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<br /> "� •�r
<br /> ��i.�..R.�` -- --'�-'� � - . _ -
<br /> _ �.:�.:.� 9�, ._ _
<br /> TOOETH6R WITH dl the improvemenb now or het+after erocted on the propetty.�nd�II a 1 M�,�sppiutmwnaa�md
<br /> Axtu�er now or herafter � pArt of the property. All replocemente and �ldi�iona slwll d�o bo covped by this Secudty
<br /> L�uument. All of the fonegoin�ie referrod to in thi�5ecu�ity Instrumcnt u the"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAIY7'S th�t Borrower ir lawfblly coi�od of�he esuuo hereby convcyod and Fws�hc d�ht�o ar�nt�nd
<br /> convey the Propetty and tlWt the Property ia unencurnbered,exoept for encumbrAncea of rccord. BoRawer w�rants snd will
<br /> defend generally thc titk to Ihe Propctty Agains�all claime and demat�d�. subJcct w eny encumb�nces af record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY iN3TRUMENT�combinca unifarm covenanta for nationrl uac and non-unifarm cuvenrntc wllh Ifmited
<br /> vuiWbns by Jurl�diction to oonstituta a.unifarm�ecurity iastn�ment cavedng rcal property.
<br /> —'°� ,^- UMFORM COVBNANTS.&►aowor And Lcndcr covcnsurt ynd Agrcc as follows:
<br /> 1. P�yment ot �r1tl�i�p1�ad Intee+at:A�p�y�aa�t�d l.�k Charga. Borrower shall pramptly pay when duo the
<br /> principal of su�d interau.p��lha debt evidanued by tho Note and any prepaymcnt and latc charges due unde��hc Note.
<br /> 2. Fpndp�or Tsae9�nd lunaranuo.Sul�qct to ApplicAble IAw or to a wdtten waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay W
<br /> _ Lendor on,�ha day mon�hlN p�yma�iA A�e due undar�h�No[e,until•iho Note is pald in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly taxes _
<br /> and�sessments which may attain pr�qrity over tbf�Security Inscrument es a lien on�he Property;(b)ycarly leaschold paymerw�
<br /> or ground renls an the Property,lf anp;(�)yoadyha�rd or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood inaurw�ce premlums,
<br /> if any: (¢)yeuly morigage incurance p�miums. 1f.qt�y�and(fj eny sumc puyabls by Bnrrawer to I..ender, in accordancx with
<br /> the provi�ions of puag�ph 8. in liau ot tha paymant�vFmortgage insurance premiums.These items are called"Fscrow Itenu.'
<br /> - Letrler may.at stny time, rnllcct and hald Funds in an amnunt nat to caceod thc maximum amount u lender for a fedenlly
<br /> - rolatod mortge8e loan may requine fqn 8orrq�vpr's escmw account unde��he federal Real Eslate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as Amendad frorn tim�to tima, 12 U.S:�I. Sect[on 2601 er seq. ("RESPA'), unless another law that appliea to the Funds
<br /> seta a Iecscr am�unt. IP so. Lender m�y, at any time. mllec►and hold Funds in an amrwnt not to exveed the lesser amount.
<br />- Lendar mwyt e�timats tba amouot.of.HLnde due on the basis of curccnt dota and reasonable est�mates of expenditures of fuwre
<br />��' F.scrow.ll�or othatwise in accoidanSe with applipble law.
<br /> , Tha FLndv shalf'be hcld in,an,inattiw[ion whose deposite are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> (Including l.ender,if Lcnaler is such an lnstitutioo)or in any Fedaral Home Loan Bank.Lender shnll apply tha Funds to pay thc -
<br /> - Escrow Items.Lendar may nat churge Barrower for holding end applying the Funds,annu�lly analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> �, verifying the Escrow Itama,unlacs Lender pays Bnr,v�ver irnerest on the Funds and epplicabla law permits L.ender to make such
<br /> a charge.H4wever, i.ender may�quim Borrowcr to pay a one-time cbarge for un independent real estate tau aporting service
<br /> t,� usad by 4endar in connexti�n,with�tbia losn, unless applioable law provides othenvire. Unlesx an agreement is made or
<br />- applicabla law.requinac intsmct ta be paid.Lender shall not be requir+ed to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funde.
<br /> Bormwer and l.endar mpy ngnee in�wr�ting, however, that interest shall be paid on Ihe Funds. I.ender shell give to Borrower.
<br /> _ without•cha�ge, an�annpaf accounting of thB Funds,shnwing credits and debita to the Funds and the purpose foc which each
<br /> — — debit to the�un�ie waa mado.i'ha�unds are pleciged a.S wdditionai securi[y tor all aums secured by thia Security Instrumem.
<br /> '%;�`,,r':w If the Funde hald by Lender exaeed�the amounts pem�itled to be held by applicnble law,I..ender shall accaunt to Bonower
<br /> " w i {r�'•. for the excess Fundh in•accorclance wid�die requir�ments of applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ume is nat sufficient�tn pay d�p Bscnvw ttems when due,L.ender may so ootify Borrower in writing,and, in such case 8orrower
<br /> ��`� „ ,�.. shall puy to L.ender tho arnnunU nacessary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deFiciency in na more than
<br />- �i lwelve monthly paymenlH, abG.endar's sale di�cretion.
<br /> . ,��.`�•r..
<br /> K• ��;`��_ Upun,payment.in,fulb af�ulU sum�s securad by this Security Instrument, l.ender xhull promptly refund to BoROwer ony
<br /> Funds held by Lendar.lf,undor puragraph 21,l.ender shull ucyuire ar sell th�Pmperty,I.endcr,prior to the ucquisition or sale
<br /> of the Propeny. sfiall�apply•un��Funds held by l.ender m the time of acquisition or sal�es a credit against the sums secured by
<br />_• ,�� ., ,:; ti�.�'. I this Security Instn�ment, _.
<br /> � �. Applicatian�o�Ppymont�.Unless upplicable Isiw provides othcrwise,ull payments rcccived by Lx:ndcr under paragrapbs
<br />-' � r r.�.�... ..,,��.
<br /> �5�...r� ; 1 and 2 shttfl be nppliodt frot, tn uny prepuyment churgcs due under the N�ne; second,to Amounts puyable under paragraph 2;
<br /> �������~�'� third,to intcrest dua: faurth,to nnc� al due; and lust, to un lute chur es due undcr�hc Note.
<br /> tee',rit�'t,.,•,,�....,. + � P p Y B
<br /> �� �„-.��;�.' .' 4. Charp{es: Litinc. Burro�ver shull pay all taxex. asse�sments, churge�, fines ancl impotiitinns uttribuwble�o the Propeny
<br /> �'�"�':�;�r���
<br /> . ,.�r.-•. ,r, whirh may anain priontv o��er this Security Instrumen�, and lea�chold paymerns or�round reots, if any.Bonower shnll pay
<br /> �°��J'�•�:�"�� �; Ihese obligatians in the m�nner provided in purugn+ph"o� if not puid in�hat manner, Bnrrower shull pay them on time dir+ecdy
<br /> 'r��'••���"�ad���":'�,r,, �o the non owed a ment. &�rruwer shall rom tl fumish to l.endcr ull notires nf amnunts to bc aid under�his a� ra h.
<br /> ,. �.,:�::, t�• P Y P p Y P p B P
<br /> Y'"'=�� °'�;��,�" � If Borrower makes these v men��dirertl &muwer tih•rll mm I fumish to I.ender Rcei t�evidencin �he a ments.
<br /> w,;�' P Y Y• P P�Y P• L� PY
<br /> �� •u, ` '' • Bnrrower shnll promptly disehArge uny lien which hax priority over thi�Serurity Instrument unletis Borrc�wer: lol agrees in
<br /> �'r °� �� r` - writing tn the payment of the��bliEntion,ecur��l My the lien in u mm�ner ucceptuble tn[anJer,(bl contests in gad faith the lien
<br /> -- `. by, or defends aguin��enforcemcnl af thc licn in.I�gul pmrc��lings whirh in thc l.endcr'� opini�n aper:�te�o pntvent thc
<br /> -- �...,.. .. _
<br /> ,., :_. . ' enfarcement of the lien:o�(cl �ecureti from the holJcr of thc lien an agr�timrnt wti�fac�ory to L.enJer�uburdinating the lien to
<br /> }°"'�'°" � this Security lnstrumen�. If l.ender determinex ihat any pun M'thc Propeny is.ubjert t�►a lien which may utwin priorit�•over
<br />