-�--� ��,.� "_- ;.�:
<br /> _ ' .. - --
<br /> ..=:�,�.1,:_:.', .`,a . ,; ��1 , + r ,7-.. .�� ���- , ------ :��_ __
<br /> � wbau►d�lye�u�ralau mo�e insuranoe coverage is not ava,ii�.!•brmwer ahalrpay ta l,ernder�month a sum'eqnd to
<br /> one-twe1RF�oi•the yariy moet�a�e irawranoe prdnlum beiu�P�bY Sorrower wha�tha i�uru�x cover�e IAp�ed ar cea�d ta
<br /> be in effoct.Leqler wilt.�cocpt,we�nl ndain theee p�yments ea a tans rrserve in Ileu of mortg�a insiuu�ve. L� radrve
<br /> payroants�ruy oo lon�er 6e mquirod.�t tho a�tion of Lender.if nart�e insunnco coveraRe(in�Iw�unou�n and for U�gexiod
<br /> . tDq�Lender requtres)Providad by�n lnturor�pprovod by l.erder igain beoutna ava�lable at�is obs�ined.BorroWer'ehidk p+y
<br /> � d�q pr�emlwns roquired to mainWn ciw�t�e ipwru�!rt effact.or to provide a loss recerve.untit the ioqui�anait for e�t��e
<br /> inwnuxo ends in accadanc�e with any wdtten�roerpent betwaen Borrower aM Lert�ar or�pplfcs�ble law.
<br /> 9.ia�pecNqn. I.�ader or lts x�ent msy ituko reasonoble et�uie�upon and inapecticMUt of the Propo�ty. Iender�11�ive
<br /> Borrower tK►tice at the tlme of or priar to wn inspation spxifYin�reawrwble awso for the invpection.
<br /> �t.Coadappation.The pnooeeds of nny �ward ar cJ�im for demages, diraK or consoquential, in con�ectlon with any
<br /> oonkmnatlon or other ta�inQ of nny par[of the Property.or for amvryanoo ia lieu ut eaidanr�stlon,a�+e hereby nsl�ned and
<br /> -�_ ---- _ �iwll be ppid t�Lender.
<br /> In the eveqt of�WtAI ta�ing of the Property,the pnxeeda ahall Ee applied w the sunts secured by lhis Security Inatniment,
<br /> -� wluthar or not then due.with any excesspa�d to Borrower. In the event of a parti�l ta�ing of 1he Property in whkh the fair
<br /> mukot valut oP thc Property immediuely befarc the tal�ng is oqiwl to or greater thui tt�e aunount of the wms aocured by this
<br /> Secu�ity lnstrume�t imrt�odiwd�t beforo the taking,unles5 Borrowu wxl L.encler ntt�erwise in writiag.the wa�s securod by
<br /> n e
<br /> thia Secu�ity Ie� I�bMN be isdiqed by tho amaunt of the prooeeda multipllod by t e fpllawing fract[an: (o)the tatsl
<br /> _- - --- - _ amount of the s�eeil�bd7�ieldi�y befom the twlcing.divided by (b) tt�e fair market value.of tl►s Prape�ty imroediatcly
<br /> - •-°--°m---°°-°s bafore the 1�13qgr /loy1wlAnoe dWlt be paid to Bc�rrower. In tho event of a p�ctial talcing.af the Propeuy in w6ich the fair
<br /> madcet valuo of the Property immediately before the taking is tess than the amount of the sums Fecured immediatcly liafarc the
<br /> taking. uniacv Barrower and l.ender othetwise a8ree in writing o�unless spplieablo law c►therwir�pTOVides, thn.prooQeds s1+Wl
<br /> _ be qpplie�l to tha sums secured by Ihi�Scja►rlty Instrument whether or not the sums aro then due.
<br /> li 1he Property is abandoned by Botrower,or if.after notica by Lender to Bormwer that the cpndemt�rr affot�to make an
<br /> awa� or settle a claim i'or darrieges, Borrower fail�to respond to lxnder within 3Q clays after Ihe date thc notice is given,
<br /> � � l,emler is�uthorized la collext and apply�ho procceds,at its option,either w resloration ar rep�ir of Il�e Property or w the sumr
<br /> ti� .� . sqcured by this Security Instrument, whether or na then due.
<br /> '.,;PF�t��',:?�".;.`":,;� Uniess I.ender eud Borrower athervvise :egrce in writing. any epplication of pracecds to principal shall not cxtcnd or
<br /> ;'I ' '"1��,;;.•:�+�j�,�;' postpone the due d»te of the monthl payments�eef'eeRed ta in urugraphs l w�d 2 or change the amount of euch paymenta.
<br /> p� a
<br /> ;;• 1 l.Bortnwer Not Releasedt�orbewraricr B I.ender Not a Waiver. Extensian of the time far payme�t or moditication
<br /> • '+!� � of emonizatbn of the sums secured by this�vity lostn�ment granced by Lender ta any auccessor in interest of Borrower sh�ll �
<br /> . not aperate to release the liabilily of the origin3l eorrower ar HaRawer's successars fn intereat. I.ender shall not be roquired to _
<br /> ��+�_�,.�,..�,,,,..._____..',
<br /> c�nrretnce proceedings against any successar m intercsi ar refuse to catend time for puyment or otherwise modify amariizatian =_
<br /> V- y �+i�F�,r����°•.:�.,,.. ot trte sums secureci by [nis �cw iiy iflSlfllIIICIII Uy ICtl�i►u l�i auy Scifiiuiu 7�idu� tS� ��;C :.::g�.^.S: gO::CY.'C'RC E�.^.':.1�:,i�5
<br /> .r� , . suocPSSOra in interest. Any Porbearunce by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy Rhall nat 6e a wuiver of oc preclude the
<br /> '"�"°"'� eRetriso of any dght or rem�dy.
<br /> ' .� ( ��' ,�, • 12. Successo�s and Ass(gns Bound; Joint aud Several I.fpbilit��Casignens. The rnvenanis und agreements of thia
<br /> �� �'�:�`'��:=�t`:`�'���"��` SecudEy Instmment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns a��'i.ender and Borrower. subject to che pravisians of
<br /> .� �'� ';, ,.., :� •� �� pa�rnph 17. Borrower's covenanta and agreemems sha�t br ,joint s►nnd severn l. Aay Horrower w ho co-s igns t h is Secv r iry
<br /> ���„�;��'. f Cnstr��ent but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signi�t:Uic Security Instrument only ta martgage. grnnt end convey thet
<br /> ��� `— �� Borrower's lnterest in the Pm under the term�oi me��Y,-a�di Insiru�urui:(ui i�uoi rsotwif obfi ated to ihe sums
<br /> � •, PertY r P�• Y B �Y
<br /> �7 a'y •� securet!h?�'this Security Instn�ment; und�c)agrecs that Lend�K aad any othe�Bo�rower muy ugree to extend,modify,forbwr or
<br /> ""`' .�`" w maka an>'mcumrn�xlutions with regard to the terms of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's can.genl.
<br /> ; - A'�'
<br /> � `�;r; � � 13.�n Charg�.If the loun r�ecured by this Security ln+tn�ment is subjctit to a law which icets maximum loan charges,
<br /> • " and tO�At luw is finally interpretect �o ihat the inte�es�or other loan churges collected or to Me collected in connection wilh the
<br /> �� . ' loan ercceed the permitted limits, ai�rn: (a)uny such luan churge shall be reduced by the amnunt necessnry to reduce the eharge -
<br /> ' . to the permitted limit;and lbl uny sums ulreudy cullectod From eorrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refundcd to
<br /> _ .;,.�, . , Burrower. Lender may ��hausr to make thiti refund by reducing the princippl owod undcr the Note or by making a direct
<br /> - pAyment to Borr�iw•er. If a refund n.'duccti principul, thc roduction will t►e treuted ux u purtial prepayment wi�hout any
<br /> ��, „ � p�epayment churge under the Notc.
<br />-=:•. �� X4.Notices. Any nnticc to Rorn►wer priwidal for in thix Security Instrument shAll be given by delivering il or by mailing _
<br />`,1, t • i1 by first clatis muil unless upplicublc law reyuirc+ use�iP unothcr methixl.The notice shall bc directed to Ihe Prop�eny Address _.
<br />-:;�•.• or uny other uddrcsx Borcower detiignutcti by notice to Lendcr. Any naticc to l.cndcr shall be givcn by tir�� e0a�s moil to _
<br />��,�±;�.�. � l.ender's address stated hercln or uny othcr uddres�l.cndcr designates by notice to Borrower. Any noticc provid�d fc�r in this
<br />` �!� �','• �':.��""�"�`'" " � 5ecutiiy Instrument shall be deemed to huvc tken givcn to&�rrower ur l.endcr when given as provided in this paragrap�. �
<br /> ,�' '. ' 15,Governing Q.aw; Sev@rs�'bility. Thi. 5ecuriry lnstrumcnt shull be guvern� by fedcrul law and the luw of thz _
<br /> .� ' � jurisdictinn in which the Propert}• is IcxateJ. In the event that uny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nnte _
<br /> _ ,�,, . cont7icls wilh applicable law,sueh conflict,hall not afl'ec�nther pmvixions of this Security Instrument or Ihe N�He which can be =
<br /> '' ' � given effect wi�hout the rnnflicting provision. To this enJ the provisinns of this Security In.r•�rument oiui the IVo�e aze declared
<br /> � • to be sevcrablc.
<br /> - • „ !6.Burrower's Copy.&xrowcr shull br given unc cunfi�rm�Kl copy of thc Nixe und of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> , . l7.Transfer oi the Property or e Beneticl�l IMerest in Borrower.If all ur any p•rrt of thc Pn►p�:rty or any interest in it
<br /> " i . ��.�r�;•, is sald or trunsi'erred l�►r if u bcnefici.�l imerrst in&►rrower is u�IJ.�r trunsl'crnri unJ &�rrower is not u nutu�ul pc�sonl Without
<br /> r y'•.; .f�' �'• � L.encler's prior wriuen cnment. L.cnJer may, ut its opdun, rcquirc immediate puyment in full of all wms�ecure�cJ b}• Ihis
<br /> � '�'1:r.'`��"�'�.��� ..t Stcurity lmtrument. However,tl�is option shull�xH be ezercised hy L.ender if excrci+e is prohibited by fedcrul I•rw•u>.�F the date
<br />'..� �•. t.' . • . ofthisSeruritylnstrument.
<br />-' '•'�`�':' /�, , if Lender ex�rcis�s this opti�m.L�nJ�r,hall givc Borrower n��tice�,(arreler•rtii�n. Thc notire�hall pnivide a�xricxi nf not _
<br />'y�';t;• .
<br /> r ?. Icxv than 30 days frum the dutc thc noiirc i, dclivcrcJ ar mailed ��ithin a�hich &rrr�iwrr must pay ull tium+sr�ured by thi. _
<br /> �w ;.. ,;, . Security Im�rument. 11'&�rruwrr i+�il�to pay thek sumr prior tu�hc exPiratian of this,peri�xi.LenJer may invukc uny remedie.
<br /> t�• , • '�. ' ii,o:. permiricd by this Seruriry In,�rument without funher noticc or d�ma�xl un&,rrawrr. _
<br />-'�;' '.�' • '`�;•' �( 1$. Borrow•er'x Ri�ht to �2elnstut�. If B��rnxvcr nk�t, renuin ru�xli�iuns. $��rmxrr +hull have thc right m h•rvr
<br /> �tj.';,�.�� ' enfur.ement uf thi, 5ccurity Instrumeni di�raniinucJ at any timc priur lu thc rarlier uf: (u► 5 Jay+lor,uch rnher peri�xl a+
<br /> -�•, ' t��'}. � npplicablc law mry +�xcil'y for rcin:�atcmcni� hrtorr �alr uf Uu ProFxny purtivant tu uny puu•ct nf salr mmained in thi�
<br /> •.`���:�;�� ;_��•� . Security Instrument:��r(b)cntry of u judgment enfiircing this Securiq•In,trurnen�.Thi�.e cunditiun.an ihat &�rrnwer: (ul puy+
<br /> �1 ,;'' ,� � �. • Lender all sums which then w•ould be dur undrr this 5ecurity lntit�ument and thc N�xe a+ if'nii accelrr,��inr; haci occuQred: lb►
<br />''A..., s;�.y�,;,;;; „ .,; cures any default of any othcr n,venunts ur a�:reemen�v: ar) �at>a�l cxpcnses imurred in enFiircing thi.Security InsatumeM.
<br /> ',,� "�."'''•� �.�'..: � ir�clu�ling. but not limited t�i, rca�unuble u1►urncy+' fec.c ar.cl ���f:�nr. sLrh acUon aa L.rndrr muy reu���nably reyuire t�o astiurc
<br /> ��: � `� •• t�t t0�e lien of this S��curity Inxtrununt,Lendcr'� righl.in onr Prn�xn�, and Hnrr��wer's nbligution tn puy the+�an�sarured b}
<br /> �'������� ' ' tfiis Security Instrument shull cantinue unrhungetf. U(xm rcin.rtrtcmrn� by &rrruwcr. Ihis S��urity Imvurnem aixi tlk
<br />-`==S•.f� obligations secured hcreby shull rcnwin ful�y clT�v:tivr us if n��u�tieleruti�m hud�xcurrc�i. Howevcr.Ihi�rigM to reia�hiute shall
<br /> :- `^1 t� tMt apply in thc casc oi ucccicruuon un�cr parugrapn i 7.
<br /> - ,� . � 19. S�ie of Note; Ch�np�e oi I.oan tierricer. Thc Nutr nr u p:�rtial intcrext in Ihr Nutr Uugethcr witY� �.�i� Security
<br />- � •3� . lmtreomcntl mny be snld one nr more times wilh�wt pri�►r nuticc t��&�rr�.wrr. A�ule rnay �wlt in v chungc in th�:�rr�:;y Ikuown
<br />,,..;,•:, ,. . as Ihe"Loan Servicer"1 thut collerts mcinlhly puynunt.dur unJer thr Nutc s�nd thi�S��urity In.trument. There a[w may t►e onr
<br />-' ;�,° •�, or more chsu�ges of the l.oan 5erviccr unrclatcJ�o u sule uf thc Nutc.It dx:re iti u changr iil'�he Laun Scrvirer.&�rmwrr will tk
<br /> �. � , , given written ix►tice of�he chunge in ur�Y�nfance wi�h puragruph la alk„�e�nd appliruble luw.Tl�e nati�ti�vill ,tate Ihe nank und
<br /> `•• �'�i�,'• ° address of the new l.nan Scrvicer anJ the uddrrs� to ahich paymerns tih�xtid Ix: mude. Thc ni�li��c will uhu conurn any uther
<br /> � ' inPornmtion rcyuir�Y1 by npplicahle{uw.
<br /> . 20. H�zardou�Substancec. &►rrowcr .hull nul cauu �,r�xrmi� �hc pm.cncc. u+c. di�Fx►.al. .turagc. or r�:lease ol' •rny
<br /> ' � Hazutdous Substunces on or in �he f'rnp�:ny. &xruN•cr tihull ix�t Jn, n�ir allo�v uny�mc el�c ta d��, unything uffcr�in�; �hr
<br /> G_ ' � . Propcny thut is in viulu�i�m of uny Environmentul l.aw. Thc pnw��ling tw•�� xntci�re..hall not Uppl�• tu U�e prc,enrr. usr.or
<br /> .� ='�"" ;, st�x�ge un the Property of,mull yuantiticti ul'Nainrdiiu+Substunr��thut urc gener�lly recognir�d w tk opprupriatc tu t��rnwl
<br /> ` residentivl uses anJ to nwintenuncc of the Property.
<br /> re�.���,�a �, Form 3028 9�90
<br /> ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> . ..
<br /> '�. ,
<br />