOW,'i'IiEREFORE,in consideration of thc laan(sj and (a)at all times when the note is held by the Government,ar i �"� �. .
<br /> :?�-' �• � in the event the Government should assign chis instrument withouc insurance uf the payment of thc note,to secure prompt �., '"'-
<br /> ',' • � ' paymerit of the notc aad any rcnewals and eatcnsions thcreof and any agreemenu tontained thereia,inclnding auy ptov�sion � , � � ' �.is"
<br /> for thc payment of an insurance or othcr charge. (b)at aA timca when the note is hcld by an insured holder.to secure pet- I' � ` ' `'`
<br /> ' " • � ' formancc of Borrower'a s�greemcnt hescin ta indemnify and aava harmless the Governmcnt ag,ainst!oa undcr its inwranec ! , ';r�
<br /> � • ' <ontract by reason of any dcfaalt by Boiroiwer.and(o)in any event and at a11 times to secute the prompt payment of aU i. �
<br /> � i�. ♦ advances and expeoditurce made by chc Covemmcnt,with interest,a�hereinafar deacrilxd.and the perfomunee of every ,
<br /> -' �' °� -� � covenant and'aBeement,pf Bonowes contained herein or in any supplementaryag�eement. Borrawer daes hereby grant. : � • � •
<br /> -���,. • . � 6ugia,u11.convey and assign.with gcncral wananty.unto thc Govcrnment tho foltowu�g property sitwted in the Stau of � � _ _
<br /> • , i�^� , . . Nebroaka,Connty(ie�)of �1 • � ' ��w:. -
<br />. • :��,::::.' East Sev�Feet (E 7') of Lot� t2�• all of Iat Fauac (4)• ' . � ' ; , .. .
<br /> � � ..-.�-,..�� •_ Six (6). & Ef,ght (8), atyd tl�e East �ntY`Fiv� Feet (E 25�) ��`�� . . .
<br /> .:�,* . �. Og IOt Teri (10), J8Ck80[I 'I�Oid7Sh�.pr FOSt@T'S S11bd3V�8�0!!� • � � ,
<br /> �r' � : . to tl�a City of Woo�d Rivex, Camty of Hal.i. State of N�asica. . , ,
<br /> .w. . :•,i, : .
<br /> ' . � , FmHA 427-i NB(Rcv.7-89)
<br />� , .
<br /> s;;;�• " .: .. .. . . .
<br /> , � .. ' . � ' .
<br /> . .. . . , � ' � ' . ( � �
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