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<br /> . ` � . , . 1-4 FAMILY BIDER� . �
<br /> -_— -, - ic�-- - - - — --
<br /> - 'tf1LS i�FM+IIl.Y RII�R is mtle this 23th �y of� Ilugust. 199i • �
<br /> — �ed isinoa�paaled iala and shli ba damed�a�a�wp�meot t�Ma�t�e.Deed of"ilost oc.Sbanig�D�eed(d�e ,_�_.
<br /> . •Sec�jr i�trumaot�of tbe s�mcdiro aivm by d�aode�si�aed ttbe'7aQOWd')w sec�Ba�c!uwrr'k No1e w Th� �
<br /> _ Eqvitsbl8 8ui2dfng and Loan Assoc�ation, 6rand Island� Ne6reska ;
<br /> . � (t6e"t.eada"� �
<br /> �
<br /> a[tbe�me�Me'ao�cwaioa tLe PYoQeety dacrl6ed ia tbe Sac�ity It�aad[o«�ed#� . .
<br /> 516 South Cleburn end 1425-1418 North Kruse Street. 6rand Isl�nd, Ne. �
<br />_ , . . (RaP�!►�ul ' - • . • .
<br /> _ .' . i�FI►lYQI.Y CDVENAM'� In additioo to the onveaancc m!ag�vements made in dse Secuc�ty Tn�moe�.Borrow�r ,
<br /> ` �Lender fun�rrwvea�aR aod sgtiee as foUows: � <
<br /> — � : A.ADDITIONAL !!t)PEAT![SUdjECT 1�Q THE.SECURITY 1NS17tllMENT. in addidan to t6e PmQe�cY
<br />- - � � de'scn'bed in t6e Seciuity Iat�uma�t.tbe follawing iteiasa�e addcd to tbe-Fmpeity deacription,aoil ahail alsa oo�idRe t�e
<br /> _ ;.pb,�y��y��y��g ma�riats,appti�rces�md goods of�vety asnsti wh�uoeva no�v as
<br /> ' � bene�f�er Iari�i�3 io,an,or useij..ar iiiiende�to be used in�.�ith 16e Ptupecty,incta�'mg,�at not WniteYf w,tbase .
<br />�I�z . . �:for t6e pu�po�es of wpptying ar.Aisun'tiuting iKating.cuoling,e�itY.Sas. vr�ter.air aid tig6t, firc_pr�veatioii ad`.-:. :
<br /> � ��x��8�PP�►.�aad aooess cona�l apparatus, DI6it�bing,bath tubs,water deateis. watei c[a�sets.sidcs..
<br /> ,.�
<br />, ;
<br /> . .._ .
<br /> •�. . . � � rnagea,soayes.:efriger�tocs,s�ishwasl�e�s.,disposats.wasliers,drYers,awnings,stacm windows.scocm doors.s�aae�ns.61mds,.
<br /> sbsdpi;co�ninsaadca�iiod�attacZtediniriors.cabinets:Paaellingandattaci�e3IIo�xcovuidg"sr�ow.ab��' _,;..r
<br /> . " t
<br /> ,-�-{y ` • to ibe Ptopeicy;al{of wi�cb.inciadiag replacements and add'uions tlxreto.shall be deemed.to bc and s+emairt a put of tbc :. ' �_
<br /> �; , � .pmpercy covece¢by Ne Scs�rcitY-In4udmeut All of die faegosng ioge:tber with ti�P�pertY de�i6od ia Q�e.Senuicg
<br />' ,. .. �nsitur�reat(a tUe leasehotcl+estate i�the Secvrity Ia�ent is on a Iea4ehold)azc nefened w�a�i,s 1-�t£�urty'iiider�d
<br /> ',;;,� . d�e Security Iasuutneat as tAe"Ptoperty." ... - � ' .
<br /> �:
<br />-.-�.._
<br /> -- a.usE oF PleorElCrlr;co1l�i.uxcE wITH I.Aw. aormwer shau noi s«k.ag�e co a malce A c�nE���
<br /> use of tlle Prapetty a its zoniag classit3catia�.unless I.ender has agrad in writing w the change. Borrower s6a11 comply
<br /> with sli 1aws.adiaan�xs.rcgulations and iecNirements of any govemmental body applica6le to We Plroperty.
<br /> , G St,TaOADI1VATE LIENS. Except as permitted by federat 1aw.Borrower sha[i not allow any lim inferior w the
<br /> _ Secucity lns�nt to be perfated against the Property without L.enderh priot written permission. �
<br /> ' D.RENT LOSS 1NSIiRANC�. Borrower shall maintain insurrnce ogainst rent loss in addiGon w the other huards for °'—
<br /> �. �'. whicA lnsurance is roquim,d by Unlfarm Covenant S. '
<br /> , �.,
<br /> � �."SORROWER'S RIGHT TO RBIIV5TATE"DELETED. Unifam Coven�nt 18 is drleted., __
<br /> . �e,,:=:
<br /> F.aORRaWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Barower dherwise agroe in writing. the fi�st sentrnce in =-=_
<br /> '-� Unifam Covenuu 6 conceming Borrower's occupancy af the Property is deletod. All�naining covenants�nd s�greements ��s.
<br /> ' set fath in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. • ��` y
<br /> . : G.ASSIGNMEAIT OF LEASES. Upan Lender's request,Borrower shall assign to l.entkr all leases of the P�aty �'
<br /> . [�.�'`;_
<br /> ' and aq security deposits made in connection with 1�of the Property. Upon the ass�gnmenl.l.ender shaA have the rigM to :
<br />- . - moQify.eatend or terminace the existing tcases and tQ execute ncw leases. in l.cnderh sole discrction. As used In thls ,'_-".,.`
<br /> ; p�ragraph G.tl�e ward"lease"shall mea�"su6lease"if the Secudty instntment is on a kasehold. j�
<br /> �- �=� ' N75• PPOINTMENT �F RECEI VER: LENDER INi AOSSESSION. Borrawer ���'�~-
<br /> H. ASSIGNMEI�i'T OF RE . A
<br /> - �beolutely and unca�ditia�ally assigns and transftra to Lender a]!the rents and revenucs('Rents")of the Ptopsrty,ceg�tdless " ,_
<br /> of to whom the Rents af the Propecty are payablc. Boirower authotizes L.cnder or Lender's ageetg to collect the R�ents,and � - --
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> agroes that ach tenant of the Property sitail pay the Rents to landcr or Leqder's agents. Howevcr.Borrower shall roceive the ,
<br /> . ,f% 1Nl1LT141'A7E tI PAMII.Y�IDFJt-Faie Nu/iYeddie Mac IWfar�listr�anl far�317� � (pa�e/tJ2 paaal
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