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<br /> ` - ._:.'i���..i� . . ,�. _.. . .r .'�. � .S. ,;1
<br /> �`
<br /> g3' i(�"�44 ,
<br /> Mryeneno�,whk�u�e te�aro�to In 2.ar cluty�the rawnt d wch p�ynwnp. My�xoa�s poa�d�ovK�n
<br /> lepll antf tl�erolu�all olMwndin�p�rrdu dM iVoM�pd d�3�curity lnrqutqe�M�II bt pdd lo IMe�Miqr
<br /> � �er. L.Nder may oollect feea and c1u�r�e�wtYa�i�ed by the Sfactat�ry. •
<br /> f. (ie�sY�I�fr A�aE D�bf.
<br /> (�)D�Yl�WL. l.ender nµy.�oept�t Ilmited by�e�ulstion�iuuod by the Sxntary in the cwe of p�yment de[�ults�
<br /> eaqulro immediape in tuU ot dl wmr�ecurod by thi�Secudty Iruaumait U
<br /> (i)Bamwar�by fiiling tn p►y ie full any monthlY WY�t reqult�ed by Ihi�Security InWrornent plor
<br /> - — w ar at tha due due of 1he next month1Y P�Y+�+��•ar
<br /> (ii)Bonawer daf�ud�s by fdNn��tor�pafod of thiKy d�ys.a perform�ny aher obli�utau eonWned in d�i�
<br /> 3ecurfty InsbwrrcnG
<br /> (b)Stb Wltbut Credt!Appror�l. Lender siuU,if pem�itted by applic�ble lew wtd v►�th the pAor q►provd of�he
<br /> 5ocnetny,roquire immediate puyment in ibll of�11 the tams�ecwed by this Sccudty Ioatrument if:
<br /> (i)All or p�rt of ibe ptoperty,ar a beneflciol inte�est in a wat ownin$all at put of the Pt�nperty.is saW or
<br /> vtt�awi�e br�asferted(ud�et tl�n b�r devise or desa�bY the iiarawer.and
<br /> l�►'Ibe Propetty is t�ot ucct�pied by die pa�ch�ser a�an�oe as his an c�r pr�anei�ai rasidence.or t4e pu►c�wser
<br /> ar gruu�tee does so accupy tho Praperty but lus or her c�odiit has not boen appovod in #ocard�noo
<br /> with tl�e�oqui�emeMs of the Secretary.
<br /> (e)Na W�(istr. If ci�umsw�oe:occur ttwit vrouW permit l�ender w eew�wfire i�m�ediate PaYmenR in tLlb but L.ender
<br /> d��e�ot�quiie such .La�dcr das not waixc uk4 rig,fits witfi tr.c�ecl ko s�qbseque�t ovrMs. � �
<br /> . . �(��iFe(�Iwtia�p a�N[�Secr+etW9• In m�n�r f�u'aances rogulatii�s�ssued�}'+�c Secretary will limit:L"ar�lar'� � �.
<br /> � iights,.ia t�e caa!oi pa7nrrcnt defaahs.,t��eqw�e �mm�edi�fe pay�p�m fiil�a�d.foteclas��if notp�d. 71uis . ' ��'; •,
<br />- S�suity�J�suimawmt daes�avat�►utho�i��ea�oeaerubn or foreclosure i�nM permined by�eaulations oit4e$a�neta'ry.
<br />._.__ - .(e)Mo�Nat Iasa�d. 8orrower agrees�hat should this Security In�uument and the noto secwCd thereby not
<br /> - --�� �e eligibla for insut�nce under �he Nulonal Houeing Act wlthin 9 nwntha �m�
<br /> - --=� date henof.Lender may.at its optlon and notwithstanding anything in Poragraph 9,rrquir+a immodiau payment in
<br /> � � full of all sums socun:d by Ihis Sxurity In�dument, A wrltten statement of any authorlud�gent of Ihe Secrctwry
<br /> deted subsequent to 8 p�ppth� ft�nm the de�e Mer�eof,decNning to irwure Ihia Sxurity
<br />- Inchument and the note secw�ed lheteby.�hall bo deemed concluaive proof of such inali�ibility. Natwithatanding
<br />= tho foregoMg,thir opdon may not be exercised by Leoder when the unovdlrbility of incurmco is solely due to
<br /> Lender�s failure w�emit a mongage insurwica prcmium ta the Secrcuuy.
<br /> 10. Reta�teaen� Barower has�r��ht to be rcinRtatod if Lendcr h�rcquiRd immodiate payment in ful)becwcc
<br /> of Bmmwer4�f�iluro to pay an amounl duo under the•Nde or thix Securiry Instrument. 71�is �ight AppNen evan Afte�
<br /> foroclo�uro procroedings u�e instituted. 7b rcinslrlo Ihc Security Inqtn�ment. 8ormwcr eh�ll lender in • lump sum all
<br /> �maunta requirod tobrin�Borrowor�account cument including,ta�he e;tent they w+e obllg�tions af Bunower under�his
<br /> Security Inatrunxnt�tm+acloaure costs and reagon�ble uid customary attomeyn'fixx nnd expenser properly�ssociated with
<br />-+�� the forccloaum proceeding. Upon reinsUtement by Borrower.thi�Security Instn�ment and�he obtigationa tlut it secu�s
<br /> ��� ehall remaln in effcct as if L.andar had notroq uired immedioto pAyment in full. However,l.ender is not t�equircA to pem�it
<br /> - noinatatement if: (i)I.ender hws accepted reinsta�ertxnt after the commencement of forcclosure proceedings wi�hin hvo
<br /> yea�s immediately pneceding the com�xncement of a cument fonclosure proceeding, (ii) minstatement will preclude
<br /> faroclasure on differrnt grounds in the futu�,or(iii)rcinstatcment will adversaly af�'ect the pdority of the lien cneatcd by
<br /> �hie Securi�y Insqument.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Relwsedt Forbearance by l.ender Not a Walver. Extension of the time of payme�t or
<br /> moditication of amoAizadon oi the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender�o any successor�n interes�
<br /> of Botrower shell not operate to release�he Nebillly of tl�e origlnal Barnower or Borrowerk successor in inta�est. Lender
<br /> shall not be requl�d to commence proceedings agalnsl an�successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or
<br /> - ';,� otherwise modify amortization of the aums secured by 1h�R Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the
<br />� ��+ z original Bomower or Bormwerb successors In interest. My forbearance by l.ender in exercising any right m rcmedy slwll
<br /> (;��'�•+ not bo a waiver oi or preclude the exercise of any dght o�remedy.
<br /> �'�" 12, Suoces.gors and Asslgna Baund; Joint And Several I.iablllty;Co•Signers. The covenants and pgreements vt =
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and Ixnefit the successorx und ossigns of L.ender and Borrower,subjec�to�provislons
<br />-: �: of Paragraph 4.b, Bornowerk covenants and agreementa shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs Ihis _
<br /> Securiry Inswment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securily Instrument only to mortgage.gra�tt end
<br /> ��' convey that 8orrowerL imerest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumenr(b)is not persor�ally ob il gated to
<br /> '•'%' pay the sums secured by this Secudty Instrwnent;and(c)agrees that Lender nnd any other Borrower may agrce to extend,
<br /> •;,�.°<'h'� .,: • modify,forbenr or make any eccommodalions with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrumem or the Note wi�hout thnt
<br /> , .
<br />-'- Borrowerk consent.
<br /> "�`'"`''�'� 13. Notk�es. Any notice to Borcawer provfded for In Ihis Security Instrument shall be given by dtlivering It or by
<br /> .�„�,,�'-�� mailing it by �ist class mail unless upplkable law requires use of another methal. The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> ''��'"�`-'�;-'b +�'r PropeRy Address or any other uddress Borrower designutes by natice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> 1�� � --�--;�,�� tirst claas mail to Lender's uddress stAted herein or uny address Lender designales by notice to Borrower. My notice
<br /> Qrovided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to havc been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provMed
<br />- �t:. .:r'�.�.. -
<br />_ ;, .�... � ���,• ;.. m this paregreph. -
<br />_ ' `��v-��;""`. 14. Governing Law; Severability. This Security Inxtrument shall be govemeJ by Federul law ond thc Inw of the -
<br /> ��"�� �'�`'���' judsdicdon in which�he Property is located. In the event thut nny provision or clnuz;e of this Security Instrumem or�he
<br /> • ��.�,.:.•.: ,. -
<br /> ,��,;
<br /> �'"'''. � '' °" Note conflicts wlth ap Ifcable law,such conFlict shnll not affecl other Provisions of this Securily Instrumem or the Note
<br /> s�';-'•"• . which can bc given e�ec�without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisionr of thin Seruri�y Instn�ment and the
<br /> Note t►rc declared to be severablc. =
<br /> �„`-!� ���'.,;;� 15. Borrower's Copy Borrower shell be given one confom�ed copy of this Securily Inxtrument.
<br /> �`����='�•• �• 16. Assignmenl of Rents. Borrower unconditional ly a+xigm und trunsfen lo Lender ull the rents and revenues of the
<br /> ��'' PropeRy. Borrower uuthorizes Lender or Lender�agent�to collect the rem,und revenues und hereby di►ecls euch tenAnt of
<br /> �.
<br /> � the Property to p�y the rents to Lender or Lender!s�gents. However,prior�o l.ender�natice to Bomower of Borrower's
<br /> �t r .. ' brcoch of uny covenant or ogreement in thn Security Im�rument,Bormwcr shull collect und receive ull mnta ond revenues of
<br /> - —`"�'�"��' the Property es trustee for the benefil of Lendcr and Borrowcr. This usxignment of rentx constitutex un ubxolute ussignment _
<br /> - wid not an assignment for additional security only.
<br /> If Lender Bives notice of breach to Borrower. (a)ull rents received by Barrower whall be held by Bnrrower us uvstee
<br /> - for benefit of L.ender only,tn be applied to the sums securcd by the Security Instrumenl; (b)Lxnder shell be entiUed to
<br /> `r` ` colloct and receive all of�he rents of the Ro �t und(c)each tenent af the Pro n nhnll a all rents due and un a�d to
<br /> "'�'�,j 1� Y� Pe Y ' P Y P �
<br />;�� , ,,,�} _,r: Lender or L.ender�agent on Lender�wrinen demand to the tenant. -
<br /> - ,(t,^,f,• ',' Borrower hes not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not pert'ortn any act that woutd
<br /> __ .; �}s r prevent L.ender from exercisin its rights under this Paragraph 16.
<br /> _—_-_,�==�'v�'-�-;_-.� �
<br />__�- • .._.� Lender shall nW be requued to enter upon.�alce cantro➢of or maintain the Propeny before or after giving notice of -
<br />"_��#;�j�y.�;g��.' breach to Borrower. However,l.ender a a judicially apQointed receiver may do sco at any time there is e bresich. Any
<br />�,:,j--�--�",r�'•• applicuUon of nents shall not cure ur waive r+ny def�ult or�nvalidate any other right or rcmed�of Lender. This assignrnen�
<br /> ....�,�.,�s�� nf rcnts of the Property shall terminate when the debt sec�red by Ihe Securiry Inswment is paid in fuH.
<br /> ;�;
<br /> �+:�.
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