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<br /> . . - i ' •t4__ '_....Ia�'"'_"._. ... _...
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<br /> -- -.— - 9�- so�ssz
<br /> TO(IBTHBR VI►ITH Nll the improveanenu nuw or hereaftcr Crected oo tho Prope�iY��nd dl ea�cmente�appuete�w�ca,
<br /> and fixtw�n raw ar har�wBar�p�t of the prapaty. All rcpUicemenut�nd Additiau ahall dso be covard by�f►ir Saurhy
<br /> ln�wment. All of�he fa�oinb is mfened w in ttii�3ecurity Iruaument n�he"Property."
<br /> BORROWPR COVBl�IAldT3 th�t Bo�mwu is I�wtl�lly sei�ed of tho at�te hereby c�nveyed aM!�tho riyht to�uit
<br /> uid convey the Property+�nd�hu the Property is wie�xumbered.except for encumbnnccs of rccord. Borruwer w�rranu and
<br /> wfli defcnd genenlly tha tltie w 1he Propcity a�dnrt all cWms and demw�de,�ubject w�ny encumbr�nces of rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN$TRUMF.IVT combine� uniform coven�nt� for n�tional u�e �nd non•uniform covenanu wid�
<br /> - �— limited vqriatlonc by judsdiatton to consdtute a unlform secudty instrument covedn�neal prapeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COV8NAN7'S. Ba�nower and i,ender cava�nt end agnee ws follow�:
<br /> l. P�ymeat of Prin�lp�l Aad Interesli�'�WY�t�ad I.ih CbargEa. Bomower thall P�+I�Y WY whcn dua tla
<br /> prinoi of and intarect on tha debt evidenced by the Note and nny prepayment and lata chargas due under the Note.
<br /> ��nds tor 7lntes#nd Iowraner. Subject toapplicabte law or to a wrftten waiver by l.ender.Bomower sh�ll p�y to
<br /> Lender on tha day monthly�ptryments are due under thc Noto.unt�l the Nota i�paW ia full,a sum("Pl�nda")for:(a)yeady -
<br /> _ __ taxee end aaseesments whiah�may utaln priority over thia Security Inatrument os a lien m Uic Pmpccty:(b)ycarly leasehold
<br /> paymenta or ground rentA on the Pruperty. iC any; (c) Yearly hazard or pro�riy ir�utance pnemfums: (d) Yearly flood
<br /> incuranco pr+emiump, if any: (e) yearly mortgage insurau�ce premiums. if any; and(� any suma payabLe by Borrower to
<br /> l.ender.in acooidanae with�the provfsions of paragra�ph 8.in lieu of the paymem of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> items s►m celled"Eacmw.Itams." Lender may,at any time.collect and hold FLnds in an anwunt not to excad the maximum
<br /> amount a lendar for a faderally related mortgage loan may requir�e for Bormwerb escrow aocount under�he federal Re�l
<br /> Fstate 3eUllemmant.Ptooedurea Act of 1974 as amended from dme to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> law that appliea to the hlmds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lcnder may.at any time.collect a�M hoid Rmds in nn amount not to
<br />- - excxed the lecser amamt. l.ender may estimate the amount of.ii�nds due on the basis of cument d�ua end reasonable
<br /> - esdmates of expanditures of future F.scrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicebk law.
<br />-' :. � ThB FLnds shali bc held in an inatitution whosc deposits aro insured by a federal agPaicy. instrumenta!lty. or eniiry
<br /> ��`���'•' (including l.ende�,if Lender is such s►n insti►udon)ar in any Federu{Home Loan Banfc. l.ender shall apply the FUnds to pay
<br />'�j�;;y;� t the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Horrower for holding and apply{ng �he FUncJs,:►nnually anafyzing tht escrow
<br />-=.ti:��,�:� ��.�.t account, or verityin� the Escrow Itoms, unless l..ender pays Aarrawer intera4t on the FUnds and applicable law permlts
<br /> ...��1�:sdw t�nder to make such a charpte. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge far an independent rral .
<br /> �i7`'� ���, estata tax reporting service used by l.ender in connecaon with this laan,unless appl�cab�e�aw proviues othenvise. un�ess an -
<br />-:.;;;:�.
<br />:-"er�:� ;�Fti ag�ecmant la made or appllcable law requires interost to be paid.I.s�►der shall not be nequired to pay Borcawer any interest or
<br /> ':'���'' .;iJ :".;;k eamings an tha Funds. Borrower and I.ender may agree in wridng,however,that interest shal l be paid on the FLnds. Lender
<br /> ;;�`� ,, .�°;�'�i,' �t sh�ll ive to Bmm�wsr,without chn� e.an annual accountin of the Ftmds.showin credits and debits ro tix FLnds and Ihe
<br /> .�� .f�. • �:,,r,,..i B S B S
<br /> .:'�`n?':' ;::;'"�;t�,���^' Pw p ose for whfob eoch debit to the FLnds was made. The Funds are pledged ws additional secu�ity for all�ums securcd hy
<br /> :;' ': thlc Secudty Inspumant.
<br /> - - _��;�,�i iP the f�ndc ha'�by i.�ndcr cxrccd ihe �auats �fticd to bt tield by applicz�blt l�u. i..te3-.r sh3!! arsoent to
<br /> ., 'tr:�� ��� ...; , � Barower for�ha eacess Funds in accordance wlth the requirements of applicable law. If the runount of the Fimds held by
<br /> �.:�:�;t�r.''_:'
<br /> ,���, � L.ender a1 any�ime is not �sufficient to puy the Escrow Itema when due.l.ender may so notify Borrower in wrlting,ond.in
<br /> ��„,�,, ;,�-.�,. ...
<br /> d�, �„ �_ ' such coso Bu�mwer shull puy to Lender the amount neces�wry �a muke up�he deficiency. Borrower shwll moke up the
<br /> . '��;; �k
<br /> ,,,�,,,L���?�::;. �' deficienoy in no more�han Iwelve mon�hly pAymentx.ut l.endcrk r,aic dfscretion.
<br /> „ ,x Upon payment in Pull af nll sums securcd by Ihi.r Scrurity Inxlrumenl, Lender xhall promptly rePund tu Borrowcr any
<br /> ,���.;.,;;,'�-�'�';�•�.• FLndc hold by L.ender. If,unJcr paragroph 21.Lendcr+�hall ucyuirc or scll the Propeny.Lcnder.pdor w thc acyuisi�ion or
<br /> F��� � •• �••:• xAle of the Ptopeny. �hall upply any Fundr Ikld by Lcndc�at the�ime of ucquisilion or xale Ax�credi� a�uies� the sums
<br /> =�' ����`�"�' � cecurcd by thl�Securfry Instnimem.
<br /> . �`�'�� , 3. ApplEcotbn o� P�yments. Unlc�s c�pplicAblc luw providcr utherwlse, oll paymems received by L.ender under -
<br /> � , ��•� aro m c 1 und 2 shali be u lied: Brht,lo un n u menl char e�due under Ihe Note;second.to Amounts able under --
<br />-� ����,�... - P 8 Ph PP Y P 'P Y 8 � PaY
<br /> 'k. - . puagrnph 2;Ihird.to interest due;iounh,to princlpAl due;ond lust,to any late charges du�under the Note. _
<br />�' •.- 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay aU tuzes, assessment�t, ch�ge.r•, fines urd imposftions attribuwble to tNe
<br />