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--•=�,�... �pw � . a�:--- <br /> �"'�"x �'� .. -___ <br /> � . - <br /> _..::�i..L:..:.�iad�i <br /> � '� ��� <br /> Tpqg7't{BR WITH a!I�he Improvcm4mu now or hereaflcr erocted an the p�n�Ay.and�II ca�emmu. �ppu�unancaw, <br /> ��x��w��e�ep���wt o!�he pt�riy. Ali repl�cemenl�ud addition�ahpll�la�u be a�veral by Wi�Socurlty - <br /> �pwumanG All of tha foro�otn�i�rofemed io in tltU 8ecurity Inztrument a the"PropertY.» <br /> SORROWSR COV6NAMi'S lhat Bomowar le lawEully�ei�ed of�hc ei�tate hereby wnveyed and hu the�i�ht ta Rraot <br /> �nd convey the P�apdt�+�nd tluu tho Properry ia unencumberod,cxcept fat encumbrancca oP rocord. Borrower watr�nu and <br /> will dofend genealiy 16e dtle w the Pmperty o�inu all claimr�nd den�,subJect to any encumbrarrce�aP record. <br /> TtU3 3ECURI7Y INSTR.UMENT combines unifam covenu�t� for naUonal uoe nnd nun-wifam coven�u with <br /> �.- ___— -. WaUed vcrladona by juri�diction to conetirote a uniform cecudty inct�ument coverfng rcal proporty. _ _ <br /> UNIFORM COVENA,NTS. Bmruwer and Lender covenent end a�neo as Collows: <br /> 1. p�y�pep�ot prtecipd�nd lateresti Pr�wyment and Lpte C4�rQa. Borrawer ehall prompUy pay when due the <br />- princi of and intereat on tho debt evidenced by Iha Notc and any propayment and late char�es due under Iho Noto. - <br /> �Ftuqd�tor'Ik�a�d Iu�utance. Subject to upplicabk taw or W n writ�en waiver by l,ender,Borrower ahnll pay w <br /> — l.epde�on the dey monthiy poymcnts are due under the Note.uatil the Note ie paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly <br /> taaes and nssessmcnta whlch mxy�tw1n pdairy over this Securiqr inswment as a lien on tha Propeny;tb)yeArly leasehold <br /> -- - - - ar �round rcnls on the Propeny. ii aay: (c) Ye�.viy iuu.urd ur �rupeKy iu,wa��v� p.��uduttu:(d)Yea►dy ttood <br /> s, � - -- PaY�p�emiums,�f�ay:fe)Y�Y �S�Se insurance premiums. if any:und lfl xoy sums �yable by Barower W - - <br /> i <br /> �p�.��wNh 1hc provisions of puraBraph lieu of the payment of mortgage inswance premiums. 7teese _ � <br /> - items a�e caUed"Escrow Items." L,ender may,at��y time.collect end hoW Punds in an amount not w eaceed�he maximum -- <br /> _- - �nt a le�der far a federaliy rei�ted mongage loan may require for Botrower's escr+nw account under the federal Real =__ <br /> EstAte Seulemrnt Procedures Act of 1974 es ame�ded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq. ("RESPA").unless enother <br />-=��:ip. law thnt applies to U�e�uncls sets a lesser amaun� If aa,Lender may,at any time.collxt and hold Punds in an amount not w ` <br /> . exoeed tho kscec AmounG Lender may estimate the amount of Flmds due on the basis of cun+ent dwa and �rasawibk <br /> es�irteates of espenditures of future Escrow Iteme or dherwise in accordunce wi�h appiiceble Iaw. °- <br />. 11u Funds ehall ba held in an institution whose deposits are insurcd by a federal agency. inslrumentelity,or entiry <br />