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. 1+t2.. a . �•�,. , . <br /> ���4�� , <br /> � . , <br /> • � ACKNOWL�DO�MlNT�F DEItD OR T1111�T <br /> � <br /> ��,�«..��: . . 93� ����. <br /> T�uN�ulil►�MM�w.doown�raM�MTiuMOr a.aoue a�a�N a t1Nd a Yh�•�a�a eiw.�1p�.�na IIr1#��;�. <br /> d�p�wW�d f�orin�N OMi dTtu�t prarMM��ul+�M�ig►d11Nt'�t�Ip�and qbN�1�110+�b TruMOrMNn�mapp�fA M�� <br /> a.eNMui ornn�o�aoaw�.ra�una.raa o..aaTna�,�na owna w�dio.��«�d�'s�qM 10 h�w th��ywld <br /> TIYMO►bMO���M�ONaIMOn d�u DMd�n�MM,Tn�br hp+Ma!�i w�lt�nt�That IhM wri MMOIN�d�!► <br /> , " �. M�rrhii�d�e <br /> � (8haron tt. �tarshYY'J�) <br />� D�EO OF TRUBT WITH FUTUR�ADMANCEB <br /> THIB D@ED OF TRUBT.u m�p of tl�.�Ch_d�y ot Ju].v ,1Y_�,by and amonp <br /> q,���,L�Qyd M. Marshai�k and 8hs�or R. Marahal�k, ha�band and vi�� � <br /> w1aM nw�npac�A�� ��+�—�,�-19Lh_SS'.a,• Grand Ialan_d NS 6����Tiwta."whMtw►on�or mo►��, <br /> _ _.__ �Tr,,,�lfv,e po��;�� Bank• a N�brakaa Corpocation , <br /> w��,��,p,� o�� R- l4t�t.. Gxand Ialand N� 68801 �������,�p <br /> th�BMt�floyry. .F;n� •P�r� �rite Bank � <br /> whaa m�efng addrap ia:� n anY 1 RA7. �e-an�] jaY�n� N� 6ARA��15A7 (heroln"Lw�d�r"�. <br /> -- — FOR VAIUABLE CON8I�ERAtiQt�O.4uictuding L.onder'��+cSensaon ni cndlt Id�ndfled h�reln to �.���� �, Mwrai��7�j� <br /> W�� • <br /> _= an� Qharsn R_ t�,�p��Xq� :}��}��r��.,�here�n'`8qrrower",whethsr one or mae)�nd the avst t�ein crat�d, <br /> tho rec�lpt of whlch Is he�eby sick�owledyed,Truotor hereby Irrevocably�rante,hanMers,eonveyr and�s�ipn�to Truste�, IN <br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF S�LE,1ar the beneflt and sacurity ol Lender,under and�ub�ectlo Msterms end condidom hNNnalqr sN <br /> toM,tM rwl propaAy,de�rlbed As 1a11owr. <br /> -°— ��� i,�.�i��'IIQ� �xhibit MA~e <br />,�;- r.•� Topether with all b�i��tinys, lmprovemenu,llxtures,slneets,alleys,passa�eways,e�semenb,riphts,privilepee end appurte- <br /> �_�� , , nancp located thereon ot in�nywise perlafning theretc,.arcd the rents,iesuea and profite,rever�lone and remalndens thereol,and <br /> _.--'� such penonol properly thet le etteched ta Ihe improvements so as ta conatilule a Ifxture,includlnp,bul not Ilmited to,haellnp end <br />-_-,�c.:� coollnp aqufpmen�and togather wflh the h�mestead or merital InteresIIS,il any,which lnlereste are hereby releaeed and welved;all <br />--�-��` of whlah,inaludinp replaoemants an{i addltions thereto.l4 hereby declared to be a part of the real esute sanured b�r dto It�n otthl� <br /> �w� Deed p1 Trust end all 01 t�e 7ar�qoln�bainp reTened to hereln as the"Property". <br />-__.�=_3,a,�, Thi�vaod of Trutt�hell�eoure(a�the paymant ol the priocip�l 8um and interest evidenced by a promfsWry nota w oredN <br /> _--�'rc.a`.si.! <br /> _�.:�•-,,�E.� ayreement dasedJ�Y 9. 1993 ,fuiviny a meturily dote of .�uq�l. �eno , <br /> � `:'�'�`��� 23 2 O.00 ,and en <br /> ==- In the original principel amount ol s ♦ Q y and all modlficatfons,extamion��nd ren�wab <br /> �;�.YT�.� Nereoi Or tfiereto ead any end all future edvances antl�aeclvantes b 8orrower(or eny ol them If mae than one)hereunder <br /> -yp;. ,��7, punu�nt to one or more promissory notes or credit aprea:n�ents(hereln celled"Note");(b�the paymeM of other sums advanced by <br />=�}-',.: .,r;,. j Lendsr to proteat the tecurity of the Note:(c)the peHormance o1 all covenents and aqreemenm ot Trustor sat fohh herein;and(d)aN <br /> _ ;_, . preeent and lutu►e indebtedness end obligations ot Borrower(w eny of them If more tFwn one)to Lender whether direcR IndfrecL <br />,r,�;j:.�°,}. ebsolute or Condn�ent end whether ariaing by note.Quarenry,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thfs Deed ot Trust aod any and aA <br /> - ��_�,_ other docuenb that seaure the Note or otherwiee exeCUted in connecUon therewith,Includlnp without IlmftaUon ywranNSr,teCUr�ly <br /> ��-`�'k rN- reements and aea nmente of leasea and rents,a�hall be roferred to hereln ae the"Loon In�kumena". <br /> -`}F;,,;� : �';. � �0 <br /> .• ,���r� Truato�covenants and epreee with Lender ae fouows: <br /> _`�; 1. Pa m�nt d Ind�bNdn�s�.A9�intlebtedneat secured hereb shall be paid when due. <br />-T-.:,;�,.,;, r v <br /> ?.4��V}+�a 2. Tftl�.Trustor le the owner pf tAe Property,hao the�Ipht end authority to convey the Properry,and w�rcants thet the lien <br /> �� '. created hereby is a Ilrst and prlor Ben on the Property,except lor Ilene and encumbrancea set forih by Trwtor In wrldn�ar►d <br /> :`c.:-i�; � �• dslivered to Lender before executlon of thla Deed ol7rue�and the execution and dellvery ot thl�Deed of 7rust doet not violate a�y <br />_;a;y,.��.-:,:, <br />_ r contract or other obllpetlon to whlch Truator Is aubjec4 <br /> : •�' �� 3. T�xp,A�m�nb.To pey before delinq�ency all taxee,epeclal aasessments end all other oha�pes epeimt tho PropeAy <br /> .� ,'� now or hereu(ter levlad. <br /> ':•��+��. • 4. Inwranw.To keep the P�operty insuretf apainat damepe by fire,hazards Included within the term"eKtended coverepe",and <br /> sueh other hezarda ae Lender may require,In amounta and with compan�ea acceptable to Lender,naminp Lender at en additlonal <br />-- '.''' � �amed inourad,with loas payable to Ihe Lender.In case of loss under euch policles,the Lender Is authorfzed to ed�usf,collect and <br /> . '��°� compromisa,all clalms thereunder and ahell have th e opUan ol applying all or par�01 lRe Inaurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness : <br /> �'� ����� �acurod hereby end In such order as lender may dotermme,(If)lo the Trustor to�eo�ased fo►the repalr or restoratlon of ths Prop�rty <br />''���"�v�"� or(IN)br any other purpp�e or q�ject eHtiefaCtory b Lender wlthout aBecGny the lien of thla Deed ol Trust for U►t�full emount�ecured <br /> .Q«� heroby before such payment 6ver took place.Any applicetion of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or po�fpone tho daie <br />.y."�����a-•� <br />__��_��� d�W of poy paym�nq under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or herau�der. <br /> 8. �cr�ow,Upon w�itten demand by Lender,Truetor shall pay to Lender.M�uch menner es Lender mey deslpnate,eu8iclent <br /> _ _�.�_�_��_..��_.��������..�� ������������J�Y.���L�r���� t r <br /> �mc,:-:� w�m to e►wDia i.errcier ia Payas insr�:vme due�:�e�����we����n�w��,..���y.���.��b�...ussewn��rn�w mw vu�w��y��oy....�. <br /> �-�r,u,:�._.�a the PrOp4Ay,{li)the premlumf on Uw property in�uranca roqukad haraurder,and pii)the promlum�on any moNpe�s insurance <br />,�'`-'-�`�?� rpult�tl by Lender. <br /> '���� 6. Na9n1�,R�In and CompllanC�wlth I.�w�.Trustor sholl keep Ma Property In qood condldon and rsp�lr,thall <br /> °�'��:;:�%� prompUy reWir,or replece �ny Improvement whlch mey be damaped or daevoyed;�hall not commlt or permlt eny wasq or <br />='��'""� = d�loradon of the Property,ehall no1 t�emove,demollan or eubatendally alter eny of tM improvemanta on the Property;fhall not <br /> ' �u3�� commlt,wffer or It an aat to be done in or upo�the Pro In vlol�tlon ot an law,ordinance,or r ulatlon;and shall <br />-a':;,;...4:,w: P� y De�Y Y � PaY and <br /> -°-° _ ��=^� <br />_�l�y_�,.,, promptly dltch�rqo at Trwtor'�awl and�xperae all liens,enaumbrancos and charyes Isvled,Impotod or w:v�d apeln�t tM <br /> .rac Properly or�ny pan th�reot. <br /> �+"�" ��,. 7. EmNwtN Oandn.Lendsr i�hereby euipned all componsatiort,�warda,damnpe�end oth�r p�yments or r�Nsf(here�n�fler <br />=':`�..``.'�r ' "Prot�d�'q U conmcdon wqh condemnatlon or oth�takln of IfN Pra <br /> y perty or part thenof,or tor conrayanc�M Il�u of cond�nrw- <br /> ��y�;; tion.L�ndsr�hall W entltled ot lu opUon to cammence,appesr in and prosecute in Its own n •any�c qr procaedin�s,and <br /> ��� shall alw 6��ntJtl�d to mako my compromlw or qtd�m�nt In connsatbn wHh�uoh tMdnp or�mp�.N�ivent any port�on ol <br /> � �; �—�•-- Mc��w.�.�wY.row�sw.�onr <br /> -� .�g .� ' O t�M11r«r��rrwea�w�waTnwundi�rr�wM.oeww<<�alnwa�w , <br />