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<br /> -. - ��ppiicibk 4w msy specify far nerivatem�t3 6efare ssk of the Ptr�e�ty W�suaot to xry PQwer af s�fe cmt�ed in tdis � �
<br /> - . �a�Fty i�men�a N)�Y��►�enf�8���Y Instmmau. 'Ibase caadlaa��ne tJat.Boimwer: (a)
<br /> P�YS��alt sums wipfi thea would be due m�der t6is Sec�uity��t ud the Nate as if aa acceler�da�hsd
<br /> — - ----_--ccr.a�ed:lb�am�-�Y�u�Y-��venants or ag�oeme�t�_(c)piYs all expenses incumed in enfo�ing this�eCUrity -- - - - ---
<br /> � � ° Insuumait.includng,but act limrted t0.trasoaable auotneys'fas; and(fi�'s s�i-a�ic Ion as Lau�ec ttr�y teasaabtX"
<br /> reqidte to sssune thu d�e Uai of this Sec�uitY Iasuuma��l.aider�s rig6ts ia the Piropetty and Rartower�s obiigation to pay d�e .
<br /> �ums�secu�ed by this Security In�t shall cantinue u�god. LTpon reinstaument by Bortower this Secunry
<br /> � Ias�nt arid the obTgufaas sxuzed t�ecebY st�alt iemain fully effxtive as if m accetendon dad occwred..Howevu.tl�is —
<br /> rigbt to te�a�ste s8alt aot appYY in tir esse of acceteradoa artder garagaph!?. _ • '��� .
<br /> - i! Ssk:.d Nate;C�e at Lau Servicer. 'FAe Note ur a p�ti�l inte�+est'in the Note(tagethec with Uus.Securiry .
<br /> - . ' Initr�unent)msy br soW one or mo�e drtKS wldaut prioc notice to Baroaer. A sate may r�ilt in a ct�annge in the entity.
<br />- (Imowrl is dye°Loan Se�vioe��ttnt coUocts moathlY PaYments doe under the Noce aad this Seeiuity Iastr�ment. 7t�ece also` -_ _-
<br /> �may 6e aoe or mae clanges of the Lflan Servicer wuelaud to s sak of tba Note. If tbene is a ci�age of the Loaa Se�vicer. __-
<br />_- � . Bortowa wili be given written tatice of the change in aocotdance with paragrapb 14 above a�applicabk law. The notice �------
<br />��� will state t!x name and addiess of ihe�►I.o�Servi�cer and 8�e addness to which payments sLoWB be mad� 'IUe notice will - _
<br /> ° aiso oa�usin�y ather iufonnation requited bY aFPl�b�e faw. �� . -_
<br />--' - 2A Hwrdoa+So6staecGS. Bcxt�wer sdalt aoc canse or pe�mit tbe Pmsence.us�dislwsal•sta'+Se,or nekase of any _ -
<br />�.`.`� H�vzrdoas Sub.stacr.�s oa.or in the Pmpetty: Barower�all uot.do.uor altow anyone.else to do.anydunS affecw►8 the �:
<br />: `�•�_ _ � ptope�ty dwt is ie viohtian of airy Environmentai i.aw. '[tie�ng two�shaii na apply w the presence.�ac �__�- _
<br /> ,. '. sta�age on the Ptnpecty of smaII quamiHes of Hazaidoas Substances d�at are g�nerally reCogniz�ed to be appropriate to twrmal � �y� --
<br /> � residential uses ard w maintenance of the Ptoperty. . • � . �.-�� -
<br />.,�..* �r,---
<br /> Bamwet sUaU p�omptly give L�nder written notice of any u►vestigapon,ctaim.demand,lawsuit or w1Kr action 6y any `�-`"�
<br /> a
<br />_''- r gQV�fl111iGDf3I Of IC$UI�tOCSI A$COC}�.9Q�7t1V1iC(�ily�Y��S��Y�•11tJ�HeTaCAOUS SU6St8pCC OC F11Y1N11I11CIt[31 ����,�
<br /> OVe�i1tACQt�Or t�C$I113t �- ``"'
<br />- � . .Law of which Bamwer l�as actaaF Lnowiedge. If Botiawer lrarns.ot is notiftod by am►.g �Y ����_
<br /> autlaricy.that any t�emoval or ad�er�eci�ediation of a�ry Hazazdous Substanoe affecting the Pmperty is necessary.Bo�tewer ---=
<br /> �e re
<br /> . shall pnamptly talce all,necessarY teme�aedons.in?��e with Envimmneatai I.aw. • �`�':.
<br /> � ;��.
<br />� . As usod'm dris puaBr�Ph 2tT.''�aus Sabstaz�ces are those substances defu�ed as toidc or�aZardous substances by �4�,�-.°-
<br /> - � Enviranmeatal Law and the foltaw��ssrbstances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammabte or toxic pepmleum products.toaic .t_:°�.�.'.--_
<br /> pesticides and herl�icides,volaU7e sa:�ents.materiats containing asbestos or fom�aldehyd�and ra�oactive matedaLc. As X,_v:,c�,.y
<br /> '` ' '? usod irt this pangraph ZR"W►vironmeatal Law".:ntteans f�l laws and laws of tiie juris�aron whe�e the Pmperty is locaied °'r.�e'_;; 4_
<br /> . `�� �that relate to lraith,safety or environmental piote�ioa � � • .:
<br /> .. NON-UN(FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further wveaantand agree as follows: � _.�;:;;k.` ;�
<br /> � 21. Accekratbo:Raaedies. l.ender sbaR give aotice tu Ba�raRec prior to neoeteradan idlawiag Barovrer s ;-`�:„�-r :�
<br /> breac6 of asy coYea�uit ar agrceme�t t0 th�Secarity[nstrammt(but aot prioc to aooekration onder paragraph 17 , . ,:. , _=
<br /> .,f_ �°�:��-;�,_ �
<br /> ontess Applicabte taw provides utl�rise?. The nMioe slud!specify: (a)ti�e defauN;@}t6e actba required to cure the -��r r;,:�u_
<br /> � ` �%`- defwlh tc)�s date.�ot ie�t�3�d�ys tran the dnte t�e nMke i�giQe��r BarroReti by w6k6 the detauk must be :�`r;r,�,.�-�
<br /> -Y..:: w'?S� 'F-.-'
<br /> ''1 . .' °:t'� cared;asd(�tLst ta�areto aee tbe d e[a a M oa or 6 e tore t i i e d a te�i e i is tie�otics ms y resaB in auoeleration ot • �;°s �'T-
<br /> � � :�' � tbe sams secared by IIus Seco�its�Strument and ssik ot tIK Praperty.,'Ei�e aatice s6aU turtder inform Bon�ovver of �".a. "=n°
<br /> tbe ri�6t w reiastate aRer scMe�won snd the right to briag s coart actioii.to assNt ti�#od-eaisteaee ot s de(auk ar '-r�t'��•=-.:
<br /> "' any dher defeese ot Bo�rower ta acceier�tion aad sak. Ii the detaute is'eot car+ed oa a�c 6etore the date specifiea in ° .•c��';:.;.�._--
<br /> . ;� the soNo�1Rader at ifs option maq reqnire immedis�te payment io fu0 olal!sams secar+a�by tbls Secartty Instrau+e�t ;•.����`r'�y.�:�-'r,;-�--
<br /> _.�,x;�,�,,: s
<br /> . ''"`�' ':;• �rithout furt6er demand and may invoke the power oi sak�nd any a�ts remedies permitted 6y applkable taw �-
<br /> � �`�'� Leeder sball be entitkd to callect all expenses iecurred in pursuing tie remedies provided ie t!�paragmph 21. _. «�_
<br /> su
<br /> . g �"� iacindiea,6ut aot Qmited to.reasonabk attorneys'fees And costs ot title ecidenca '_.;.�.��
<br /> � �q It the power at sak is invoked,7irustce shait record a notke o�defaolt in each county fn whkb any part ot the � _
<br /> . Proptrtp is located and shall a�il copies ot wch aotice in t6e m�nner prescribed by applic�bk taw to Borrower aitQ�o� . ;•>,_"
<br />� the dher persons prescrihed by applkabk taw Atter the time required by applicaDk law.7fustee shaU give pubik , . -.-r-,--
<br /> notke o�sak to the persons and in the manne�prescr i b e d by ap p l i c a b t e t aw T r u s t e e.w i t h o u t d e m a nd on Bon�ower. . �.;�_":
<br /> `: shaN selt!he Property at public auction to the higHeu bidder at the time a�d place and ander the tenas destgnated in =, .. . _ w=-;_�
<br /> � , , ihe notice ot sak in one or more parcels�nd in Any arder Tro.stee determw�es. 7lrustee ms►Y P��P��k��II or any -� . � r�c-*��
<br /> . ���"'" �' parcel of the Property by pu61k annonncement at the time and place of any previously schedukd safe. i.ender or its ' •:�� •, '
<br /> ., ��'��,.. desigeee ma�purcdsise the Property at any sak. ` � „ � , '-`.��' �.
<br /> � '' Upon receipt at payment o�the prke bid.7lrustee shail deliver to t6e parchaser 71ra�tee's dted coaveying the ,� , i�:�'�Y;'
<br /> � Property. The rceitals in the Tiustee's deed sha0 be prima facic evidence ot t6e tirath ot the statea�ents nwde therein. �}��:_
<br /> � 'llrusta sdsilll appiy the proceeds of the�1e io the foilowing order: (a)to�fl oo.sts and expeases otexercising the power •
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