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�'!''�'� _ ''kS'. . =�•-:, <br /> A .?+ ,�t1py�� <br /> -..a�1��•.,,._ _ <br /> ... ... . _ .... __ .. .. <br /> _ _ Y.� �3- . <br /> Tha Funda shall 6e hcid in an inuitution who�c dcpo�its ere insurod by a fedcr�l a�ency, in��ity. ar cntity <br /> ._ — (Includinp l.cnder.if Lendcr ia such An InaNtution)ar in any Paier�l Homc l.oan BAnk. l�cndc�slwll rpply 1hc Fund�to p�y!ho <br /> E:crow ytarui.Lendu may not chArge Borraw�r fo�holdln�{iud applyin�{�hc Fundn.annwdly aiwlyzin�thc ecctow account.or <br /> -� - -- verifyfuu�tho F.scn�w I�ems,unlecs I.crwtcr payr Bomawcr in�ercst un the Funds ond pplicabic law permi�s Lendcr to rtwke cuch � <br /> �chuge.Howcver,Lender may roquirc Borrower�a poy A one-timo charQe for tu�iAndependent real ectwe�wc reporiin� aervica <br /> u�at by Lcnder in cannoc�ion wlth thia loan. unlexs applicable Uw providea otherwisc. Unlexn an a�nxmcnt iR mAde ar <br /> L � �ppliablc law roquircc interesl to be paid.Lenicr siwll not bo royuirod to pay Borrawcr any intercxt ar eamin c on�he Fu�s. <br /> ._�; Bomower wd Lender may agrcc in wridng,hawever. that iatcrew Rludl be paid on the Funds. Lr.tKlor shall g�vc tq Borrowcr. <br /> wlthout ch�rge,an Annual accounting af tha Funds, showinQ credi�s anci debits to Itie Funds and �he purpc�ce for which each <br /> � debit to the�uncla wua made.The Funda ure plodgtld ea additianal a�aurity fbr all sum,securud b�thi.r Security Ins�rumrnt. <br /> - � If the Funds held by Lender eaceod the unwunts pertnitted to be heid by uppIicaMble law,Lender shall��unt ta Barruwer <br /> ior thc ea�Funds in accordance with the requircments of Applicable law. If thc wncwnt of the Fundx held by Le�wicr pt any <br /> time is not sufiicient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender mAy�o notify Bc►rmwer in w�iting, such ratie Bomnwer <br /> "'�"�•� "" shall pAy to L.ender the amaunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower slwll make up�he d¢liciency in no morc than <br /> twelve monthly l.cnder's sole discretian. , <br />- _- �� �� llpan payment in full af all sums sccured by this Secudty Instniment, l.ender sha!! prarnptly refund to &,rn►wer any . <br /> �•� Fwids held by L.ender.If.under puragraph 21, l.eader shull ucyuire a�sell the Praperty,l.ender.priar to the ucqui�sition or�le <br /> � , �' of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender nt tbe time of acquisitian or sale as a crodit�gainsl the sumx aocurod by <br /> '"'°" Ihis Secudty Insiniment. . <br /> '''�'��,'•`.."'. 3. Applfeption ot P�yments.Unless applicuble Is�w prnvides aherwise. all payment�received by L.ender under parngraphs <br /> �"�:-�' �` 1 and 2 sholl be applied: first,�o any prepayment churges due under the Nate;secand, ta amount�payAbte under pnrag�ph 2; <br /> = z l •`�; t h i r d,t o i n t e r e s t d u e;f o u r t h,t o p ri n c i p a l d u e;a�l a s t.t o a n y l a t e c h a r g e s d u e u n d e r t h e N o t e. <br /> _ � °"".'_ � 4. Cht�rge9; l.ims. Borrower shall pay all tnxes,nssessments,chnrges. fines and impovitions Auributable to the Pro�ny <br /> ��"'"`'�'`-`�'�`•� which may attain prlarity over this Securiry Instrument, and leasehold payments or grou�i rents. ii any. Bornawer slwl p�y <br /> �`. . ,: . . . _ � '"�' lhese ab'ligs�tians in the munner pr+ovjded inparagraph 2,or if not puid in tlwt mnnner.Botmwer shall pay them on time dirtxtiy <br /> ',`� ', .. ,. � ro the pesson owedpayment. Borrower shell promptly fuminh to Lcndcr all notices of amounts to be paid undcr this parrgraph. <br /> ' lf BoROwer makes Ihese payments directly.8orrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evldencing the paymen4s. <br /> - �• � � ' 8arrowet aht�ll promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Bomawer:(a)agrees in <br /> '' wr�ting to the paymer+t of the abligation s�cured by thc lien in a munner acccptable to I.ender;(b)contesls in good faiQ►the lien <br /> :"�i��t�.-::.Kx ` by, or defends agalnst enfarcement of the lien in, legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion apernte to prevent the <br /> enforcement of thc lien: or(c)�ures from the hulder of the lien un Agreemem s�+tisfactay �o l.endcr subor+dinuting the lien to <br /> _ ° , this Socuriry Instrument. If L.cnder detetmines�hat eny purt of the Property is eubject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> ' . �his Security Inst�ument. L.ender mny give Borrowar a notice identiPying tlie lien. 8orrower shall satisfy�he lien or take one or <br /> ' , , more of the actions set forth ubove within 10 days��f the giving of notice. <br /> .�. "' S. Nazard ar Property I�urance. Bonower shall keep the impro�•ements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> :.�:�:i�.�• :' +�.: r�' property insured against luss by fire, harards included within�he term "extended caverage"and any�ther hazards. including <br /> ' . floods or Ilooding. for which I.ender requires insurnnce. This insurance shall be maintained in the amaunts and for the periods <br /> • thut i.ende� requires. Tqe inxurance carrier providing Ihe insurence shnll be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval <br /> • which shall not be unreusonably withheld. If Borrower fails lo maintain rnverage described above, L.ender may. At I.ender's <br /> � • option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with pAragraph 7. <br /> ' ' All insurance policies und renew�ls shull be ucceptAble to lxnder and shall include a stpndard mortgage clause. I.ender <br /> •'��� ' shall have the right to hatd�he policie+und renewuls. If l.ender requires.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender nll receipts of <br /> • �i•', <br /> paid prerniums and renewul nrnices.In the event of lass.Bormwer shall give prompt notice to the insurnnce currier and Lender. <br /> . . L.ender may make proaf of loss if not mude promptly hy Burrowcr. <br /> i• Untess l.ender and Borrower othenvise agrcr in writing,insurance procee�iy shull be upplied to restoration or repair of the <br /> �. . Proparty domaged, if the resloration or repuir is eronumically feusible and l.ender's securily is not lessened. If the restoration or <br /> � •. repair is not econamicnlly feusiblc or l.cndcr's s�xurity would be Icssened,the ins,urunce pruceods shull be applicd to the sums <br /> •• ' secured by this Securi�y lnstrument, whether or not then duc, with any exre�s paid to Borcower. If Borrower abandans the <br /> �fk. Propeny,or does nat unswer within 30 Juys n notice from Lender thut thc Insursince cs�rrier huti offered to setde a claim,then <br /> �` • Lender may collect the insuranre prareeds. l.ender may use the pnxeedx to repair or restore the Property or ro pay auma <br /> 4 ' �� secured by this Serurity In+�rument,wheiher or not then Jue.The 30-duy peri�xl will begin when the notice is given. <br /> .� : Unless Lender and &irrowcr othenvisc u�ree in writing, uny appli��ation of pr�x�ti•ds to principal shall not extend or <br /> ... • p►stpone the due dute uf�iir munQiiy paymcola �efc����l w ui par��;r.►�b� t and 2 ot ch•rngc the amount of the payments. [f - <br />� � . .� under purag�aph 21 the Propeny is ucyuireJ by Lc�xicr,&mower's right tu any inwrunrc pulicies and proceeds resulting from <br /> damagc tn the Propeny prior to the acqui,ition,hull paxs to Lender to ihe ex�ern of thc sumx scrurcYi by this Se�:urity Instrument <br /> �� �'': immediately prior to the acquisitiun. <br /> ' ';, , ,�� ,.� 6.Occupancy,PreservAtion. Maintcnance and P�nteci�n oP the Properl�•: BorroK•er's I.oaa Applicadon;I.easeholds. <br /> Bo�rower shall occ4Qy.estublish,and u,c the Prapeny us&�rrnwer's prinripnl resiJenrr within�ixty dayc uf�er the execution of <br /> •, lhis Securily Instrument und xhull rnntinue t���xcupy thr Prci�ny uti &�rrower'ti princip•rl residence for ut leust one year ufter <br /> . . 's� � the date of orcupancy.unlexs I.ender othenviu agree� in wri�ing, which enment shall ncx bc unrer.,on�hly withheld,or unless <br /> � extenuating ci�cutnstunccs exist which ure IxyonJ Borrower'ti cnntnil. &�rruwer shull n�d Jr�troy, dumage ��r impair the <br /> • ��� Praperty. allow thc Pmpcny to drtcriurutr, or commit K•utitc on thc Property. B��rruwcr shull Ix: in defuult if uny forf'eiture - <br /> �'' • action or proceecling, whether rivil or criminul, i.lxgun thut in l.cndrr'�goixl luith juJ�ment riiuld reyult in forfeiwre of the - <br /> w � ; � Properly or othen:ise msterially impuir thc licn crcatcYi hy thi.Srrurity In�irunknt ar Lcmter',scruriry interrst. Born►wer muy <br /> '••�=� � curc wch u defuult�nd reinstutc,a�pr�i��ided in paragruph 18,hy tlk •rriiim�►r pr�xc�ding tu hc dismisscd with u rulinR <br /> ' � , �hnt. in I.ender'+ ��xid f•rith determinutiim, prccluJc� ti►rl'ciwrr �►f the &�rcuacr'. interc+t in thc Properiy ur other mu�eriul <br /> (,,; e j, ; ; ��;' impairment of the lien creaied by thiti Security In.trumem or landrr'. ,��curity interctil. liorrower�hull ulu► be in default if <br /> � ',;. ° � �,. • Hnrrower.during thc loun application pr�xe.,.guvr nm�erially I'al,e o�inuccuru�e intiirmu�ion�ir�ta�emems�ii Lender(or fuiled <br /> " . ,�: � to pravidc l.cnder with uny ma�rriul intiirmatiun►in cunncriian��•ith thc luun r�•idenrcd hy thr Nute.inrluding,bul not limit��cl - <br /> �' �' , . to. represcntuliuns cimccrnmE Burro�vrr'x ixrupanry of thr Pru�xny a.u principal re.iJrnrr. It'�hi.Scrunty Instrumrnt is un a - <br /> „ ; �,f, ' kusehold. Burrow�r �h:�ll romply w�ith uU thc prat•i�ium uf Ih� I�a.c. If [�,rruu•rr �ryuirrti lec tiUc to Ihc Property. Ihe � <br /> ' • ', �• � leusehold and the fce ti�lc�hull not mcrgc unlc��L.�nJcr agrcr,k�thr mergrr in writing. . <br /> ' �a• � 7. Protection of Lender's Riahts in the Property.11'&�rn�wer fuils to perform thc covenants and s�greemenn rnntainod in <br /> � �' '� ' � this Securi�y Instronxnt, or thcre is a Icgul pr�xecding thut rtwy si�nitirundy affixt l.rndcr'� right�in thc Prupeny Itiu�h as a <br /> ' • ' ��;:�•�'��''��•`�. prareoding in bankroptry. probute. lix cimdentnution or liirfeiture or ai�nf�ir�e laws or regulationtil.then LenJer muy dci and - <br /> i "+r:r;;':.;:;;:!:�, : Qay for whatever iti necrsx�ry to pnxeci thr ��alue nf the Pn�peny and L.enclrr', righ�. in the Pn,peny. l.ender'�urtion.muy <br /> • ) ;,•,,.,��:;�,�.,,1�;�: ,.�;• PeY B Y • Y r Y Y PI'�' �- p'Y � <br /> � , • ;,� ,,:...•��,. mclude in an sums �ecured b •r lien which has riorit over thi� Securi� In.IrumenL a .�rin� in ruun, a in� <br /> �� .� ' ��' rcnsonable attorneys'fee�a�x1 entering on tlk Pro}+crty a�make repuin. Ahh��ugh Ixnder may wke a�tion undcr thi�puro�traph <br /> �.^,� + _,�.,`;;:-. ,:, ' 7,l.ender dcx.�not huve to do w�. <br /> .,i'���•?;, ' Any amnunts disbursed by l.cndcr unJcr thi, parug�aph 7 shull t+�r•omc aJJitiun•rl drbt ol'&�rmwrr +��ur�d by thi. ! <br /> . '' , i��,'��t`:'.' Sccuriry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr anJ LcnJer agrec�u aiher trrro.ut'p•rynkrn.thcu:ami�wil+ +hall t+eur inlcrc.t frum the ; <br /> � : date of disbursement at the Nnte rutc and shall t+c payablr, with intenst, upx� nwicc from�kr to &�rn�wer n�yuc.tin� <br /> ;"',�- ,.� , payment. <br /> ; " t. 8. MortgAge Insurance. 11'I.enJcr reyuir�til nwrtgagr inwrunrc u+n conJitiuu uf nwking tl�r luan��tureJ by thi.Srrurity� <br /> I �j Instrumenl. Borrower shall puy the premiums rcyuin�l ui maintuin th� nx�rtgogc imuruncc in el'1'�tl. 11', tirr any rea�on, the � <br /> ? �' '., mortgage insuranre covcrnge reyuircd by Lendcr Irpks ar�tiu�c�w tx in eft�tit, &irr��wcr �hall puy thc prrmium� rcyuinrl ti� ; <br /> `� • ° obwin coverage substuntiully��quivulcnt tu thc manEage imur�nrc prcriou,ly in cfl'rr�, at a co.t sub�lantiully eyuivalcnt ta�hc <br /> !�� '' ° rnst to Bomower of the mnrtguge imurance previously in eFfcrt. fnim un ultrmatc mongugr in�unr uppnwal by l.cndcr. It' <br /> � I •. . � <br /> * �. . P�+�w���� Fam 3028 8190 <br /> , <br /> ' � --- - - ---.-_-.,.,-�--, <br /> - -----_---_--�.�—=----__-.__-._... -.-- ._-=-- - -- , _---- <br />