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99 107642 <br /> After recordiug returu to: <br /> COMMERCIAL CREDIT <br /> CORPORATION <br /> 3415 WEST STATE STREET <br /> GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 <br /> DEED OF TRUST <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this 27th day<if July , 1999 among tl�e Trustor, <br /> SAUL L ENGLES VANESSA ENGLES <br /> (l�erein 'Bc�rrower"), <br /> Michael F. Kivett (l�erein <br /> "Trustee"), and tl�e Beneficiary, COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION , <br /> a corporation organized and existing uncier the laws of Maryland , wlu>se <br /> a�idress is 3415 WEST STATE STREET GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 (herein <br /> "Lender"). <br /> BORROWER, in cunsideratio❑ of the indebtedness lierein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocahly grants and <br /> cc�uveys te� Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, tl�e f�>llowin�descrihed property located in tl�e Counry of <br /> HALL , State c>f Nebraska: <br /> THE NORTH 87 FEET OF LOT ONE (1) , BLOCK NINETEEN (19) , ROLLINS <br /> ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> wliich lias tl�e address of 903 W 4TH STREET , GRAND ISLAND , <br /> Nebraska 68801 (l�erein "Property Address"); <br /> TOGETHER with all tl�e im�rovement� now or herezfter erected on tiie property, and all �asements, ri�l�ts, <br /> appurtenauces and rents (subject however tc� tl�e ri�hts and autlxrrities given lierei❑ t�� Lender t<� cullect and apply such <br /> rents), all of whicli sl�all be deemed to he and re►naiu a part of tl�e property covered by this Deed of Trust; a��d all c>f rl�e <br /> fe�re�oin�, togetl�er witl� said �rc�perty (or the leasehold estate if this Deed of Trust is on a leasel�old) are hereinafter <br /> referred to as the "Property"; <br /> TO SECURE to Lender the repayuien�of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated 07/27/1999 <br /> and extensi�»�s and reuewals tl�ere��f(herein "Note"), iu the principal sum of U.S. $ 21, 564.87 , with i��terest thereou, <br /> providiva for monthly instalimeuts of principal aud iuterest, with tlie halauce of tlie indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due <br /> a��d payable<>n 08/15/2009 ; the payttient of all other sunis, with interest tliere<»i, advanced in accordance lierewitl� t�� <br /> rrotect tl�e security of tl�is Deed of Tru�t; aud tlie performance of the covenanCs aud agreements of Borr��wer l�erein <br /> contaiued. <br /> Borr<�wer cuvenanCs that Bc>rrower is lawfully seised of the estate l�erehy conveyed ai�d l�as the ribht to bra�it and <br /> co�rvey the Property, aud tl�at tl�e Properry is unencumbered, except for encumhrances of record. Borrower covenants tl�at <br /> Borrower warrants aud will defend generally tl�e title to the Pruperty against all claims and demands, subject to <br /> encumhrances of record. <br />