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<br /> applicabk law nuy spxUy fa �ele�utarant)before ule of the Pmpaty punwnt w�ay pawor�'�la casWned ia dii�
<br /> Sactrity ln�mea�:a(b)a�y ot�jud�n�at eaiacrin�U�is 9ecud�Y InsWman. 7'bose condidaa�u+e that Bai+owa: (•)
<br /> � pay�La�ler dl wmt whicb lhea wadd be due under this Securlty Inswmeat and the Note u[f uu �axler�don lud
<br /> accun+ed�(b)cura any defiuit of�ay ot6er oovaunq a�roemeao�(c)PoY�dl expe�aet incumod ia enfa+ciaR tbia Sacudty
<br /> In�tnutxnt. iaclud��but net limited w. �mnebbe ap�omoyi'fca:wid (d)Wces wcb�colon�Leadu may raar�My
<br /> nequfR to�swro tiuit Iba lieA of d�&ecurity Inswrrua�l.ec�derls dght�in Iho PmpMp�nd�3arower"s obUQ�tioa to p�y 1he
<br /> wros eacuend by thi� Securiry imuvmatt �hall cantlnue unciaanged. Upon reinitatemer�t b3r 8ormwer. this Secudty
<br /> In�wmeat sad 1he oblipdoin:ac�red ha�eby�tull romRin fWly effative as if ao aocelaation lud accurtatl. Huwever.thir
<br /> ._:�__ �._� right to roinslote shall not epply in�he c�se af aocelendan uader pan�graph 17.
<br /> 1!. S�le d Notei C'6�ACe d Las 5ia�rfoat The Notc or a partinl iatenat in tho Note(to�etber wi�h Ihi�Securiry
<br /> Insdumoat)may be wld ono or more dma without prtor notica w Barower. A sale may rewit in�chsnge ia tla entity
<br /> (known�a the"Loan Se�vicer")thot coUects monthlY PaYmenta duo under thn Note aad thia Securlty Iaspucnent. Tlkne alw
<br /> may be ono ar mae ch�nges of the L,oa�n Savicer wu�elated w p swle oi the Note. If there is a chaage of the[.00n Savfoar.
<br /> Aorn►wet wlll be given writtea ndice of tho change in accardaace with pangtaph 14 obove and applica6k law. The ndkx
<br /> --- -- — wW siate the aaa�e and addreas of�he aew Losn Serviar and the wMrn�us wbich payment�ehould be mado. The nodca wW
<br /> - also conuin Any other infixmation rcqui�rd by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hatt�rdaw�. Bomowm shall not cause or penalt the pmscnce.use.disposal.swrage.or release of�ty
<br /> Hozatdous Substencea on or in tbo Pinperty. Bcxrower ahall not do. nar allow anyone else to do.anythiag affe�dng the
<br /> Prope�ty that is in violallon af wny Envimnmental Law. The preceAiag nvo sentences shall aot apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> stor�ge on tba Prope�ty of srt►all qwnti�ies oi HazoMous Substance9�dat w'+e gene�ally acoyniud w be approp�iate w nonnpl
<br /> rr,�idepWd uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Barower shwll promptlY give Lender written nake of any i nvestigatian.claim.demand.Ixwsuit or otl�er acdoa by ony
<br /> _ _ govenunental or�cguluory agency or private paRy involving thc Pmpaty and any Hezardous Subsl�nce or Envimronental
<br /> _ Law of which Bo�rower has actual knawledge. If Borrower leams,or is notificd by any gocammental or cegulatay
<br /> authority.lhat eny�emov�l w orhor remedieqon of eny Hazardous Subst�x at�'ecdng the P�ope�ty�s nececsary.Aorrower
<br /> - �P�PUY take all necessary remedi�l acdons in accotdaax wkh Envirvnmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragruph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ace those substences defined as to�ic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Envlronmeatal Lew and the following subs�ances: gasoline,keca4ene,o[her flemmable or toxic petrolwm products. wxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials conteining a+bestos or fornialdehyde, and radioac8ve materLls. As
<br /> used in�his pa�agraph 20."Envimnmemal L,aw"means federal laws anci IAwc of the jurisdicuon whe�e the Property is located
<br />' thet rclate to haallh.sefety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNlFORM COVENAMS. Bomower and Lender farthercoverwnt and agree as foliowa:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Itemediea l.ender shall gtve aotla to Borrorrer prbr to�coelerattan toNovvtng Borrovrer's
<br /> brracb ot nuy cove�wnt or ogriement in t6ts Security lastrnrneial(but not prior to nccekraHon w�der�wra�apb 17
<br /> unlers appiicable Iww provides olber�ise). 7'he nodce s6a11 ep�ciiy: (w)tLe deiwulti(b)Nk act�en requlrsd to cnre Ihe
<br /> dd�ult;(c)A date,dot las than 30 days irom tde dete lhe aoUce i�given to Borrower,by wblch fbe detaWt mnst be
<br /> -- - cured;aad(d)16at fidlure!o cure the de[Aalt on or betore tbe dnte specMkd In the Rotke may�ssoit in�ecder�tioo of
<br /> � ! ,,•. t6e ewna secured by this Security I�strument a»d sale ot the Pronerty. The notke sbWl(�rther latorm Borrower ot
<br /> 1'��° the rigdt w�+einclate wtrer na�eleratlon and the�Ight to brlag a court action to s�ssert We aon�exlstence ot p detaWt or
<br /> ��`��� any other detense ot Borrower lo Acceleratbn wnd sale. lt the defawlt is not cu�on or be�orc t6e alate spedfkd ia
<br /> • • • n
<br />_ � r� the noNa,l.ender at Its option may requin immediwte payment(n tuR of�!1 sume secured by tbla Sccudty loctrumeat
<br /> *�;,. , witdout turther demwad and moy Invoke t6e power oP sWe and any other remedies permitted by �plic�ble Ww.
<br /> ���,.
<br /> '�'� � ��;;°��;�:;',".3:� I.ender eheli be entltled to coUect all expenses Incun�ed to pursuin�the remedies provided ia thts paragnPh 21.
<br /> t;�,��r7�;;;:�:lC:�'; ladudtag,but not IMnited to.reasonnblc attorneys'tees w�d cosW of lille evidence.
<br /> �^.:�'..•� �•�"{� I[tl�e power ot sale ts invoked,71�uslee s6W1 record a notke o�defAWt in each county W whicb any part of Ihe
<br /> Property ts located and eludl moll rnples o�sucd nod�^e in the rnaaner prescrfbed by applicable law to Horrower and to
<br /> �•y:d1w�... the other perr,�as prcscribed by appikabk law ARer the drne reyai red by opplicable law,7lrustee sbsU give pubik
<br /> �.. `�'a..� ::: •��'' notice ot e�de to the persons and In tfie manner prescribed by applicable law 'ilrustee�without demaud on Borrower,
<br />' .:��,�• ^�""�'c��,.s` ��� ahaH sel!/he Praperty at public auctlon to the highest bidder at We Wrne and place and uader Wc ter[qs designwted In
<br /> ~ a'"'"'• Y�.• tUe aodce of sale In one or more pnrcels and in ony order 7Fustee delermMea. 'llrastee may postpone sale ot wB or aay
<br /> •.y�r+4-:�S.,t.vr..,•...�Y._.
<br /> '•-,�,�,;.:,�,,;, }�� pArcel ot the Propert9 b7 Publk pnnouncement at the tlme and place ot any previously sched�k�d enle. I.Nwk�.�r ia�
<br /> :��t"° '�y �'.•',�;`?�;°'.,s designce mAY Purc6ose the t'roperty at Any snle.
<br /> � . .�•'�� •�•s-� � Upo» receipt ot payment of Ihe price bid,7tu�tee s1�11 deliver w the purchaser'1lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> '" `�,:,;.:�..?.a�}�`� Property. The recitals in the 7lrostee's deed sball be primn fack evidence oi the truth of the siatement�taade therelo.
<br />`��,��� n�:�::'�• � 'Atu�tee ehWl Apply We proceeds oi 1he sale M Ihe tdlowing order: 1a) to all casts and expenses o[exercl4ing tLe power
<br /> ,, _3{�.
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