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<br /> �a aa�+v a ieiaAet a pet af die peopeit�r. All tepi�omseots aed addittaa� �hil dso 6e ooMe�d b�r S�is S�ea�ty '
<br /> . �meot.All of die fae�oies is teferted to ia ttis Saairity ta�tta�nm��t6C'P�peetY•� . .� . . .
<br /> -B�tBO�OQVENAI!1TS du�t Ea�mwer is ls�lty eeL�ed o�t6e e�e be�r oa►vey�d aad ha�t6e a�t to paot aod � <
<br /> -- -`-�Y�p�����=p�y u`y�t�b�Od,exoept for�s�oes'af ieoo�d.-$oaorrer�rarcants�ad�1---—
<br /> defad�ma�llY tbe title w t�e PmpatY a�i�t ali cWms aad dem�nds.aubjxt to any en�vmb�anors of ca:o�d.,
<br /> �'L7�S SECIJRTPY INSI'RiT1KP.�YT oombiaa uniform ooveaWs fot a�tia�ti use�md aa�a-umfocm oov+eo�nts�vitb limited ,
<br /> � ��y�.te oomtidue a unifonq eoauity imtmmmt am►erin8.�P�P�nY• � _ - .
<br /> iJNff+Oit11�!l'7011�NANTS:Bo�toa�er aodl�end�er auvapmE aad ageee as follaars: . �
<br /> !.b�e ai ht.et�r s.i T�er�l�q�s�a.a..Lde CY�es. sori;awer sbau p�mmptly�ph►�fiea aue the
<br /> �p�iocipl of aod in�eiest ao the debt evidraced by the Nate aod aaY P�Wy�r�tate chuges due aoder th4 Note.
<br /> ' �.�ria fir Tame��wd L�a�ae.Subjxt m aPPliwbl�law or w s vrri�tat wairer 6y La4der.Bo�mwa shall�ay to
<br /> Lader an tbe dsY�Y P'�Y��dae wder t6e No[e,�the Nate is paid in fu11,a aun E"Fands')for:(a)yeuiY taxa
<br /> .�od�eesm�eaits�fiich mty�in pri�sit�►ava this Sxuiity Tnsbvment as a liea oo tlte P�npetty;(1�)9earlY k�ab Ph►°�s .
<br /> ' er Eround ceats on dre Pioprsty.if acY:(a)YprtY�d�P�P�nY insanooe pnemium�(�YartY fIood iraoraooe pte�iumt.
<br /> - � if my:(e)Y�Y����P�if auy;and(�anY sua�PaYabk by Bormwer w l.eader.ia acaotd�ooe widt
<br /> -=_ �he prrnrisions of p�agr�pl�S,in liea af Wc paymtaot of moRgage insurmoe prcmiams-T�se items are a�llod"Escraw Iten�s.' ,
<br />_ .t�eeder mal►=at auy rime.ooUoet_md Mld Funds in an anoaunt not to excad tbe msximum�nwuat s lender for a fodaally
<br /> = , tei�ted mort8�ge!ow mry toquiie for Bomuwer's escrow s�aoaaat ti}nder t6e federai Ral P.state Settlenoent Procedutes Act of
<br /> -= 19F14 as aakaded fc�dm time to time►'12 U.S.C.Saxioa 2b�1 a aeq.("R�SPA').w�less anotber law t�t applies w the Fands
<br /> -- �eCs a ksier�ma�unt.Jf so, Lmdet mtY. at aay time.oollect and hold Fuads in�amo�int mt w atooed tbe ksses amwnt.
<br /> _- - I.pdes may�te the�of Funds dne aa the basis of curKat data aod�asombie e�um�es of acpead�ies of futate •
<br /> - Etcrow Itemt ar od�erovlse in scoa�danoe with�pplicabk law. • _
<br /> T6e F�ds ab�ll be heW in�n iustiEation w6ose..deposits ac�e insuiod by a fedeeal agenc.y, in�um�l�rt�-oc�. _
<br /> _ n
<br /> - _('mduding Le�der�if L.ender is such an instituttoa)ar ia aay Pederal Home Laan Bank.Eender sdall apply the Fasds to pay iBe —_=_-
<br /> � Facrow Items.I.eode:msy_�ot c6arge Eormwer for laldiag and appIying the FuMs,annaati3+anatY�nB the esccuw a000ant..ur —°=-�--_
<br /> . . vex�fqmg tbe ETCrn�v Itenn,ankss�.ender prya Bormwer inanest oa the Fuad4 a�applicable law Permits lcnde`to maice suds , ���------
<br /> �.-_
<br />' a ci�uge.Aowerer,Lsnder maY cequite Bormwer to pay a oao-time eharge for�n inde.pendent real estate tax ceporting sayioe. �-----
<br /> . �: ��_-
<br /> ,�', w�ed b!► L�enderia�on with this loau. antess applicabte law provides otLeiarise. Unless an agneement is made or �=:-_-_
<br /> - � �pplicable 1aw requims interest to be p�id,I.cnder sh�lt not be required to pay Bomawer any inoecest or eamings on the Funds. ��4...s,r
<br /> Bomnwa aad trender a�Y a8me in writing,hawever,d�at inte�est s6a11 be paid on the Fwids. Lender shali give to Borrower, ��,:..__-_
<br /> r witbo�at cl�r�e,w aunual acca��ing of the Fands,showing;credits and debits to tbe Fund��nd the�parpose far wdich each -
<br /> debit w the Fwds was made.Tbe Fuads?u�e pled8od as additiotwl savrity for all sums socarod bg tbis Securit�r Insaumeni. --° -
<br /> . If the Fmds hdd by Lender oxceed ibc amaints permittod to be held by appticable l�vv,I.cnder shall a000ant to Bormwer -
<br /> foc tbe acass°�i.'nds 1n aaordance wnh t6e m�i�emeAts of applicable 1aw. If the amount of t6e Fands 1�e1d by L,ender at any -
<br /> �r time is nat suffcieat to pay tGe Esemw Ite�when due,I.ender may so aotify Borrower in writing,.and,in such case Borrower ��
<br /> � �,�:` sbail pay to Lender the am�a�rt neoessa►Y to make up the deficiency. Borrower sGaII make up the deficiency in no more tban ;�,�..;,x,r
<br /> t
<br /> � �'�� twelve month1y paymenta,�Lender's sole discrction. _��,';;,`-
<br /> � i�� ♦...T,:-I
<br /> - Upon payment in fuU of all sumc sewr�ed by this Security Insuwnent. l.ender shall pnnmptty refund to Borrower any :;k,:'r,���•
<br /> . Fuads heW by Lender.If,arrder paiagraph 21,l,ender shall acquire or seU the Prope�ty.Lendet,prios to the acquisition ar sale ,
<br /> pa a
<br /> a,f the pmpc�ty.sh�ll applq any Funds held by Lender at ti�e time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sans secumd by
<br /> ` ttus Sxurity Innrurnent. - ' _
<br /> 'r. 3.Appl�on of p�ymenta.Unless applicable law provides athcrwise,aU payments mceived by Lender under paragraphs , . -
<br /> .�,
<br /> �� 1 and 2 sT�all be applied:ficst,to anY Prepayment chargcs due under the NMe;socond.to amounts payable ander paragraph 2; _-
<br /> . =ti.'; tl�ird,to interesl.due; fourth.to principal due;and las�to aay tate c�as��s due under the Nace. , ; -
<br />. r= 4.C�aes;],ktt�.Bprruwcr shall pay all taxcs,.assessments,charges,fines aad impositi�s attributabte to the Prapeny .. , .-
<br /> `:" whicb may anain priority aver tltis Sec�rity lnstrument.and teasehold payments or ground rertts,if any. Borruwer shall pay � . ' . �_-
<br /> �•�.
<br /> 4�ese obligatIans in the mattner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrowes shall pay them an time di�ectty r'" � ' -
<br /> - - to the persan owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furntst�to l,ender all notices of amounts to 6e pa3d undcr this patagr.�plt. , =_�°':r�._.�
<br /> � It Borrower malces these PaYments d�mctl ,Borrower shall prom 1 fumish to Lender recei evidencin the ments. '1 �`': ri
<br /> ',:• Y PtY P� S PaY ':.;��:-�
<br /> '�� Bombwer shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioricy over this Security Instrumens untessti Borrower.(a)agecs In __
<br /> � wri6ng to the payment of the obtigetion sccurcd by the lien in a mznncr acceptabte to l.endcr.(b)wntests in good falth the lien � --
<br /> • ' ?� by,or defends eg,ainst cnforcement of the lien in. 7ega1 procccdi�gs which in the Lender's.apinion operatc to p�eveet the • -.
<br /> � ' enforamcae of the lien:or(c)secures from�the hotdcr of the lien a�-�agrcement satisfactory to Lcnder subardinating the licn to �
<br /> � � " '�� ' thls Security Il'nstrument.If Ler�der d�ermires that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prtority oyer �
<br /> . :, .r�� ��� f
<br /> ' . �'�, this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrowcr a notice identifying the licn. Barrawer shall satisfy thc licn ot take one or ' F•. • • �
<br /> • � :�- more oE the xHans set forth above within 10 days nf thc giving of natice.
<br /> . j;.
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