� .. .` r —+..�..... � — ,�.�� --
<br /> ,� -6.. . � .. . ' � . , � . ;"�c'±��
<br /> ,�..::r�' _ . _ .
<br /> ��0�1�.'�
<br /> �M rwMor w na�n kadlwduM.a»i�+�no.,w..tranM.►�.�Npnn►�f,aonvey.no.o�� amon w.n.bW
<br /> 01 ^ pKO�nf d�If�ooipa�tlonf il�bswd u�d oulq�ndl�0 MAOIc a(H�p�ltn�►Ndp)�Io1M d �iNta�t af
<br /> p�r�aN�In�Mq durinp 1M p�tod qqs DMd ot TnNt nrtMNw a IMn cn fh�P�op�ty.
<br /> 1Q.II�Ml�i�otlw11����In IM�vmt cf any EwM M D�tault L:�nd�r nwY.wNhout nolla�caM M nRWnd MI
<br /> I�w�drol�n M1 Md�b1�d��wowrd Mnb/a b�dw �nd p�YabM u�d tM s�m��hall th��ipon b�oon�Ow aW p��M
<br /> wMw�A anp pn�Mit�danu�d.PraMSt a notla d�mr klnd.TI�NIMr L�nder nay.
<br /> N) Omsand fh�t TtwM�unro1M th�POYYER OF BAL�praAMd 11MNn.�nd Trusw�hdl tl�MA�r cauM Truolor�
<br /> IM�n�t In Ih�Pro�ty b b��oW md IIN Pro��b b�d1�lribN�d.�11 M IfN m�nn�r prarid�d In IM N�b�Mka fiaf D�
<br /> ----.—�-�� Aak
<br /> �b) �x�al��ey I�nd W dphq provkl�d fa In any of th�Lo�n InNrwn�nq o►by law upon oaairnna d airy EwM of
<br /> ONaul�and
<br /> cowninb hasM,��n�a11on 10 foncbN thl�DMd of Truq���matp�p�.�R�t�r�wiwr.«.�ncaiy.nto�a any a u�.
<br /> No r�nNdy Mnln aonlen�d upon or nanr�d to Tru�or Lend�r I�fnt�rt0�04o+be�xcluslw of�ny othsr nmWy h�nNo,i�tl�
<br /> Lan Nutrum�nif or by hw p�ovidW or pKmNad,but ssch shdl b�cumul*yv�eh�li b�Irt add�on bo yvery otMr am�dy plvsn
<br /> � _ �T T h�nun�Nr.In th�l�n Inq�ummU a oow or h�rwlt�r�xi�qnp tl I�w or in putb w to��wrwi r�yp ba ex�rCit�d aonaurteMly.
<br /> Ind�pend�nqy or�ucc�ulwly.
<br /> �3,7MwN�,TM TNtlN nuiy n�ipn�t�ny dm�without cau�s,and L�nd�r nw�����r�Wrw�nd wffhout oauw appolnt•
<br /> succeuor or wMdtuO�Tniu�e.TnntM shdl not M Il�ble to�nY parry,inctucllry wltlwut�tmtqAfon L�ndK.8onow�►.TNator or�ny
<br /> purch�ts�of th�Prop�Ay,br sny las or d�m�pe unlew due w nckka ur wUhu1 mltcpndu�ct,and shNl not be r�quirsd to qke any
<br /> �cYon In connsadon wNh th�snlorc�msnt o�thl�Owd ol Tru�t unlw►tr�d�ntNW,in wrltlnp,fa all cosa,comp�nMNon a
<br /> �wp�nws whloh mlry bs�etwal�t�d 1her�wW�►En�ddldon.Trust�s mnY�p Pu�ch�t+r�t�ny�ale of the Prop�Ay Qudleial or
<br /> w�r th�pow�r,of NI�prant�d h�rMn):paetpor►�tM saN of NI a eny portlon�a1�Prop�rty,u provld�d by law:a sM1 th�
<br /> prop�rq as a whols,or In��M p�rwb or W1s a1 Tru�is's dlscrsNon.
<br /> 14. f��M and E=p�n�.�n�w�t Tru�te��il�tha Properiy by oxerci�of powqr of wls.TN�t�e ihall be�ntlCed to appy
<br /> — �ny pl�p►ocMd�tint W p��1 W all cab�nd expenset ot exeral�inp pow�r o}tate,lncludlnp all Tiu�he's Mas,and l�nda's
<br /> and Trust�s's�ttorney's IOM.�ctwihl incu�d b�xtent psrmltad by�ppl loabl�law.M ths�vont Borrowsr or Trultat ex�►ciiss w►�►
<br /> � �ht providod by law to cur��n Evsnt W DMault,lendsr ahell bs entided to reeover hom Tru�tor all costa sod�xpanass achwNy
<br /> - = incurnd ap��utt of Tnulor'�dd�u�f.in�ludMp wlthout Ilmlqdon all Tni�'s�nd�ttorney's ha.to th��xl�nt p�rmilNd by
<br /> applic�bl�law.
<br />•_—� iy. �wpqrO w��iiCa,v'y�.:. �'yL'�!�!°wi!^!'!!�.�wnAar mAV,At Itlt nntl0n.mnkw�illnn�l�nA/utur��dVaflCes and re- _
<br />•••� �dvanc�s to 8onower.3uch adrancss Ynd readvenc�,with Interest therson,shall be secured by thl�Dsad of TruW.At no dms shall __
<br /> —� ths prinalpall�mount ot th�iadebtedneis�saured by thie Deed ot Trust,no2t7in�clu�p�s advanced to protect the asouriry of this • -
<br />",;� pMd of Trust excssd the oripinel principN amount st�t�d hsroin,ar S whlahewr Is�re�t�r.
<br />::,,� 16. IAUcM�aN ProvNloo�. _:
<br />:;��._i. - (�) go�roww Npt pNawd.Extemion ol the tlme for paymant o►modHicaUon of amoNudon of the wme secu�ed by this _
<br /> p�ed of Truq�aobd by L�nder to sny�ucceseor In Intere�t oi 8onowsr ahpll not operate to►eleosa,in any m�nner,the Ilablilty
<br />'+��`f'1�.._—_—-_� at����p�gpr��r en��r►ower's successon In Interest Lsnder shall not he requirsd to comm�nce procNdinps ap�insl
<br />�•,i �r.�s
<br />- •— wch wcceswr o�refussto extend Nme tor payment or othervvlee modiy amo�tizatlon of the sum�eaound bythi�O�sd of Tnut
<br />.::'..�";�„�, � by roaaon o}��y deme�tls made by the oripinal BoROwer end Borrower'a suceesaors in InteresG
<br /> (p) L:�e�dK•�pow�n,Without aflectiny the Ileblliry ol any other pereon Iieble tor the payment of any obllyaUon hereln
<br />- mMdoned,and without aNectin�ihe lier�or charge o1 this Deed ot Truet upon any pordon of the Propery not iheo or theretofas
<br /> relea�ed as security for the full amount of all unpeid obllpeQona,lender may,irom time to time and without notice(i)releaee any
<br /> l • person so Ifablo,(ii)axtend tlee matu�ity or alter eny ot the terms of eny auch obllpeUons.(Ifi)prant other lodul�encea,(Iv)releaee
<br /> or reconvey,o�cause to bo releaaed or reconveyed at any time at Lender'a optlon any parcel,portio�or all ol the PrupeAy,
<br />;r;y 1 0.� �::; (v)f�ks a relsare any otho�or additloroal aecurlry for eny obNyatlon hereln mentloned,or(vi)make compoaitlons or oUw�
<br />_ _ }-, ar�nyomenb with debtore In relalion thareto.
<br /> (c) ForManna by L�nd�r Not�Watva.Any forbearance by Lender in exercisiny any right or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> }r` �:� `Y�°,;_ � otheryvise aBo�ded by appliaable law,shell not be a weiver ot o�(xeclude tho exercise of ony euch ripht or remedy.The
<br /> :,�,,.,��y,r,:,+.•;} � .:��'. procurement of Insurence or Ihe peyment o1 fexea or olher Iiens or cheryes by Lender ehall not be a walver ol Lender's►Ipht to
<br /> i i`�l�;.'%,:. ..A+, aCCelerate the msWrily ot tha lntlebtedneas secured by thia Deed of Trual
<br /> ;1. -�,• �•:;f.:•.!:a
<br /> ., t�., (d) guaaNton�nd Asslpas�ound:JoMt and Sw�nd Wbllll�l;C�ptlo�».T4�e covenante end ay�eemsnts hereln con-
<br />.=,�r� :':,� �:,_�,�4 �l'r�."�1}� felned ahall bind,and the riqhta he�eunder shall Inu►e to,the respective eu�cessors and assipns M Lender end Truetor.All
<br /> � ,�,�,;w�,. ;�'"•'�i��`�F'� coVenent�and epreemenb of Truetor shall be�olnt and eeveral.The captlona end heedinps ot lhn parayrapN�ol thfs Desd o!
<br />'-_';. `"k' ~''•�'�= Tn�st ere/or convenience only and are not to be ueed to Interpret or deiine 1he provlslone hereof.
<br /> '�s•�ss:�;:: .,.:�.?�.
<br /> - �: ? (e) R�qu�stlor Noticu.The partles hereby request thet a copy o1 any nolice of delauN hereunder and a copy of any�odce
<br />!`:��.��! �:i :...,:..:��
<br />,,;�.. .��x.:«•M.rw'z F',:!' : ot eale hereunder be mailed to each party 10 this Deed o1 Trust e�t the addreae eet 1o►th above In tha manner prescribed by
<br /> �,��.Yl' � -�"�
<br /> �,r;�b,�;�; � , 1�,, applfcabte inw.Except tar any other nolice required under applicable law to bo ylven in another menner,any noUce prov l d e d -
<br /> :�-�• tor In thia Ueed oi Trust ohell 6e piren by maAlnp euch notice by ceMilied mail addreased to the other partlea,at the eddreaa aet
<br /> � � �+�=-�'s;`r� torth above.Any notice provided br In thia Deed o1 Truat ahall be eliective upon mellinp In the manner dealgnated herefn.lf
<br />',�', �•�•w �•:�f�'• Trustor le more Ihan one pereon,not�e sent to the addreaa eet forlh above ahell be norice to ell ouc�pereons. _
<br /> ;��� �..'��+ (Q Nqp�ctlon.Lenrier may make or ceuee to be mede reasoneble entdes upon end Inspectlons of the Properly,provided _
<br /> - �'`� � • ' �"'� th�t Lender shall plve Truator notice pNor to any auch Inapection specitylnp reasonable cauee therefa related to lender's =
<br /> �'�� 1��:��:;�;i��;. intsreat�n the Property.
<br /> �, ,)r:.,� (p) R�conv�y�.Upon payment of all sume aecured by thle Deed of Truet,Lender ehail requeat Trostee to reconvey the
<br /> ��, 4 _ .�..
<br /> ' �� �' Property end shell aurrender thls Deed ot T�ust and all notea evidencing Indebtedness secured by thla Deed ol Trust to Truatee.
<br /> �°' ��r� �i��t Truetee ahall reconvey tIM Property,�ri�hout wartanty and withaut che►ye to the person or persona lepally eMlHed thereto.
<br /> =�=•- °,_,�; Trustor shell pay all coate ot record�don,�t�9ny. -
<br /> :.-s•.. ,; . ,
<br /> �, , (h) pthon�l prop�rty;S�ourMy Apr�ieMnt As eddltionel eecuriry 1or the payment oi the Note,Trustor hereby qranta
<br /> Lender under the Nebrafke Unibrm Commercial Code a securiry intereat In all Iixtures,equlpment,end other persanel property
<br /> �'�)''k� used In connectlon with the real eetete or Improvemenro located thereon,end not otherwlae decta red or deemed to be a part of
<br />. .�5 �� re . :(�j�; .
<br /> � ..,� .;� . .,; tha ne0 es�ate�ecured herob�.Thla instrument ahAll be conetruec!as.a Securlty Ayreement under sai d Cede,and the Leoder
<br /> •�,.�,;;`; ehali have all�1J�e riyhts and remedles of a secured pa►ty under sai:f•Ccdr In eddition to tha riphls antl�emedks creflted untler
<br />�'�;} ••�i'�..�,... _ and accar�ded ihe Lender pureuent to this Deed of Trua1:a►ovfdetl4�p�Lender's r19h1a end remedles under this�aragraph ehal�
<br /> :;s�h;r,_,�i;:;��; be cumulative wlth,ar+et io no way a UmiteGon on.L�n:Je*b rlphis and remedies incit+r amy other eecurity ayreement�ipned by
<br />;;��� <<�`:�';�,a�: '�.'• BO�IOwer or T�uator.
<br />:`� ' 1�,4;; i (I) Li�n��nd Enwmbnneh.Trwtor hereby waY•A�ts and repreaenta that there�s no defeult unde�the prav,�ione ot any
<br />,._ q•�f�;�::,, �•;S;,�. mortpaye,deed ot UusR Ioase or purehas�coMract tleacrlbinp all o�any part ot the Properly,or other contreaf,instrument or
<br /> ?��,-� .arMnwnt eon�UtuUn4 a Ilen or encumbrance apalnst all or any paA of the Property(collectively,"Lfons"),exlednp e�ot the
<br /> ' � dote of this Oeod of Trusl,and thet eny and all eKletinp Llens remaM unmodl8ed except aa dlecloaed to lender In Trustor'a
<br />"1�i � �Yla':.,
<br /> '�*ta';,.i.,,.;,,.:.,ti, �'� written disclosure olliena end encumbrances provided for hereln.Truator �hall Gmely ptirform all of Truator'�oblipatlona.
<br /> ,•� �r'r��;?�:`',.•:'- cov�n�nb,apasenfaUone and war�Antles under any end ell exlsrinp�nd future Llens,ehall prompUy torwerd to lender coples
<br /> �� �"�`��-,,;,�;,�: of aN nodta of defeult sent in connecUon wlth eny and etl eKlolirp or luture Ll�ns,and ihdl not wUhout Lender'e p►for writtsn
<br /> -���,�,,...:;..� con�eM in any manner modiy the provislons of or allow any tutu�re�dvences und�r eny axlalnp or tuture Llens.
<br /> --- - ""`'"��'�� Q) Appikaton d Pa�tm�nb.Unleaa otherwise�equlred by lew,sum�peid to Lenda hereunder,fnoludfnp wllhouUlmltetion
<br /> �—�`� � ��'`,�.,i;s;;� p�ymente al princlpal and Intere�t,Insurance proceeds,condemneGOn proceeds end renta and prollts,eh�ll be epplfed by
<br /> t,.,._._,:,. -
<br />`� ���'gi;•�;� LMder W tho omounb dus�nd owlnp Irom Tnutor and Borrower In such arder aa Lender fn ib eole dlscretlon deems desfraWe.
<br /> �'"�''�'Y'- (k) ��h.If�ny provielon ot thlt D�ed of Trust conlllcte with appliceble law o�I�decla►ed Invalld or oMerwlae
<br /> _— � �`'��a un�nloroNbts,tueh confliet or invalldly�hall not aHect the other proviwns ot thls Deed ol Trust or tf►e Ncve�which can be
<br /> • -•��.��,,:
<br />_"" i"dj�'"""""`�'``'°"� p�wn�Ibct withoutth�con111cUnp provbion,and to thio end th�provlNon�oi 1hi�Dwd of Tru�t and th0 NoYU�decland to be
<br /> �- av�able. :;�
<br /> ;•�.'. vt 1!'�a�+iw+o
<br />_ r: ....�...
<br />