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<br /> Tf+�uqd�siyn�d hir�.aehnowt�dyjts and und�;that tM daeuawM to bt`a�cut�d 01►.th�unQtrslpn�d is�truu ANd and not a.
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<br /> maq.�.irtm.w.M a a a.raun o.�.aen a oar�uoe.
<br /> o�wa a�w�.cw.e on�n. ��t dayof.. . Auaust' � '.�s 9!- —:asor,
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<br /> THISTqUSTDEES.madtM[s lst dayof Auau�t� - ,1�9L--.;
<br /> ����� Riley Kent Trer and Pa�ela 7e�n traW� hu�hsn� �nd ui4e •
<br /> ���ry���y � 1618 Ye Tavler wrand 2�iand M�hras�a 89AOZ �
<br /> (���T�^r� Npj�an A�nic ! ;r+�a Pe��anv•nf P��nd T�l inet - - -- '
<br /> M�Wi�Ol�flll��f�ff li �nnw Yn Y�l�h Bn=rL� f�ipd TaLnei Y�t�w��4• 6880.� ` , . .
<br /> t��i�..f�N•ra� llnio� �Bank ��Tru3t Coars�any of Grand Island � � � �
<br /> w������ anna wfl� �;�b Rcad Grand Ialand Bebraska 688E}� • ,;!�in°B�neflcisry"�
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION.TnistoriRavoashiy�nnts.hanshrs.conwysan0assipnstoTrustae,IN TRUST.WITi�ROYYEROFSALE,
<br /> tor�h�Wn�fit�ne�curityotHeneiiciary.unOtra_n0��bjecttothstermsaadcondltioosafthisTmstOe�d.thstollowinpd�se�ibMfealproptrty,
<br /> Iocatld fn fila County.N�braska:
<br /> Lot Eightsen (18), Mary Lane SubOivision, Hall Ca°��nty, Nsbraska •
<br /> • � . ..
<br /> Q .. � � � � r: C�,r. =. � p �= iQ
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<br /> . � TOGETMER W6TH allotthsfoitowing,whether r.,swowned ornareatterACquired:rents,prOfils.royaltie�.iRec�eandath�r6rMlit�dnlwdtromJ�'
<br /> th�nat propert�:etl teaaes or subteases covtnr.gthe repl propeRy or any portlon thereof;all interests,estau or ot�er claim�,bolh in law and ln a
<br /> equity in the rea�property:all homastsad exemption�whicn are hereby reieased and waived• ail ease:��nts,ri9hta-of-way,t�ne:�ents. � `'
<br /> h�r�0itanNnts;7��t0ilana�alri�htsan4proftts,waterrights;aEFvight,titleandintr�satotTrastcr,m�dtoanytandlyinqwitla�ttf�rlsflt•ot-wayof `C��
<br /> •ny meet or h�:way adJoininp ths real p�opertyr;any and all buildinga,flxtun�,improver�er"a,md appuA�n�nc�s no�a h�r�aNu�r�ct�d _
<br /> thtnon or 4�toRr'r�9 theroto,(herein roferro0to as"Improwment"or"Improvements"�;anp any�n0 all award�maA�tor:h�taNinp by�min�M -
<br /> don►ain,n►hy anypracaedingor purchaap in lisu thereol,ottfis whofe or any p�d of ths n�l prop�rty.All ofthNonpotrtq tst�ts,proplrty�nd —
<br /> intenst eonveyerlio Truatee he►eln cottacuvely�efe�red to as ihe"Property". =
<br /> FOR t1�lE PUfiQOSE OF SECURINO: —
<br /> (a)The payment of indebtaaneaa evlQenead by Trustor's nOte or guarantee("NOte")d�t�A Au ouat 1, 1991, �g� --
<br /> � inthepNn�ipalaumol��'� Fittv Thousand and no/100 �+�+► Oottar� �
<br /> �s 50.000.00 ),togetherwlthinterest�tth�rateorratesprovidedthereln.andth�principat�ndintereatonany
<br /> future advaness evidenced by promissory notea or guannteda stating thsy are seeured hereby,and any and alt renswala,moAihcation�ana
<br /> exbnaionath�nol,both princlpaland interesl6eingpaya6teinaecordufeewlthtt��tarmsaetfoHhthareln,whichbythisre%renesis madea part
<br /> huaof. .
<br /> (0)Th�{NHOrmanCS 01 aaCh�ptelment and eavensnt ot Truator herein eantainaQ;and
<br /> . .{a}�p�ymanf af srr�auraa 9umsaf maney+�vh(c#►m�}�bat�ereafEei paf�a:a6�aaceGby4he�Beaeticlary uaCer it�atermsaf thts�{usf Qeed.
<br /> tapether with interast therean at Ihe rate provlde0 in the"Nots".
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