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_ __ �`'e��� - _ <br /> . ��� _ _ _ - <br /> . . . "-`� - -- <br /> ::�"d.:,.�:.a:�:� 93_ - ios�ss - - _ _ <br /> 17. T�der ot Ide Pt�ope�ty a'�Benellct�llatet+�t ia Boe*' all or any prt of the Propariy or aay inte�at in it <br /> is�aldor Wufemed(or if a tienefici�)intereu in Borrower ir 6old or tru�ferrnd and Borrower ie nat a tu�w�l porwn)wlthout <br /> Lader's pRfor wciuen content. Lender may� At ita optian. requira immediate paymant in fLll of�II wirw �ecured by thia <br /> Securiry In�rrument.Howaver.thle aptjan eiu�il aot be exerclsed by Lender if exercise io prohlblted by fedaAl law a�of the dpta <br /> • of thta 5eauity lnstnunan. <br /> If iretder euercl�thia optfon.Lond�sr�ll give 8orrower noti�e of aoceleruion.The notioe shall provlde a pedod of not <br /> lese tlwn 30 dnye from the dnte tl�e notico ir deliverod or m�led wirhin which Bortower must pay sUl wms socurod by this <br /> •Socuriry lns�nuncat.If Borrower f�ilo ta psy these swma prior ta the eapiration of thie pedod.Lcnder ms�y invoke any nemedks <br /> permipod by thie Security lnauument wlthaut fbrlher notica or de�on Borrower. <br /> 16, �o�crovrer's iti�ht to �tda�ta If Borrower meele certain condltiona, Borrower shall havc 1he �ight to have <br /> ' _�'�'� enforatnent of thfe Security Instnunent disvontinuod at any time prior to�he earlier of: (p) 5 day$(or such other period as - <br /> applic�ble low may specify for reinstatemsnt) before cale of the Property pursuant to any powor af sala contained fn this <br /> SecuHry Inurument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thia Secunity Instrument.Tiwse conditiona ere that Borrower:(a)pneya <br /> Lender all auma which then would ba due under this Security insuument and the Note as iP no accek�ation had a�ccurrcd: (b) <br />___-- cut� eity defsult of eny other covenant��r agnetmrr�ne; (c)paya ell expentea lncurn�in enfomintt this 5ecu�tty l�strument. . <br /> Including.6ue not limited w. rcasonnblc attome�s' fas; a�(d)tekes auch action as Lende�may reasonably roquire to assure <br /> thet the lien of thia Security taetcument.Lender a rights in the Property snd Borrower's obligation to pay the aums securai 6y <br /> � this Secudty lnstrument shell con[inue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Aorrower, this Security Instrument and the <br /> obligaUons secured henby shall nemain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurtal. Hawever. this dgbl to reinaUUe sfwN <br /> not apply in ttn case of acceleration under paregraph 17. _ <br /> 19. &le ot Note; Cl�nge ot 1.o�a Servicer. The Note or a paRial interest in [he Note (togethar wlth this Sacurlty <br /> Instrument)mav bc sold one or mare times without prior noticc to Borrower.A sale may result in a chengc in thc enUty(known <br /> as th�'Loan Serviar")that c�ollects moathly payments due under the Note and thia Security Inatrument. There also mey be one <br /> _a. or more ciun$es oF the L.oan Servicer unrelated to a sule af tho Note.If there is a change of the Laan Serviar,Borrower wtll be <br /> given written nohce of tite change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicsible law.The notice will state the name and _ <br />