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<br /> T:_-_- -� -_ — �—• —_ -.— — - — - __ — -.. -- ---. = .. -- -- -_- -- _. — -
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<br /> ��. . _ �- �� �� � � � _ � � � . ,_ � . ��"�.�� '�J.�e�a _
<br /> .._'-- --�pp��We ia�,m�r�pec�y�for�t)betore We d�he Finpe�ty pww�+t tQ anY po+�er ut,�eie contrined tn d� . � � .
<br /> aetwity I�ma�a(b)a�►at�j�ana�t a�tae�i�d���rit�►i�e�. 'ila�e�anditions aR 11�Haimwe�: ti) .
<br /> . p�yi 3rebec dl w��fiich dim woYW be dae uede�INs Sac�rlt�►Imauman aed tl�e Note t�s if na�oodaado�hd
<br /> . � cccut�(b)t�sany�d�'auh af aary►atha cn,rm�o�a�oement�:Ec?PaYc att tzprnces incu�s�Q in enfoaein�t�tn SecurItY --
<br /> - `l�at.ir�ciw�,iiat not iimi�e�to.c�o�lfie a�eys'fCC��d(d)tsica ssxb�wxio�as I.eAder a�y re#eenebt�r . .
<br /> requite�o�dat d�e liat of tl��ecurity ln�.i.endertc ri�Ms In the Ptopaty and Horrorvert ablip�ion to P�Y�
<br /> _ = wa� Mec�t�ed by thi� Secutity Insp�ehsil tw�titwt unc6�ni�ed. :UPm teiroatement bY Baaowar. dds Sectrrity
<br /> - -TpMnisrb�t w�d ti�e d�liptiom aecuoed baebY s1W1 ranaia fuUy effectivt�s ifna aocekruinn�d axu�reii. Kowtver.d�is
<br /> ri�Lr�a relo�nte�lt t�qt�pply in the wre of acxekNiaa underp�taph/?. - `
<br /> !� Sd�w N�It'C���t��SeFrloer. 'ifie Nde a a p�d�l uxerat in�he lvate(tog�eN�es with tbia Secwity
<br /> In�)miY Se.aWd aae a mo�+e times.wit6aat priar nocice w Bamwer. A sak max nsult in a cl�nge in tbe aKiqr `
<br /> (ktiown�+t t6e"[ra�n�aviae")tmt ooitais mootNY P�Y�dae tinderthe Note aM dds Socuaky L►swmeat. 'i'her�e also
<br /> � rnay 6e aae a mane�ch�es of t�e Lo�n Serviar�dmd to s sak of thc Note: If dKxe is s chmge of tbe Lo�n Setvic�ar, _
<br /> ` < ' Boemwa�rill be giva��vrit�en notice oi the ch�nge in aoceNaiioe wit6�pasgr�ph 14�bove aad�pplicxbk'1aw TNt notice
<br /> �ail!uale d�e�e aud addoea�of tbe ne�r[.am Savka�ad the addoess to wl�h P�Ymeats sU'°uld be made. '1]�e natice will
<br /> si�o co�win aay aLer Waemation ioquired by_apQlicabb tsx. � �
<br /> � � R�aedors Sr6rWces Bamuwer alWl not puse or petmit the p�esarce.asa.dispas�l,ston8�•or relase of�nY .
<br /> . . �Hazudoat SuD�noa an or in dte Pm�pe�ty. Botmwer s�ll not do.tar aUow�►yarc else ta do.anyfhin8 sff�tin8 d�e
<br /> ptopp�iy tmt is ie viot�tlor►nf any F�vIIOOmamtal L'aw. 'ftie p�a�eding two sauaxes shalt not apply to tI�e presa►c�ase,ar
<br /> eta�e aa tbe Pi+npatY of sm�ll qwnoities of Hazudous Su6st�nce.s that ane generaUy recognized w be�pp�opriue w narmat
<br /> raideadsl nsa aad to m�intm�nce of tLe Property.
<br /> Banow�s�U p[amptly give I.e�der writtm notioe uf wy iavestigation,claim.dem�nd.lawsait ac ottxr actioa by any
<br /> smrann�atal o�negal�tory ageacy or privau party iavotviag tbc Ptaperty and any Ii�va�+dous Sa�a Fnvimnnxntat
<br /> I.a�r of which Bocmwa iWts actaat lcaowledga If Borrower leuac,or js nvtified 6Y�Y 8o!r��°�� ' `
<br /> � u�;t�,m.c any��emov�l oc aner nmea;�tia►of my rfazazaoas sabst�dce a�ecdng_nc�rtopa�y is na.essary.Eo�wer �
<br /> �11 p�vn�tly Wce sll neoess�ry�fid�tio�.s ia accuidance wit1�F1ivi�onmeata/i.avv.
<br /> � " As usal in this p�n�aph 20,"H�zaedons Subswnces"are Uwse substances defined a�wxic a t�azardous sabstawxs by
<br /> FnvuonnKUtat Iaw and the following substances: gasoltne.kemsene.other flammable or toaic peaateura pmducts.rouc :..
<br /> `' paaicides aod�lia6icides.volatiZe solreota,.matecials coatainin8 asbe.scos_or focm�idehyde,and caaioactive materisils. _As ,.':
<br /> used in tAis p�ragraph Z0,"Envu�aunentai I.aw"means foderat laws and laws of tLe�urisdietion wNeie the Anpecty is located..�'.
<br /> — . tbat retate w t�calth,safery or envtmsunentat protecE�oa. � • � .
<br /> NON-i1NIPORM COV�TANTS. B�rawer and Lender he�cova�ant and agcee as foIIow� .
<br /> 2L Ac�eleallon;Remedie+. Leader ahaU eive notioe tfi o Bar`rowrer prior to soode�Ian foDowing Borra�rer'a
<br /> 6ee�elr of aa�ooveasat or a�reemeet is t6b Security I�traietat pwt aat prior to aocda�uadee p�rssespb 17 .
<br /> ��1ea spaic�bk taw providea Mberwise). 77e�atk+e slull apecid': (�)!Ue defauN;(b)the sction required to care the
<br /> de(adt,(c)s date.wot less tlm 3�days f�+ua�tLe dsk the�otkt is stvea to Borrower,by wiiicl�t�e defsdt�owt 6e
<br /> c�red:a�d(d)tlat t�re to cere tMe ddsnN oo ar 6efore tre d�te specifled is tie ootice aisy�ranit i�scceleratlo�ot
<br /> tl�e au�sec�red by tlds Seturk9 Isstroaieat aad sde ot t6e Prapeety 77�e notice stiap firther idorm Borrower af
<br /> tde ri�Mt W rei�state aRer socekratba aod tse�bt to brtn�s couet actbn ta a�eeA tbe aon-ezistence of a defaolt oe
<br /> , a��aq�defe�ae at Borrower to aaelerstlo�sad asle 1�t6e defaatt is aot cured os ae 6efore tUt date sptciAed in
<br /> tiie soNee.I.e�der at iv optbn msy reqoire immediste paymeet ta tull of all sumg se¢ural by this Securtt'Iastrument
<br /> — witYoat fnrtl�er demand sad ms9 invoke the po�ve�ot sak aed spy otber re�oedies permitted py spplk�bk Isw
<br /> l.nde�srall be eatitkd to cWlect all expea�incurrM i�purauln6lbe remedies pravided is thk paragrspb Z�, .
<br /> iaclodia�,bat not limited to,reasonsbk Attareeys'fees and costs of titk evidence.
<br /> [t tMe power u�ssle b ievoked,71�stee ahall r000rd A iwtior ot defsult i�each county in wMkh aay p�rt o�tbe
<br /> = Proplrty b bcated aad,sMall nail capks utsuch notice in the n�aer pnescel6ed 6y spplkabk la�v to Boero�rer and to
<br /> the WMer pee�oas preacribed b'spplic�ele�aM. ARer t6e Ne�e requind by spplic�bk law,7twtee sMsY iive pnblic
<br /> �otbe d aak to the peraons aed is t6e nunoee prescribed by sppllc�bk law 'ilraske.wltl�t denana ae Borrower,
<br />_ � sMaq sell tbe Property at publk�ucNoa to the 6ighest biAder s�t the Nme and place and under the ternn dcsiEeated in
<br /> tMe aotice d s�k in one or mon parceb and in any orAer 7lrusta determiees. 71�ustee msy postpane sak o�aH or any
<br /> panYl of We Property 6'puWk�nnouncement at the flme and piace ot any p�evlously scAMukd sak. Leades ar its
<br /> desi�nee nay purelwe ihe Property at sny sak.
<br /> = Upon rccetpt ot psymmt af the psice b1d,11rusta shall delive�to tLe purchaser 1lrustee'e deed conveytng the _
<br /> PsoperE�: T6e reeitsls in�r�e 7kustee'sdeed s1�aII 6e petms tack evldeuce af t6e trutb ot the aWtemmb m�de t6ereie. ,
<br /> 7lrwtee shsll apply tbe praatieds of the sak in the foUo�ving order. (a)to all co�ts And expenses o�exercising the powe�
<br />'.r .
<br /> Fon 3b18 �/� Ipaze S of b page.rl
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