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<br /> . appGcaQie Lw may a�ify fa�eiasa�)beta�e ale,d tt�Ptope�ty p�ew�nt 1cs�ny power of�l�e aoaia�ieA ia lhi�. `<
<br /> .` Security i��ar jb)enocY.of�judpnak rafa�this Secu�ity Lnoru�oeat. 't'6o�e oond'Miau��ue tLait_Haspwer. t�) �' , _
<br /> - pays I.rnder all aunu wLicb tben waoW be due uMer this Securit�r insuument and tbe Natd�s if no aoorleratiaa lwid ,
<br /> ....�..���t.�. .��ne�err�.nc� �le4vsal���n�nw i��n�yL in�nfiwrin�Mis Securitv- -
<br /> - - �-�vl..n.s . > .� ���-�---�-.-.• �-�___."r_'_�"'__" _ ___ .�
<br /> - i�#niudi�g.buc aoclimimd io.r�bk.aaarn�ys't'ees:�and E�)W�s snch activn as Lendar m'sy rarc�i� -
<br /> . ' �qiiite to�rc th�t the lim of this Security'�inunent. n[.eoderb riglws in the Property�nd Bdn�vlrerh obli�atio4 w p�jr tbe.
<br /> sums aecuted by tbis Securiry L�umeat a6all ca�inue.iu�ciun�ed. E9pon rcin�tatement bq Botrower. this Security
<br /> Ins�ummt aod the obitg�sa�tt�t�t+eby sA�rea�n futiy�effe�t[va�s if no accetentlo�4 hd accwf+ed. However.this _
<br /> _ rig6t to zeiasnte�ll not appiy in t�case of acaleiatioa twler paagt�ph 1Z � - -
<br /> I� Sak at`Nole;C1M�e ot la�Svrioe' The Note or a pttltl inoercst in the Nota(t�tiier wid4 this 5ecurity �
<br /> tastr�Knt)may be sold une a�mae times witbqut prior inotive to Bar��nwer. A ssak msy tesuit!a a chang�e ie tpt'�ntitg
<br /> (Imown u�1�e"Lo�n Setvicer")th�c collects monthZY payrtiaus duc wider tlie Note and this Securiry Instrument. Thec�e atso •
<br /> msy be on a more cbanges of the Lo�n Savioa aanelued m a sde of t6e Nqe. if the�e is a ch�n�e'of the Lo�f Sarkcr.
<br /> " — � Bamwer wiU 6e giva►writan nake of the chaoge ia accad�noE with Qata�aph�4 above and�ppikable 4w. T6e Aotlae
<br />-= wiIl sque tbe n�me aad addiess of the new Lo�a Serviar aad tdc ad�ness to whkh paytnents should 6e mde. The noticx w�l.
<br />-- alw rnatain any a�ha infomauion ra�Wced by spplir�bie law. � , � • ,
<br />.:�;;_ . � H�wu�doa Sabs�ces. Bamwer s6a11 aot cause ar pem�ft the pasence.use.dispos�l.stonge.nr�ekase of any .
<br /> Hazudoas Substancxs oa oc ia tbe Ptnperty. Bamwer slnit nat do.na,aqow anyate else m cln.anything a�'atiug the• ` �
<br />,�';`y. � Piopetty thiE is in vjWxion of any Fnvicoiuna�W Law Tde procoding two s�s aAUI nnt appty w the pe�nce.use.a .
<br /> - . sto�uge an tb�pcopaty of sm�[I qw�ties of Harallous Substatxxs tlnt ac�gernenlly recognixed to be appi+opri�te to nam�l
<br /> °,,��; t�esidential uses aad m maintensnce of the Pmpaty.
<br /> -- Bamwer sh�U AomPUY Sive Lender wrluen natice of any investiguion,claim,den�and.tawsult or atlkc actioa hY an3►
<br /> i-'�. . B��a��Y�B�Y a P��P�5►u►voiving the Ptopeity snd any Haardous Suhsunce ar Fmun�unentat .
<br />=�:�= 1.Aw of which Bamwer bas�ctual lmnwkdge. If Bartower karas, a is notified by any govemmeaW or ngalatay
<br />' - autbocitY.that any iemovai or ather iemedisdon of any Hazardous Substw�ce aftocting the PropMy is necessary.Borcowu
<br />:t� . - sha11 p[omptiy Wue aU nece.ts�►nnxdfai aaions in accordat�ce with Envimnmrntal Latw.
<br /> _ As used in Wis piragapb 20,"Hu.andous Substances"sue ttwse substar�ces de�u�ed as wxic or harauda�s substntwes by
<br /> ' . _ Envinnama�tal Law and the following substance�: gas�line.kemsene.otiKr flammaWe cx tozic petrokum products.toxic
<br /> pesticides aad berbicides,voiatite solvents.materials containtng asbestos or fom�idehyde.and radio�ctive materials. As
<br /> -_ �sed ia tftis p�agrsph 20,"Envira►menta}law"means fedeml is►ws and laws of the jurisdiction whet�e the Ptapecty is lapted
<br /> , ;� that nelate to he�ltb,safery or environmentai protecHon.
<br /> NON-LJNIFORM COVENANTS. Barmwer and Lender further covenant and agrce as fallows:
<br /> El. Aceekratlon:Remedks. I.ender s�ait aive eotice to Barro�er prtar to acaelenHoe tolbwtag Borrower�
<br />` Me�cb ot Any covesaat oe agreenuat ia tliis Secarity I�trument(bnt aot prtor to acceleration u�der para�prsp617
<br />.�. �s appiicahle l�v.provides ot6vwise):T6e nottee ahaU specUy: ta)t6e default;(b)tbe actbn.required to cure the
<br /> ieT�it;{c)a date,aot k4s t6as 30 dsys trom t6e date t6e eotice i�glves to Borrower.by whic6 t4e defaak nwat be
<br />. . . c�red:s�d{�U�at failare to car+e tbe default os+nr befoK the d�te apeciAed b the aolice�q nsult is�oeleeatioe o�
<br /> �.:. tUe soan aect4+�d by t�is Securtty I�trameat�ad s�k ot the Property. The notia sb�ll ta�ther intorm Rorrower o�
<br />. _ . Q�e et`6e to n�te aRer avaltratioa and tbe�igbt to bct�s couet�Iclloa to As.gert tLe nat-exkteaoe ot a default or
<br /> � �g otbee ddeese d Borrmver to aocekratbo and sal� It t6e defaWt is not cured o0 or betore tde dste specitkd in
<br />. ' tLe eMie�1.ender at its option m�y neqaire immedf�te payment in tull af s�il sums secured by thLs Sccurity Iactrumeet ���-
<br /> witLoat tbrt�er demand and may invake the powec ot sak and any Mher remedies permitted by appliatbk law �,.�x�
<br /> ' L e o d e r s U a l l be ee t i t k d to c o t k c t n l l e.xpenses incurr e d b� pursu ing t h e re m e d k s pro v i d e d in this para�rapb Zl, ����
<br /> � - inclad�es,6�t�at limited to,reasonabk attorneys'tees nnd costs of titk evidenca � •. "�*=-,
<br /> .etj�"/ .. I-:::..
<br /> U tUe pawer ot sak is imolced,7lrustee s6a11 record a notice o�defauit in eacb county in w6kh any part oP tde �.s;,;;,: •,..,,�, .
<br /> Propartp is bcatcd and s6aU mail copies of sucd noNce in the manaer prescHbed by�pplicabk la�r to BorroRer and to . :.';+s;U''-;;�_
<br /> ` � taoHce o�s�fe�to tber��8y 9pplicabk Isw Atter the ttme reqaieed by appustee.wit�hont�detnwnd on�Borr�oRer, . �
<br /> persaag aed io the maaner presa�i6ed by appikabk law 'lY� `.� ., r,.
<br /> � s6a8 sell tie Pr�operty at pnbtk aactioH to t6e h�g6est btddev at tLe Hme and pl�ce and nnder the tertn4 designated in -. -`'��s:�-
<br /> . . r t6e eoNce of�te in one or more paTCeis and in any order Tru.�tee determines. 7irnstee may postpone sak of aD or any, • ,. � -
<br /> psecel o�tAe Property by pQ6tic annauncement at 1Ue time anQ ptace of Aey prevlously schcduted sak. Lender or its '�
<br /> •.ti�:;;<;;..
<br /> ���9 Parcha4e tl�Ptoperty at�ny saia :;;.:-,:,r,•-. .�`: -
<br /> Upon rcceipt of pAye�eet ot the prke biii,7lrustee sludl deliver to the purchaser 7lrastee's dad canveying the •�•�;� ,-:
<br /> � PropeHy. Tbe recitats in tLe 7lrusta's deeii sh�ll be prtma fack evldence ot the truth ot tha statements nwde therein. ='�"-�?'��:. •���'
<br /> � 7lrusta s6a11 apply the proceeds of the sale in the idtowing order. ta)to all costs and expenses o�exercising the power ��,.,;1;��r_
<br />: � • ..f<r' -
<br /> :.:., .s:..
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