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.. . , <br /> gg �0� 563 <br /> FILE:99-2238 • <br /> EXHIB[T"A" <br /> PARCEL 1: The Weat One Hundred T�venty-eight (128) feet of the North Siuty-tive (6� feet of Lot <br /> Seventeen (1'n of the County Subdlvision of the West Nalf of the Southwest Quarter (Wl/2 SWl/4) of <br /> Section FiReen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., also known as: <br /> The West Une Hundred 7`wenty-eight (128) feet of the following described property tawit Commencing <br /> at a point One Hundred (100) teet North of n point Twenty-three nnd nne-Ilalf (?.3 1/2) rbds North of <br /> a point Thirty-three (33) [eet East of the Southwest corner of Section FIt'teen (15), Township Eleven (11) <br /> Nort6, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., thence from the first named point (said point being the EASt <br /> boundary Ilne of the County Road adjoining) running thence North along the East boundary line of said <br /> ro�d for a distance of Sixty-tive (65) feet, thence East running at right angles with said East boundary <br /> line of said road for a distance of Sixteen (16) rods, thence South parallel with said East line of said <br /> road for a distance of S[xty-iive (65) feet, thence West to place of beglnning for a distance of Sixteen (16) <br /> rods, [n Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPT a tract conveyed to the City of Grand Island as shown in <br /> Warranty Deed recorded in Book 164,Page 377. <br /> PARCEL 2: A tract of land comprising the North Seventy-tive (75) feet of the South One Hundred (100) <br /> feet of the West 'I'wo Hundred Twenty-eight (228) of Lot Seventeen (17) of the County Subdivision of the <br /> West One-Half (Wl/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of Section Fifteen (1�, Township Eleven (11) <br /> North, Range Nlne (9) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> AND <br /> The West One Hundred (100) feet of the East One Hundred Thirty-sia (136) feet of the North Sixty-ftve <br /> (6� feet of Lot Seventeen (17) of County Subdivision of the West One-Half (Wl/2) of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (SWl/4) of Section Fineen (15), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br /> P.M.,in the City of Grand Island,Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> v.q.a TIN�8o11wsn by Aufomaud Red Estat�s�rWo�a.ene. �-�oo-a�o•�s�s 9�-:z�a <br /> , <br />