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<br /> NtNiUl�lffElR1�lQ�1t�t�J�l�'IS. Btl1[�ow![aqdl.sadett��erc+o�warMlOd��p�1lfalldw�l: ' :�:��'�;� `
<br /> -_ =�=€�3�eeeio�rrelt+�ed�e+G Ifl,s�der �niediMep��e�t M f�if w�dir�rapl�9,i:e�er m4Y"iavoke itrG'.,�?�`� �3. .
<br /> wher r�pp�ies�! �ipptica6k I�w�-.1�thali be b oollect dt ipCUered �-:i�,,^,.
<br /> 1T �� Y t ,?:i';
<br /> ' � , �� I�E�I�E��[WltfiOd ll1,��1� tlIC�Y�I'!j•. �1d11i0�b. � !�COiIS Q� ,;'$i.'``:j:;..`r:zt�`_
<br /> � . dd�e��ndeaca '11rrMe�Ylire�wii +il�lke t�My < • !+� .,;,t~;;�.z;y��
<br /> . 8tre �f s�ie Ia i�r61�e� a i�M1i�M r�d� i�wAk�r� d tlie -�`t�� Y.,
<br /> —, --- =isspett�i�Is��.a�_�iM�o�ies s[a�dt��� y► , f�a�b Mre�r a�i '�`F,
<br /> ���� �.:x�r::
<br /> • ' ��iMi�oa ot�de/o tie��aii i�tis�er�� Mw 7F�IeG wlfiwt" at -
<br /> � ,s�i se�ttie lr��ed at M6Mt areth��o Ire�t d fMe tVe�ei�bfoe�i Mee tre ler� •
<br /> i�tie�ioe at sde L a�t oe wo�e a�i�ii s�q o�iet 1�rrMte�eNn�i�ea 71rrM�t� �o�e � ;`
<br /> - - s�C�oe a��a.ad a�l�l�pai��l�trawasw�t st�(�t tiwe sr�t�oe d.�!�'�iMM�i. - � : _'
<br /> ,.i aafe. I.e■ie�ar ib de#ipee�� lro�eet�M a� s�k. � <_:<,:�;
<br /> � u!a��oEp�r ��r�e,�.'Iirwlert�idWer to It�e Ard�r.'1t�ulee's dai ao�v�fk ,- -
<br /> , Pna�erc� Tre re�ihis ii M�e 1�1e�"a�sW 1c priN tseie ertie�ce d�tic d t�e slat�aMs a��le tkeei. ,�;��;�;�'
<br /> � 'ilratee�all applT tlie proeeed�et tic s�le fre fiMwiK oc�er: (a! a aM caN� a�d e�eaus d� tl�e ;`�._,.
<br /> • . �Mwer�t�aLe,aw 1�sre.hd�tie tr7�■e�t dti�e 7ta�fe�ti iiees setwN�I�isrrei.■d to es�eti f ive 56 ��. :•..z;
<br /> at tre. ' ��t d tik st iMe tl�e rt tMe�echrMia�d defa�it►aM rs�sile M1a'�s'tees as --:-.;.:�;:
<br /> ` ' �bw;(b)to a�e�sear+ei t�r tt�is Senh'k!I�eN*ia�i tc)sq esceas/o tre�ee��r�ersw = ;E�-:.
<br /> to if. � �of sl!wms secuaed by thls Savrity Wstntnteiri.Ltndes st�11 nytrest'l�uwee w-�
<br /> �. Reew�s�a �P�Y� .
<br /> ncunvry the�mQerty and siW1 surzendec'this Socuricy InsUUmeM�nd atll aotes evidencin debt secu�nd by this Securir�r .
<br /> Insu�une�rt td'ih�sme. 7Yustoe s6a11 recaweY�tbc ProptstY w�tba!t wananty and withoat c�c co the P��P�� -
<br /> , 3egally e�iLedto i�Such person ot pe�sons shalI prg any necad�hon casts. � ` -- .
<br /> 19..Si�tit�0e'Ifrsbee. i_eoder.at ics option..msy fium time to time armovc 7tustoc and sppoint a successac tiusta
<br /> . �o aay'7tus�xappointed lxcewjder by an instrument tecmded in the counry in which this Secudry Ir�umeni,is re�aded. ` .
<br /> Witliout rmvC;��t1cx of the Ptoperte.tde suceessor trustee stwil suocoed ta sll the titk,Qawer and duties canfe�ted upon -
<br /> �i�usoee6ereit�tidyyup pGcabklaw.-- � . '
<br /> 2R, .�e�t fa Notioe�, garmwer toquests�hat.copies of tfia iatices of defwk and s�le be aa►t w 8oeruwer�s
<br /> add�es�wb�icts.fsthePtnpatyAddnes.a. . ' , _ - -
<br /> Bi�s t�r tiis Secuit�I��� If one or�aoce riders arc executed by Bormwcr aad recaded together wiW d�Lg ` ,
<br /> Securiry L�mxnt�the covenants of exh such rider shaU be incorpaated into and sTiall amend`and suppiement the .
<br /> � . covenants and'agneeaxnts of this 5ecuritg lnswment as if thc rider(s)wene tn s►part oiihis_Security Instrumen�
<br /> � n [Ghocl�appticabTe box(es)l•_ �. . _ � , . _ . ,- -
<br /> ' �C�mmiwn gid�r �Gtad�ttted Payment Rider �Growfng Equity Ridu �•
<br /> . �p�UIIitDeveiopment Rider a Ot1�er[Specify) ��TA81.E RATE R I OER � .
<br /> BY S[GNING BEIA.W.Bom�wer accepts and agrees to the terms cantained in pages 1 Ufrough 4 of this Security
<br /> � Insuom�t and in aay ride�{s}�xecuteA by Bomower and recorded with i� - •
<br /> � � � (Scall
<br /> � ab
<br /> LISA L GENfENBACH ��►
<br /> (5c�b .
<br /> , Hurrowcr
<br /> . -— IScal1
<br /> . . - . &,rtuwcr
<br /> STATEOF NEHRA5KA. County�s: HALL
<br /> On tl�is 13t h day of August. 1991 .before me.the underaigned.a Natary
<br /> Public duiy commissioned and qaalifieQ�'or said county,personally c:ime ' �
<br /> .to mc known u�hc Itx� —
<br /> ide�f�l��erson(s)whose name(s)are su6scribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowtedged thc excculi�in IhcrM+t'lo be E�
<br /> voluntary act and dced. �
<br /> Wit�s my hand and notariai sea�i st �RAND ISLAND in suld cuun�y: 1hc � [•_=
<br /> date afbresaid. F
<br /> ,.
<br /> � � ��
<br /> J ,�/�� ROBE TA L REEO � �°"`�N"h�"
<br /> TOT[tE15'fEE: `
<br /> 'l�e nnQersigned is the hotder of it�,�note or noics secnred by this Deed ot 7irust. S:�id nutc ur nntrr,tugcthcr wfth�11 -
<br /> atl�er indebteMess secured by this Deed af'I�ust.have 6een paid in full. Yuu ure hereby directed t��cancel�id notc ur
<br /> notes and this Deed of 7lrust.whirh are delivercd hereby.3nd tn reronvey,withnut waaanty.�Il the estatc nuw hcld hy'y�w,
<br /> wtder t6Is Oeed of'I�ust to the person or persons le,,raliy entitled thcreto. �
<br /> • �; . � ^�__ _ �
<br /> . _ . .. ... - (luXe 4 uj4 pageal .., . t
<br /> .
<br /> (
<br /> , � �
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