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<br /> � �' , . . . . DDRAgLB P�011SIt OF ATTaRIiEY ` . ` • '
<br /> . _ •., . , �
<br /> . IQIOIi i1t+I.!!$!t 87C_'� PRB�'. � ` < , ,
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<br /> :- - -- . _., . . ,
<br /> -That Ii S�iI�Luetli of Grand Islaa$. Nebra�ka, 8o by`t6ese�resa�it� �ska, � -• - -:
<br /> c;cnatituti atid aPPofat ay sons. Jers�f Lusth an� Thaaisa 7,ueth.'bath af 6ranc� is�and, -
<br /> �.L�tebia�ka,.11t1D EIT86R �F THSli. � a�71 ]lttcrnays-in-Fact, to tb for me aac] on ag[ �f• .
<br /> aay of tb� follatiag; , � , a
<br /> � 1. To �►3.thdraM by �heck or atherKfse fras�any check#nRJ ac�ot�nt, savinqs �
<br /> account, and/or savinqs certificate accatnt. rhi.ch I �eaY have.
<br /> . Z, To encbrse checks for +d�posifi ta my checkin4 a�couat or saviuqs , `
<br /> acoauit and to receive aa� PropertY or cre@i.t$ amsd bY ma, iacludinq .
<br /> • any moniss P�Y�� to me by any governmeata7. acJeaaY• K3i At�orneysT
<br /> - in-Fact, or either of these, shall Iiave full authority to redeene, have re-
<br /> � ragistered,`or have �reis$ued aaY bcnd, note, bill, Marraut, certiPicate or
<br /> . . ' oth�r evidence of indebteaness cwns� by me (inclndi�4 �aF snch'items amad
<br /> =_ � by�m� aa a co-a�mer or. joint tenantl:an8 issued by the��IInited States, anY
<br /> othe� aauntrY, any state, auaiciga?�.i,t7t. or oth�r qoverrimeatal subdi- . . ,
<br /> • visica ar 9�er�fen�. a��Y. . '" . ' • � .'
<br /> _- 3. To se21 ar lease any assets awned by me. �vhether rea2 estate or per- �� ,
<br /> - . . , . ,._ ' ..son�l propertg_an� includin9 h���.Pr�rtSt,aad stacks and bonds, :
<br /> '! '' at such.prices, on such:terms, for.=�such<Iength of�erm,'and in,sach
<br />- •manaer, whether at private or public sale or negotiation, ae tay Attas7isys-
<br />`��� in-Fact da� advisttble. Thep m�►Y coavey aaY P�rtlt so sold by them�by
<br /> instr�unents of conneyance with custaaxsY warrenties. T'hey nwY eater any
<br />;�y„ �safety deposit' box I lease and saay reeaPQe any items therefram. They
<br /> _ are empowered to.make gifts for me.. ;
<br />`:•r;,� A: To eater into agreements pertaininq to any property or any interest ia ,
<br />--- - • progerty a�ned by me and on such terms as my Attosneys-in-Fact deeia ac�-
<br /> ••-+� visable. This shell iaclude contracts for goads, repairs. improve-
<br /> � ments, replacements, and personal servicea for the maintena�hce of my
<br /> � progerty; and to borroN funds and mort9age prcpertY therefor.
<br /> '' S. In qeaernl, to enter into any bus�nesg traneactions pertaining to my
<br /> propertY and for my maintenance as fully as I could do it myself. They
<br /> are empowered to eiqn my incane tax returns and related docweents.
<br /> � 6. To enter into any contracta or agre�nents for any medical, domicil- -
<br /> iary, or othe� care needed by me as deteszained to be in--m�t-�$t--inter- ���
<br /> • ests by either of my Attcraseys-in�'act, and� pay all fees and chazges
<br /> necessary for my maintes�:-:ce aad case; to authorize any medical pracedures :
<br /> for me. �
<br /> �. I ratify and canfi�aa ell acts c3oae by rny Attorneys•in-Fnct, or either of them,
<br /> - under thia Power of Attorney. Sither of my Attorrceys-in-Fact are specifscallY
<br /> - � empo+rered to act under this Power of Attorney iadependently of the othax, and any
<br /> � :� dacisian or action by either of them aeea not be jo3ned 3n and conseated �to by the
<br /> other. I reserve the riqht to revoke this Fcswer of Attorney by the filing of euch
<br /> revoca�ion in Miscellaneoue Records in the Office of the Register of Deeds of
<br /> • _ �,: Hall County, Nebraska. Thia Por+er o£ Attorney shall remain in full •fo�ce and effect
<br />. •�� � even though I may hereafter become mentally or physically incampetent.
<br /> � - � DATED this � day af January, 1988.
<br /> �
<br />-.. ��. ���' � �� �-t. r'� .-
<br />� � . . LuE�
<br /> . _ . � - � ss�s� oa r�x�sx�► ) �
<br /> .. . : ss.
<br />�3. � � t7011MPY OF HALL ) • „ .
<br /> __' _^�';F _` . _ On this �day o� January, 1988, befoYe me, the undersigned, a Notary Public within
<br /> °"- s� and for said County, personal.ly came Hazel Lueth, who ia knawn ta me to be the
<br /> �� . � • identical porson whQSa name i.s affixed to the foregoing PoMer af �lttorney, and .
<br /> acknoNledga� her execution to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> - � � iiITNLSS eny hand an8 tar�pl Seal the date laet abave Nritten. Ny Notarial Caemis-
<br />. � aion expires:�,,;�_ � ?s .
<br /> -- - ----- _ .. . - - - - . J -_
<br /> ;. „ � � cu�uu�or,ur�-:tn•er�r,u
<br /> _ - {� - ARtHtlR:.tA.AYER - -. . . NO� _ 3,C _ _ _ _
<br /> f ., :G,. �,r, E•7l.�.•�.;�?3
<br />