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<br /> - p.�,mes.may ao toa�ar 6e requi�,at,+ife optinn of ta�dar,sf moKf�e insuna�ce.oc+►ec�e cm tlk.an�owae and for t�e�pe�od .
<br /> ' tdt Iradet reqYieakpc�i�ded bY as i�x�°M°d b!►.l�et�da a6am 6oeomes avail�bk aod is o6t�ined.Bo�ar�11 Q�Y
<br /> � 't6e praw�s raqui�ed w mainaiu moct3�e iawraaotin dia�,a w p�rovide�►laa:ae�ve,w�W tbe iaNin;nuat fcr mat�e
<br /> - — �i�rIYCC m0�i11 a0o04��vim�y��scai��"•,..°°`� °•��"'�•tM����3q� - - -
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<br /> ��!'�N.�C�C[!tS i6{�10�►�;C iC�0111�G!Q[tCS 1ipOp�/�Og tLC P[O�lSf.i.�rt�S��tYC
<br /> Hono�r aatioe u the time of or pia W so�pe�xion�e�ifYinB neasoa�6le c#�u�fa the i�tion. -
<br /> 1�Cwiew�tiN.The pmcoods uf any��ratd ar cl�im foc damages.ditect qr oonseqomt�l, in oa�ccti�n widt any.
<br /> ooqdemmtia�or ather taldng of�►y paR of tl�e gropetty.or for oonvryanae in I'iw of aoodemnadaa,ane be�y a4iSued aod
<br /> -shall be pid to Ls�der. �
<br /> � Ia the evajt of a wW taltins of the P�aQetty,the p�oceeds s�U 6e sipplied w ti�e sums savtod by t6is Savriry Iasuumeat,
<br /> Mhedrec a mt dKa dae.with anY exa�ss P�tid to Bo��er. In We eveat of a p�tial talriag of tUe pmpecry in whicb tbe f�ir
<br /> ma�kd value of tbe Pmpaty i�mmiodi�elY befone the t�inoB is eqod w or gc+ater t!m t6e�ou�of the sums seatued by tLis . � .
<br /> ` Sacuriry lasonm�eut i�edia�elY befot�tl�e tald�ng.unkss Horiuwa and I.eader ad�trwise agnee in vYriting.the s�s socared bY ,
<br />--- qiis Seeut�ty iastnrmmt shall be tedacod by the aaw�at of tbe peooeads moitiplkd by the fdlovrjag fraaton: (a)tbe tetal
<br /> _- aa�ount of ine sums savtod immedittely before the Wang,drivide�isy @�tbe fair markd valae of tNe Ptope�ty iumxdi�tety
<br /> ,_-- 6ef'ae d�a t�ioiag. Aay b�lanoe sbdl be pdd to Boimwer.In tl�c tva►t of a p�tial talnng of tbe property in vvhich tLe fsir ,
<br /> m�rYet value of tLe PmQecty inunedi�tely 6efon t6e taking is tess tt�n the amouni of tbe�seauoci imznod�tly befone t6e
<br /> `-'�r tdnag,unkss Hocmwu aad I.eniier otherwise sl�oe in writing or ontess appGqbte`taw athe�vise provides.the pmaeds siw11
<br />�ti_= be applitd ta the s�sewred by this Seauity Insuumeot wtktber oc aot the sutns ais thea due. _
<br /> `�r�_ If the Ptnpetty is ab�d�oned lry Banower,ar if.after notice by Iendet.w Borrower t}�t tI�e c�mios offe�s to u�atoe�n
<br /> -- awud ar se,ak�►clau�for damages,Bom�wer fatLs w cespond w i.eader within 30 days'after the dsite tbe natia is given.
<br /> _- L�oder is�utladaed W rdioct aod spply tda ptnoeeds,at its aption.etther W rGSwr�tion or t+epair of the PmpeRY:or to t6e smns
<br /> - socuted by d►is Savrit�I�dument.whet6er or aot then due. � ' .
<br />- Unk�Irnder and Bomnwer aherwise agcee-in writing,anx application of psoeads to principal shafl mt e�tead or �
<br /> • : postpone the due date of the maathIy paymenu refemd w ln puagiaphs 1 and 2 or cl�ange the�mouat of sucli paya�ents. --
<br /> -. 11.Bos�+owee Nat�de�aed:For6qnuioe 89 IRnder Not a Wn[yer.Extension of�time for paymrnt or modifiaaion _ _
<br /> �,�; of smoctintioo of the sums secarod by thjs�vrity Invtrurbent graMed by Leader w any successc+r in inte�st of Harrower s�U= ---
<br />�� not opente to reteas�the liabllity of tLe original Borrov�or Borrower's sucassors in intereat..Lender shall not be requi�ed to . - _
<br /> � r�" commu�ce proceedings against any su�res.wr in iatcrest ar tefuse to extead time�"or payment or ather�vise modify amoc� �_��a
<br /> � of tba sua�a secttrcA by this Socarity Insmsment by r�ason of any demand made by tlx original Bormwer or Bormwer's �"_"'�-_
<br />" ;, s000a,wrs iA iater�st. �nY forba►rance by Leader ia eaer�ising aay right or nmody sdall not be a waiver of or prcctude tbe �
<br /> . a�enctie of aay righc or�y.
<br /> 12.S�xxoes asd/�� Boaod;Jdpt Aad Several I.iaWlity.Co-�gaers. The wvenants and agroemenu of tdis
<br />' Scearity Jast�um,rnt sl�ll bud aod benefiC the s�rccessors and assigns of Leader and Borrower, subject ta tbe provisiona of .
<br /> � - , �raph 17. Borrower's covenants and agroements sh�ll be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security � -- _
<br /> �. ,l" Ias�ument Mrt'das not exocute the Note:(a)is co-signing th3s Secudty Ic�mame�t only to mortgage.grant and canvey that ___ _
<br /> '�t�;•,ti ----_._
<br /> �. f�;<� Borrowu's inpa+e.a in the Pmpe�ty utder the terrns of this Security lnstrument:(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums ��
<br />. x:, socured by this Socurity Insuument;and(c)aSrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend.modify.foibear or -- R ��
<br /> . '.=`es:'�:
<br /> � u�ke any accommodations with regatA to the tertns of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower s conseat. - -
<br /> ' 13.I�o�n Cbs�es.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sexs maaimum loan chacges. �;.,:;.,..:,__
<br />���' ;;`-;', and that law is finalty interpraod so that the interest or other toan charges coltected ar to be wDlected in wnnection wltb the : ,:;.�:-�
<br /> • � " toan exceod the pecmitted limits.then:(a)any sucb loan charge sha0 be reduced by the amount noassary to nduce the chuge � ��-�-:-� --
<br /> ,...r _
<br />� _ W the petmitted]imit:and(6)any sums already calteMed fmm Basrawer which exceeded permitted Nmits anll be refunded W ' -
<br /> " Botrower. I.ender may chaose to make this refi�nd isy reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dIrxt _ _
<br /> < z gayment to Honower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction wil! be treatod as a partial prepayment without any '- �:-`
<br /> � '"�' P�Y�t ebarge under the Note. ' ' . .
<br /> 14.Natioes.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this 5ecuriry lnstrument shal!be given by deliver�ng it or by mailiag �
<br />_ ., it by first class mail unless applicable law requlres usc of anather methad.The notice shaU be directod to the Property Add�ess �.;;_•-�•:
<br /> or at►y other addiess Bomnwer designates by noticc to Lcnder. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first ctass mai! W "';::::-''-
<br /> Lender's address stated hecein or any other address[gstdcr dcsignat�s by nolice to Borrower. Any iwtice pmvided for in tlus `����''
<br />�-' . ' Se�udty In.strament shall be deemed to have boen given to Borrower ar l.endcr when given as provided in this patagraph. �.-{'���r'
<br />:','t,,; �'� IS.Governiva I.�N;Sererability. This Socurity lnstniment shall bc gaverned by feQeral law and the law of the ,
<br /> • ° jurisdiction a�arhlch the PropeAy is Iocated. M thc cvent that any provision or clausc bf this Securiry lnstrument or the Note •
<br /> �v��� confllets with applicable law.such conflict sha11 not affect other provisianw of this Security lnstrument or the Note which can be
<br /> .:y_ given effoct witAout the oontliqing provision.To this end the provisians of thiy Sccurity lnstrument and the�lote are declued
<br /> to be scverable. ' •
<br /> 16.BorroRer's Copy.Borcowcr shall be givcn one confam�ed copy of the N�te�nd of this Securiry Instrument.
<br />_ ' Fann 302� i!!0 , .
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