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<br /> � , , �+�ipbie�w may specttp rar teinsw�e�u)eefoce satF o�me Propercy purswnc w�ny power of sate a�atair,ed in ttis `
<br /> : Security Inslnunea�or(b)eeorY of a jndgmenE enfaceing this Security�lasouma�� 71wsc ca�ditiaas ue ttuu Bamwer: (s)
<br /> --��. •� _ a�rr�_l.�der_tU sums w6ich then weuld 6e due�u��s�tl' [eswmrnt at�d tl�e Nate as if na accdastion d�W - -- - - -
<br /> R�p� .,:___�_.:.....w:.,ee....:e....
<br /> � - ac�cunr�d:(bl c�ms anxdefah vf u,y—her covmants oc agrieemen�s:`CCJ c--J"�CxPC��ITIf.'1lLiW 1{[i��lV�w�uau wv�.s a
<br /> L�s�u+�ent including.but aot lunited to.reasonable a�ameys fets;au�Q td)takes snch action as Lender.may reason�i�ty '
<br /> sums secu�by this Sacurity Instnuna�t stull continue unct�aged. Upon reinstatement by Barower.this Securiry <
<br /> - in�trun�t swd tttie obligatlans�Iu�ebY si�atl zrn�at fWty etiective as if na aaxtera�i�had flcc�ered. Howevu.ihis: �.
<br /> dght to isinuate shall nat appiy it!the case of acceleradat w�der paragraph 17. r with this Secvrity .
<br /> _-- . �! 3tk d Nd�;�aE��Servioer. 71�e Nooe or a putiit interest ir�tGe No[e(to8ethe
<br /> ;' _ f�pumrnt)may 6e satd one or moc�a times without prior notice w Botrower. A sale rtiay result in a change in the en6ty
<br />_:�:` �'(kr�nwn u ttr"i.o�n Secviar"}idt coftaxs monthtY P�Yments due ut�dei thc Note and this Sa.vrity Iacuumetu. Thete atso .
<br /> �y�qK or mae ct�anges of the Lo�n Secvicer ueueiaud w a sate af the Naa If tbtne�is a change of the lau!Servicer,
<br /> - Bamwec wiU be given wntten notice af the shange ia accarda�c'e with paragr�ph i4 a6ove and applicabie law. The naiv� , .
<br />:�j��.• vn�l sta�e the name and addrcss of the nevrr Lo�rt Setvicer and the address to which paymmts shauld be made. Th�notict w�11 ' .
<br /><< _� a/so contain any ottkr iafamatiun ntquitod by appticabk law.
<br /> ' Zd Harardors Snb�uces. Borrower s�rll not canse or pe�it the presence,use.disPosal•storage,or reIease of any
<br />. ,_ Ha7�dous Substances on ar in the Ptupert7►• Bomawa shall nat do.nor altow�nyone else to do.anything ai�ecring tde
<br />- - . ,proQecty that Ls in viot�ion of any Fl►vitonmeatal Law. T6e preceding two sentences•sf�alI not appiy W the presence,use.or �-__-
<br /> `• ,- ' swrnge on the Ptnperty of sm�ll quantiaes of Har.ardous Sutistances that are generalty recognize8 to be apprnpriate to nonnal - ____ —
<br /> •._s:._ tesidential uses and to maintenance of trye PtopertY• ---
<br /> ` Bamwer shall P�PUY 8�e l.ender written ttotice of any investigatian,claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any =-_--
<br /> � - govemmentAl or iegulatory agency ar private party involv�g the Property and any HaTardous Substance or�nvimnmental �__
<br /> " Law of which Bamnwa has actuai im�wled�e. if Botrower team9,or is natified 6y aay govemtpentat nr regulatory . s,
<br /> �° mo
<br />" ;I•';°`� authocity.ti�t any removal a�other n�mediadon of any Hazacdous Snbst�xx affecting the PcopenY is neressary.Bormwer . . �-`.'
<br /> i
<br /> �P�PUY tatce all rKassary cemedial aqions in accordanee wiih Fnvironmental i.aw. �;;._�.
<br /> . As usa!in this P�B�Ph Z(►.„Hazardous Substances"ac+e those substances det"ined as toxic oT h��rdous substances tiy . _-._-----
<br /> . � Envimnmental Law and the folIowing substances: gasoline,icemsene.other flammabie or toxic petroleam praducts.toxic ���;�;•--
<br /> •;, ce. �
<br /> - ��``,`. . , pesticides aad 6�er,bicides.�votatile solvents.materials�con[ainmg as6estos or formaldehyde.and rad�oactive materials. As ,�u>,+
<br /> .��_�
<br /> � ��` . ... used in this paragraph Z0. ��r����w"means federal taws and laws of the juri�ction where the Pcopetty is tacated -.:.::�-:. -
<br /> * ���,,-. .,,^ ,.'..�--
<br /> that retate to health,safety or enviconmental pcotecdon.
<br /> ;.. .:•� =' `�':�: `-=
<br /> �..,,�;>.: -� NON-iJNIFORM COVENAN'i'S. Borrower an d I.e n d er f u n her covenan t at�d agcee as f o l t o w s: _ _ _
<br /> :':ti-;�� , . 2l. AcoeleraHou;Remedks. Leadtr shall give notice to Borrawer prior to Acceleratton idlowin�Borrower's ' _; �-,_----
<br /> `'"_=�`, .` ' 6Teacb ot aay coveoant or s�grament in tGis Secnrity Instrurnent(6at not prbr to accekrallon ander paragrap617 `•.` -
<br /> tx�:. -,,-_
<br /> .:� . �, ; :��,_x.� . --
<br /> troleffi applicabk b�v provWes ath�'wise). The notke ahaU.speci�9z (a)tAe defapit.(6)the adion rcquirM to cure the a;. ,�.
<br /> defaait,(c)a dat�not k�tl�aa 3b days t�an the dste the notice is given to Borrower.by wfiich the def�ult must be ".���:-,
<br /> °' .:,:-� cured:and(d)that ts�ilure M cure t h e d e fan l t on or b e tor e t b e d a t e s p e c i f i e d i n t h e n o t i c e m a y c e s uU in acceleration ot , •�`� �'`:
<br /> the snms eecared by t6is Secartty Ingtrument and ssk ot the Properts% T6e aotke shall farther iaform Borr�awer of s.� .. ;���,-
<br /> =���� t6e rlgbt to rei�tate aRa accekratbn�nd the right to bring a coart action to a�ert tLe aoa�txistence d n defaWt or -.•�.w�; ---
<br /> �:.�:a- ,--
<br />� , -', :��:� nuy at6er defense ot BorroWer to accekration and sWe it tbe defaWt is not curM on or bef o r e t l�e d a t e spe�i f i c d in :<::,"' `z .`_
<br /> :�;t�:: � ,;.—
<br /> - . the notice,Lender at its optlon rtwy require immediate payment in tull o�all sums secared by this Security Instrument �-_
<br /> without further demAnd and may invoke the power ot sak and any other remedies perraitted by applica6le istw '. �:z_
<br /> xk. >.:`: � Lender slu�il be�tltkd ta collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this para�raph 21,. . -- • �, .
<br /> .s :�..�
<br /> � � inctuding,but not Umited to.reasonable attorneys'fees and custs of title evidence. -_. - .. _
<br />� ` �.1 U�,t� I!the power o�snle is invoked,Trastee shall record a notice o�defaWt In each county in whkA any part ot the , , _�3;:�.
<br /> _ Ptoptrty is iocated and shall mail oopieq otsnch nMice ia the manner prescribed by s�pplicA6k inw to Barrower�nd to t `���,. . `:�".'=
<br /> e.
<br /> the othe�peegaes prescribed 6y appUpbk Is�w ARer the time required by applicable law,7tusta shall give pubik _�;__�
<br /> � . . � , notke otsAte to the persons and in the mnnnec prescribed by,appUcabie law Trustee,wilhout demand on Bonnwer, -,-;_
<br /> , '' �` � shall sell the Property at public auctbn to lhe highest btdder at the time stnA place�d under the tee�ms designated in , �."i�s"�-_
<br /> � a, the aotice of sale in oae or more parcets and in my orde�'IFastee detecmi�es. 7Fustee may postpone snk at all or any • -
<br /> ` � ;`'' � . .� . parcel ot the Prapert9 by pablic announcement at the Nme and ptace ot any prevloa�fy scheduled sale. l.endee or its , ..
<br /> . r `'` `:•' � . d�8��7 P�rchase t6e Property at any sak. � �';';::• ..�._
<br /> � x.�r,:�'`� - Upao receipt ot paYment ot the prlce bid.7lrustee shall del iver to t he parc haser Trustee's deed conve yi n g the . �. ,.,
<br /> ' . ,�`a '%��_�'"-:� •' prapert�. TMr recitals te the 7lrustee's deed s1w11 be prima tacie evhlence ot the truth oi the statemen�4 made thereio. �' �,t • ;.s�t-_
<br /> ��`;��..=i ,' 7�ustee sbaH appiy the proceedg ot the sate in the tollawing acder: (a)to all cas�g aad espenses oi exerci�ing the powe� ' • • ;r..'•;;:
<br /> �;.. i: . � :.�u- _
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