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__,,,,F _'�� ..- <br /> �� _ �-- �-=,, <br /> - --—-- _. _---- <br />--••-,� • N <br /> =_..� <br /> �� �, <br /> ,pplka�ie I+�M m.y rpxlry ro�r�t).bero�e ede af'tlw�rrope�ty pu�swia to my powa or��a��th+n <br /> S�cu�ity Intau�t�ar(b) ota jud�pna�t enfo�clns tbls Senuity�uctwnen� 71�oaq condldms�ra t�M Aoreower: (a) <br /> piqnr Lader all waa� w41eb�would be due oeda dds 3eemity In�tnumeat aod ti�e Noto u !t no sooelentfoai bd <br /> ooc�rrr�d(�►)oat�eR�ny defiult d aoy atber oovaienu ar�peen�uu:(c)P�y�sll eapen�x iircunad in mtorcip�tld�3ecurity <br /> ini:wnaot. includln�,but aot Ilatited w.a+aan�bk auaroeys'tea:�nd(d)mlw wch acdan u I..endtr duy rea�an�biy <br /> ra{uiie b uwne 1h�t We Iten of thia Secw�lty In,�uumeat,Laidort�d�h�in tbe Pnnpe�ty�ad Borrower�i obligadon wp�y the <br /> am�sacuredby this Sa�tity Gutnuneat �all caaW�ue taichip�ed. Upon rdn�oaneat by Harrow�er. triis 5a�ity <br /> ' I�t and the obli��tloae �ecutad hercby�A natuin fully effecNvo a if qo aocelxWaa iud oocumed. Ho�ever.lhi� <br />--- �lf.S�k a[`Notei�� I.�Sertioei: Tbe Noteror���ut�l�lntarst in the Notc(to�e�with tl�Secudty <br /> Imtrumpit)u�y be Rold ouo or m�ae dme�wld�out prlor notice w Bomowar. A�le a�y rcault in a ch�nge in Ibe eotity <br /> (imown�the"t,oaa")dwt coilecte month[Y PeY�t�due under tbe Note and Ihl�Securiry imtrument. 7bero�Iw <br /> py�y be qK er mo�e c}�ages of ihc Lo�o Servicer uarclated to a s�le of tha Note. If ti�e is A clunge of the Lwn Servkxr. <br /> Bon+uwa wiU be given writtw aatke of tbe cbange in accadsnce with pe�ag�sph 14 e6ove and applicable law. The n�tkx <br /> —� wlll�1ate the aame and sddras af the new Loaa Servicer ax!the addrecs w whlch payments�siwuW be mado. Tt�e aotiee will <br /> also wnWn any otha i�fonnatian iroquiced by opplicabk law. <br /> 20. H�ua�rdoas Sabdaoea. Bormwer�11 aot cause or pem�it the presenee.use,disposal.cwrRge.or releace ot'aay <br /> Hwzwdcwa Su6stsnces aa ar in the Pr�perty. BcWrower shdl aat do.nor allow anyone etse w do. aoything affocting tlse <br /> Ptnpeity 11�et ia Li vtoletloa of any Environrt�ennW The prooeding two senteaces sh�ll not epply to the pasencc,use.or <br /> :torsge oa ttie Pmperty of s�aoU qwatitka of Harandous Subctsu�es dwt aro gaieraUy r000gniud W be appmpiioe w aormsdl <br /> raideatlal uses and m maintenance of the Propeny. <br /> Borrowec shall promptty givc Lender writteA notice of Any imcsdgadan.claim.demand,Mweuit or alf�actlon by any <br /> _— govemmental or regu!*tary agency or private pwty involving tho F�openy aad aay Ha�andous Substaoec or Bnvlroomental <br /> Law of wl�ch Barower hos actual knowledge. If Barrawer leams. or is natified by xny �oveannxntal or negWtuay <br /> xuthority.that tiny�emoval a other remedlaflon of any Hazardo�s Substance at�octing the i'Iropaty f�aeces�ary.Barower <br />--- �all Prort►PdY talce�Il necessary remedial actions ln accordance wi�h Enviroamental Law. <br /> As used W this paragrnph 20. "Hazardous Subctancea"are those substamxs deflned as toxic or hazardous subswnces by <br /> Envimnmental Law and tlie f�Uowing substances: gasoli�, I�erosene.other flammable or toxic petrdwm proclucte,toxic <br /> paticide.�s,�and hetbicide^a,volat�e solvents,maierials c`onWniag asbestos or fortnaldehyde. and rndioac��ive m�a.ter�i,,al,s�. •A�s <br /> ' VOiM ui Y/�a tlWC��q�lll�V� l�..�It��1 iui�iliu��i���r.�..S�i�'ii.�s.�i�Ai:awe vi i�w'.j���v�i:iM�w�w 3Z:T-�.y i:.�L:�".: - <br /> tlut relate w hcaltd,safery or environmenta!protection. <br /> NON-l)NIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender iurther covcnant and egrae u�follows: <br /> E1. Aocekri►t{on; Ihmedle�. Lender s6d1 give nMk�e to Borrower piior to AcceyerANon tdlowin�Bon�pwer'a . � <br /> br�ch ot smy coveaant or ag�eemeat in this Secnrity lm�trno�eot(bnt not prbr to qcccleradon under p�ra�pb l? <br /> wda�spplk�bfe IAw provides otlierwice). The nodoe shtl!epedfy: la)the detault:(b)the mlbn�+equired to care fbe <br /> def�niE:te3 a dste.nbt ies�ti�n 30 days t�om i6e�ate t��aticc!s glvcn ta Sarra�s�r. b3':zMcls!!se Sefau4s t�t!x <br /> ¢ur�d;wid(d)tbai fWlure to cnr+e t6e detoult oa or be[ono 96e date spedlkd la lhe notice may res�lt tn accdetada��ot <br /> tbe some secured by thl9 Secndty Iastrument nnd sWe oi the Property. The notice chA11 brlher Gdorm Borro'�rea'ot <br /> ibe right to retnstate atter Aoceleradou rnd the�ight w bring a oourt action to asseet th�e aon�exlstence ot w dd�wlt or <br /> .� aay other defense ut Borrower to�cccleratimn and s�le. [t the detpWt L�not cured on or betore the date spedfkd In <br /> t6e noda�Lender At lts optbn mAy requlre�aamedlate payaxnt io fbll of all sums secured by t6�Secvrlty I�strumeat <br />-- w1U�wut furt6er demand�wl may Mvoke the.power ot wde And aay other remedles perm(tted by applkable lovr. <br /> "— l.euder sbAU be entitled to col�ect WI expenses incurred io pursutng the remedies provided ia this para�rnph 21, <br /> �— Induding,but not liroited to,rcASOnable Attoraeys'fees aad eosts ot tttle evidence. <br />—_= 1�fhe power of s�le is invoked�1lrustee sholl record a aodce ot defaWt ln each couaty in whicb aay paut ot the <br /> _ --- Property is located and sfudl m�il rnpies ot sucb no8ce ia t6e manner pree.5cr16ed by appNcabk low to Borrower aad to <br /> ---° We other personc prescribed 6y applicnble 1aw Mer the time requi�rd by�pplicable law,'lYvstee shall give publk <br />_--� notics ot sWe to the penso�and in We manner pr�escribed by Applicable Iww 7lrushe.without demnnd on Bon�ower, <br /> =- slull se11 l6e Property at pubUc s�ucdon to Il�e higf�est bidder at the dme and place and ander the terms desi�ated in <br />`=�� the uotice ot cWe in one or more parcels And tn any arder 1lrustre detcrmines. 1lruslee mny postpone sWe o[all mt�rny <br />— �nYl d thr Prnperfy bY rabHe annasaccmcni at We i�roe and piace of any previously schedWed ss�ie. i.ender or its _ <br /> T..A de�l�ec uwY Purch�se the P�roperly pt Any ss�k. - <br />_;;�=� Upoo n�ceipt ot payment ot tUe price bid,7�ustee sludl deliver to the purchaser 7tustee's t�eed coaveying the <br />
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