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<br /> .oa ru�asa naw a he�eaAa':prt or�6e p�pa�ty: �u�pt�oe�ne�a.aa�aaKinn.a�3�.t�c►be sov«+Da by.this sec�ity . .
<br /> . { �Ilit[II� Al�O�1�IE fplC��iS lC�EIilQ b 111 ibi!SEp�[lt����M�Y� . .
<br /> BORRQWFR OOYENANTS�ti�t Bartpvirer is iswfully eeised of�he est�te�b!►canveyed�nd h�u the ri�6t w�nM
<br /> - t. - u�!cawey rhe P[aperty�Cth��e.F�opesy�s unarcumber�exrxpttwreticumbra�iees of r¢cord. 8a�we�w�raats� - - . -
<br /> _ ��wUl ddend 6enmlty��Ge ptk to tf�-Piop�ecty sjuinst att c�i�intsrnd derrupds.wbject to any eneum6ranees og�tecard.;'
<br /> ` TfIIS SECURtPY INS7R(1MF1VT caebines unitatm covenmts far nstionst use and nanwnifarm covsna�Ns�with
<br /> limitpd v�riutoas bY j�isdicdo�a�o consdtute a m�ifbrm securi►y insttument covering�eal propetty. - �
<br /> � UNQ�ORM COYENAN'1'S.Boaower and I.ender coven�at aod agree as totbws: '
<br /> .. ., L pJ���t d Pri�i a�d L�ee+e�h P�epr7�nt ad LMe CYM'�es Barrower sh�ll P�P��WY whea due the ,
<br /> priacip�t of and iete�est an the debt evcdeaced 6Y tha Na�c m��ty pr�tp�ymenc andlate ch�rges due uMer thc l�ote.
<br /> � � L I�lyds tor 73�xea a�d Lran�ea'Subjact to appliabie t�w or w a wrirnn waiva by Lender.Samwer s6sll pay.to
<br /> Lender oa the day rnontblY P�Y�ate due uoder dx Note.unp'I We Nate is paid in fa11.a sum t"Furds"�fur.,tt)y�1Y .
<br /> � wcei aad�,vnents which ma9�ain Priaig►over tbis Securiry Iasuument as a lien on the Ptoperty:(b)Yea�1Y lasehold ,
<br /> P�Y� a��nts an t6e Ymperty. if any; (c)YearlY l�ard a P�P�9 insurance PKmiums; td) Y�Y_� �.
<br />— insucaoce p�eanwns.�f auy:(e)Y�Y��P���if any: �ad(fl�Y�Paribk��wer ro -
<br /> - l.ender,in soca�dmce with the provisims of paragraph 8.in lieu of ihe P�aYment of matgage insaranct p�emwms. 11�e
<br /> -- itern�ane calted"Escrow Items." l.endbr may,at amr tbne.colkct and 6old Fvnds in ui unoant nat w exc�eed tAe muhmm�
<br /> = amount a lender fa a fede�ally ieiated rrangage taa may requi�e for Bamwers escraw xcount under tbe fode�ai Real
<br /> -= Fstate Seuiame6t Ptoced�es Act of t474 as aa�d�d from tis�te ta time,!2 U.S.0�2b11I et acq.("RESPA").unless�uatha . .
<br />_-° , Isw that applies w the�itnds sets a lesser anw�m� If so.I�ender may,at any titnc.collect and hoid Fu�ds in an amount not td
<br /> - cacscQ the kssec.amwnt. L.eader awy �ate the amount of Fvnds dut on the batis af cumeat data uid tr,�sooa6k
<br /> --- estimates of expeafiwmes uf lLMe Lgcmw Items a otderwise in xcocdanca with applicabk 1aw. —"
<br />- Tde�stull bc l�ek! in an iastitutian ahose deposits ac�e insured 6y a foderai agency.instrumcntality.a eruiry
<br /> =:.=;'_ the Funds to
<br />- (Licluding l.ei�dtr.if I.ender is snch an iasdtutian)or in any Fedetat Home Loao Bank. Lender shail appiY WY _
<br />-_�:�`- � the Fscrnw Itemc. Lrnder may not chuge Borrowa fa hoid'mg and applying the Fynds,annually anatyziag tde escrow •
<br /> aoco�t,a'vecifying tLe Escmw Icems, unkss I:ender pays Barrower intecest oa the Fu�ds and applicable law penaits —
<br /> _ . Lender to maice such�a�by Lendtr in��nt�ectioyit�wtth this 1oanW unl�appTicable I w p�vides ott�erxn.'�Untess a� i'�'-`
<br /> , estate tu reponing —
<br /> .. a�gt+eement is made or applicabla taw reqnins intenest to he paid,i�endec s6at1 nnt be ieqttited to pay.Botmwer any inte�est or , �-__--
<br /> �.� _
<br /> � eamings oa the F1�nds. Bormwer and l.ender may agree in wnting,howevei.that ineecest shall be paid on the£vnds. Lender r�:��=--
<br /> � shall give to Bormwer,arithout c6argc.an annw�l accounting of the Funds.showing crcdits and debits to the Fwids�and the ��—'�'=-`
<br /> - purpose for which eaeh debiE to the Funds was made. The Funds ace pledge�as additional securiry for sil sums secuned by =__-
<br /> . this Securiry 1nsUUment... . -. � -° -
<br /> If the Funds hets�'by Lender exceed the amounts pem�itted to be held�by applicabte taw, Lender st�aU account ta = -
<br /> � Se�rrowec for tf�e excess Tamds in accoNance wilh tt�e ro9uic+emen�of applicable law. (f thc amaunt of t�e Fvmds betd 6y --—_
<br /> .. L�ender at any time is not safficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.l.ender may so notify Borrnwer ui wridng,and,in -- -
<br /> � such case Sonower st�all pay to Lender the art�ount neressary to mafce up tf�e deficiency. Barrower shall make up the. , ��='°.�
<br /> . deficiency in ao mone tt�azr twelve monthlY PaYm�nts•at Lender�snle discrcdion. --
<br /> Upon paym�nt ia full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,l.ender shall prampdy refund to Bonower any . j��;;•�
<br /> m
<br /> Fvnds held by Lender. I�tmder paragraph 2l.l,ender shall acqain m sell the Ptnperty.Lender,pnor to tiie acquisition or �.;_�—�
<br /> . sale af the Froperty.shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the ame of a�quisition or sale as a credit against the sums -��:.
<br /> = a qu
<br /> �t secured by this Se�uziry Insuument. �.-::�`#; �
<br /> .,�:,�-
<br /> 3 A�plkatioe a�Awymeets. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under � _ . .
<br /> ' t `� paragraphs 1 and 2 shaD be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second to amounts payable under • :.
<br /> ' �;.: paragraph Z;third,to h►terest due;fourth.to priacipal due;and tast,to any late charges due urMer the Note. . .-.
<br /> 4. C6arges• L�eaa Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,charges,fines and imposidons aaributable to the �_ .! .
<br /> - Property which may attaia priociry over this Security lnstrumenb and leasehold paymenu or ground rents.if aay. Borrower .;•'.-,:;,
<br /> � "' shall pay these obiigationq m the mamier provided in D�B�Ph 2,or if not paid in jhat manner.Borrower shall pay them on -�',. �•;`:::=�
<br /> . -:i, t�ne d"ore�liy to the person owed payalznt. Borrowe�shall promptly fumish to l.ender a]!notices of amounts to be paid under _
<br /> this paragaph. If Bo�rower makes these payments directly.Barawer sha11,7romptly fumish to Lcmder receipts evidencing
<br /> 1he ts.
<br /> , • �'; Bo�rrowet shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Bottower(a)ap,cees ' • �
<br /> in writing to the payment of thc obligahon secured by the lien ln a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good fait:�the . °' .
<br />' licn Isy,os defends against enfarcement of the lien in,tegal proceedings whlch in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �.���
<br /> � enfarcement of Uie lirn;or(c)secures from the ho}der of thc lie�►an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinaang the lien - : .
<br /> � to this Security lnstruntenl. If Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subJect to a lien wbich may attain priority �::`+.''
<br /> {� over this Security Instrumen�.Lendec may give Horrower a notice iden[ifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take . . ..
<br /> : ° �i: one or mo�of the actians set forth above within la days oi the giving of notice. ' • .
<br /> Y� S. Aa�ard ar PrapMy tnsuneca Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hemafter erected an the �'� .
<br /> Property insured agalnst toss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including
<br />. , � �` :� flaods or ttooding,for which Lender rcquires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the _.
<br /> . ,
<br />� . . Fa�3� !!!� (OoR�2 aj6 pa�rtl .
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