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<br /> - , - _�-`ths Pia+�M`h�o�!tiM+or�in�a�d.l�idK�t+.O na�tfr�opuo��.tn ta►sot��nn ae.oY�.dka�lloR;a�pptyr M su�C�Pioc�aa .
<br /> � aMtd�du�WqiMtMtort�sM�o�lsan�l�cp�nMSMx�rr�db'llklncone�btoewithweltProe��d�.�pat�nll���
<br /> f�trby and(n s�ch ord�as L�idit ir�►d�lrrmk�.o�b aPPtY�ll wch ProiC�.M�t iuch d�ductiaw�b��an dII� .
<br /> _ =__-�������y�,,,}�x�pp�on�IProaMd�taind�dr�slWleoE arpa�o��s
<br /> -- . ,tfN du�daM of a�t!►WY�b under Ihs Nols.orcuie uql d�iaulF H�rMinQe►.ot fi6r��r.i�y�dia�SSf+W i�p�id t��_ _ .
<br /> �'tirbrM,.,o.�L,na.r uoon u,e�ccu�re�caaan cv.�t a o.ia�,�rhereur�asr.or itaoy aet isakin or t�p�i PracMdirg .
<br /> cai�npd vrNieA mflerialhl��LK�dee'�ir�rilnths Ftoperry.Esndermty i�ib owndi�erotlon.butwitliontablip�tbnbd�
<br /> - so:and�tmtics to or d�n�nd uPoR Tnntor artd aitltout rete��trg Trusoor irom any obliQ�tion.do arty ict wAk�Tru�tor ftn
<br /> apn�d btR hils b d0 and msY stso do�ny olher act tt d�ems n�cew�I►to ProMCt tbe sacurit�►harsof.TiusLor shali.Umnrdid�t�►
<br /> <upon dMMnd tl�ara�tabY Lender.Wy to LA�er alt cosb and ucitenaes ineurred and wma sxpend�d blI�«�in con�Nefbn will�
<br /> thsexerci�e by F.�KN►atthsTorsyoi��dyht��oQe�sr w[th inte�estMereon atlhsdefiuftaoeProvld�dintAs Nolr.vifiich shW bs-
<br /> addsd b 1hs(ndeONdnas aeeursd hereby.Lender ahall not incur arry Ii�bllig►beCauss of anylhin�(t may do ar amit b do
<br /> tiN��der.
<br /> 9.N�arww MMwli.Trusfor ahall kssp the Praperty in comP�isnce wHh all applicaMe taws.ordinanc�s snd roputaeions
<br /> rolaNrq to(ndustrW hyyierN or aavironmantat promction(col�ectivstft��to Mrein as"ErnirortmenW t,awa'7.Truslor ahalt
<br /> kssp tht PrePertY trse irom ali subsisnees ds�med to he ha=ardous Or toxic uader eny Envlronmenlal taws(cdkcti+�ehl�r�d t�
<br /> • herain as°Hazudow Mabrlals").Ycustor heroby werrants and�epresenb to I.ender that tlbre an no Huardous UAsMrtals an a
<br /> under 1hs Pro�ferh:Trustor hereby apraes to tndemnlf�f and hotd harmless Lendsr,its diractors.otficecs�employeas and apMb.and
<br /> �, any wccwwrs W La�dsrs,irtt�firom and apainst arty and a!!ctalm�.damaqes,losses and IiablUtles uisinp in cafnscfion wih .
<br /> the presence,us�diapoaal or transpoR ot any Hazardoua Materiala on,u�der.trom o�about the Propsrty.TME�OREQOIN(i
<br /> , SUR1lryE pECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF'{RU51: � • "
<br /> 10. A�Np�Kd R�nb.Truator heceby assig�to Lender tRe tenb.tssuss.and Prof�s af�e PropeRy;ptovfded thst Tiusto[ _
<br /> shall�iii�t+7lheoccuRenceafanCvenloiDefauttf[eYeu�sder.fiavetf�e�fghttcccilect�rdrotainsu�hrenm,lasue�AndprotNsastMY .
<br /> _ bs�ane;�e a�d pay�bls.Upon the oc+currertce af an Event oi Detaut;Lender iriay,�elther In petaon or by��enL with or wid�out
<br /> � 6riri�irisapy�ctlon or proce�din�.or by a ceceiwes.appoin'ted bji a caurt and wittiout rogard to the adaquacy of It�securiiy.er�Nr
<br /> �. �poc►a�id take poafaafion of the Ptoperty.or an�r putthereo�in itscwn name or ih`the�name atffie 7mstes.and do any�ts.wNich it
<br />- QeemsifeCessery otdseiraDlsto pra�srve thevalue:mlrtrota6iliryDr r8ntability ofthe Property.orany paAthereof or inlenestOterain.
<br />-.� , . 7nc{ea'se the(ncome therefrom o�protect the securiry horeot and,with or�vnhout taking poseess�on ot the Propert�r.sua ta�or ,
<br /> �othetw�se collect the rents,issues and profib thereot,inctuding fhose pAst due and unpaid and appfy the samey less costs and
<br /> -;�-;. � - �s�s,pf operstipn and coltectiorf including attorneys�upocetia�iy indehtedness seCUted hereby.ell in aucA order as kende� .
<br /> - _ may QeOetmine the errte�in�upon and taking possession of the PropeRy.the coltectiort of auch rents,issues end profits and the
<br />= applic�tton thereof aa atoreaaid,shafl not cure or waive any detault or notice of default hereunder a�invalidate any act dorto In
<br /> roepenseto sucb detaidter pu►suanttoauch noUce ofdefaultanA.notwithstandingthe continuance in poseesston afths Property or
<br /> v, � the collection,receipt and appUcatlon uf reats,issues or proflts,and Trustee and Lender shall be ernitled to exerciae every ri�ht
<br />,��, proviEed tor tn any of ttie Loan Inswments or by law upon accunence of any Evei�t of Oefau[t,inctuding withaut Iimitadon the ri9ht
<br /> to euerciee the power ot se1b.FuoC�sr,Lender's riphts and remediea under tbls paraqraph sha11 be cumatetive with.ana tn no nray a
<br /> limitation on.lenders r+ghb and r�a underany essignment of lee�and rertb recorded against the Property.Lender.Trustes
<br /> and the recehrer sAa11 tse liable to account on(y iev those rents actuatty received-
<br />- 11, Ewnl�01 p�fa��lf.The followinp shalt comditute an Event of Oelault under lhis Ceed ot Trust
<br /> _ (e) Failure W pay any inafaltment of principdi or intereat of ar►yr other sum secured hereby whert due;
<br /> - (bj A breach of ar detault under any provision containe0 in the Note,this Reed oiTrusR any ot the Loan tnstruments,orany
<br /> other lien ar encumbrance upon the PropertSr, .
<br /> (c) A wrlt of execution or attachment or any simltar process sha11 be entered against Trustor which shatl become a 11en on
<br /> ' the Property or eny poRion thereot or interest theretn; _
<br /> (� There shall be fltecf by or against Trustor or Borrower an action urtder any present o�tuture fedBral,state or other
<br /> sffitute.taw or�egulaUon telating to bankruptay,insolvenay or other relief tor debtors;or there shatl be appointed any trustee. .
<br />_�::"� recetver o�liquidator nf Truator or Bonower or o!all or any part ot the Property,or the rents,issues or pro6b thereof,or Trustor
<br />��-`� or BoROwer sha�ll make a�y gerterel8ssignment for tha benetit of crediWrs: _
<br /> (e� The sab,transkr.tease.assipnment conveyance or turther encumbrance ot all or amr paR of or any interest in ths
<br /> Y,"�-� Prop�ty elther wlunter(ly or involuMarity,wlthout fhe express written consent of Lender;pravlded that Trustor shall bs
<br /> perrnirtt�ed to execute a lease ot the Properiy that does not contain a�option to purchase and tha term of which does not exceed
<br /> : ona year. -
<br /> •'.�:r �Abandonment o1 the PropeRy:or -
<br />_�_;�; �) If Truator is not an irtdividual,the issuance,sate,transler,assignment,conveyartce or encumbrance of more than a total'
<br /> � of percen!ot(if a corporation)its issved and outstanding stook or(if a partners'hiA)a totat of percent o!
<br /> �.'y paRnerahlp inter�i during the perlad this Deed of Trust remains a lien on 2he Property.
<br /> D
<br />`���'+�� �Z, p��;AoCNMNbn Upon pNaulf.ln tri9 event ot any Event ot Defau:tl.ender may,wlthout not+ceexceptas required by _
<br /> • Iaw,decl�re all indtbfedness aecured hereby to be due and payabte and tha sams shatl thereupon become due and payable
<br />;�;,r'; wNhout any pre�ent�nen�demanQ protest or notice ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may: :
<br />-- (a} Oemand tnat Trustee euerctae the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trust�e ahatl thereaRer cauae Trustors
<br /> " lnterest in the Praperty to be soto and the proceeds to be diatributed,ett in tfie manner proinded in the Nebraeks Trust Qeeds �
<br /> Ack
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and a0 rlghts prov'�Qed tor in any ot the Loan Insmc�*ents or by law upon occurrence o1 any Event o!
<br />' • Oefaut�and
<br />;- :• (c� Commence an acdon to torectose this Deed ot Trust as a mortga9e,aQpoint a receiver,or apecltically entorce any of the
<br /> • covenanb hereof.
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon o►reserveA to Truatee or Lender ia intended to be exctusive ot any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> Lean tnauuments or by law provided or permlKed,but each sha11 be cumulanve.shap be in addition to every other remeCy plven
<br /> • hereunder,in the Loan tnstrumenta or now or hereaKer existing at law o►in equity or by atatute,and may be exerctsed cqncu►rently,
<br /> " independenUy or�uccesaively. '
<br /> - 13.TtuMM The Trustee may re�ign at eny time without eause.end t�e�neter may at any tin�e and w�out eau58 appoint a
<br /> ' aucCbssor br aubatitu2e T�ustee.Trustee sfiafl�ot be 1iable to any party,inctuding without limitation lender.8orro�rar,�rust0e o:any
<br /> • ��-; purcha�er of the Property.far any toas or�amage unless due to reckfess or wilttul misCOnducf,anA shall nat be requiredtotaRe any
<br /> � action 1n conneCtian with the entorcement of thia Oeed ol Tru�t uNess indemaifled,in writing,tor atl caste,eomPensatlon or
<br />' ' expense�which may be assaciated therewith.ln addltlon.Trustee may become a purchaser at any aafe of the Properly(�udlcial or
<br /> ' under the power of sate granted herein);poatpane the sate of all o�any portlon af the Properhr,as prowQcd Dy law;or sell the
<br /> �� Property as a whole,or in aeparate parcels or Iota at Trustee's dlseretfon.
<br /> - -- `�T;� � �q,f�N�nd Exp�n�tn the even!Trustee selts the Properry by exereise of power of saie,Trustee ahalt be enUUeA ta apply
<br /> � any safe proceeds Nrat to payment of all costs ana eupense�ot exercising power of sate,inctuding atl Trustea's teeg,and Lender's
<br /> . �� e n d T r u s t e e s a tt o r n e y's i e e s,a c t u a l l y i n e u r r e d t 0 e x t e n t p ermitted b y e p plicable law.tn the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> r�nM proviQed by I�w to cure an Event ot Oelaul�Lender shatl be enllUed to recover from Trustor aN eosta and e�penss�actually
<br /> tnCUrred as a resuN of TruatoP�detaulf,lnCluding wlthouf limltation ell Trustee's and attorney'9 feea,to the extent permitted by
<br /> ' � - appllcabl�Iaw. : �
<br /> 15, fuWr�/Wr�N.Upon request ot 8orrower,Lender may.ae tts opUon,make addiUonal and tuture advances and re-
<br /> advanca!to 9onOwer.Sucb advenCesand resdvancea,with interest fhereon,shall be�ecured Isy thla Oeed of T�u�t At�o Ume shall
<br /> . th�pr?ncipalemoun4offheinde6tednex9sb�ut6e16yttrisaeec�atTrustnot�'ri`�r�g�msSrfwariE�t6pf6t8Ctth�SeCUiIljiB�thiS-
<br /> ONd a1 Trus6 sxceed fds orl�tn�1 pHneipd amaunt atated hereln,or S ��� ,whichever is groater.
<br />