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<br /> ='-'� �'�:� ae K �� _ ttdra�g - - - - !"Trp�"1 aad TSE EQU1T _ _G - -� - �- -
<br /> _ AND . "
<br /> � �rOAI�i A$80C�+��'ION t�`.tiRAHD ISLAI�D C'H�&ia4"k eo��ri��f°u°*v�d�+��P�l�T - - . � ` -.
<br /> (Parael �1�� Lots E2��ren (113, and fiviel.vs` (12) i� 81ock Ei�nL (8) irt, Marriscn''s �.
<br /> Sobdivisiqn �of s part of tihs South�est Quarter of the Southeast,.Quarter�(5M�1 `
<br /> SE�)� of S�cti.on Eight (83 in .Tawnship £la�en tii) North, Asnga Nina (8}:MesL
<br /> `af ths 6th P.M., Hs12 Cnunty. Nsbr�sks, and....,, � ° �
<br /> (Psrcfl #2) Psrt af Lot Fi�Lsen (15) Count�1 SubdiYiaiun cf pert .af the South �
<br /> On�e-Half (S��, of th� Southasst pu�rter (SE�t) �of Sec�ioa S�xtesn (i6) Tornship
<br /> (ii) North Rs�ge Nine t9) NesL o€ the 6th P.l4., Heil County. Nebreska, �are
<br /> • particular�,y,described.ss #ol2a�s: 9egin�i�g at the Soothaaat coraer of tat
<br /> Qns �(i3 Blbck Fovr (4y Mie6a*� AdditiaR tQ tha tity� of 6rand Island, tiall - -
<br /> � County, N�braska and running Southerly�5ixteen (16) feet� �o e Ptixnt on the �
<br /> Nartbsrlr- 8oun�ary line 4f,Lat Fifteen �(15) CountY Subdivision af:::�art of the. �
<br /> �SoutR Half af the Southeast Quarter (S�fSEk� o� &¢ction Sixteen `(�6), Toraship _ '�
<br /> El*�in (ti) Nortih, iiange Nine (9) itast of the 6th �P.R�., Hsil•Coun�y,. Nabraska.
<br /> � bsin� ths actusl poi�t �€� bqgi�ning; th�nce proceeding Mesterly �along ared upon ,
<br /> . � th� Norther2y Boundsry line: af t�t. Fifteen (35y � distsnce of Seventy-Eight ;:
<br /> ��8) fset: thsnae running Southeriy para13e1 to. the Eastes�ly boundary line of
<br /> Cleburn Street s distenc4 of Fifty-Two �52f feet; thence Easterly perallel �o ,
<br /> � the Ndrth 3itts of !at'�iftee�t (15) a distaace of Seirsoty-eight t78)_ feet; _ , �
<br /> .thence MortherlY perallel to the Easterly Boundary Line of Cleburn Street, a
<br /> diatance af .Fifty-T++a �(52) fest to the Paint of Beginning. . _
<br /> wn67�elaawlsd�s ttiat it is nadastood tLst b)t6e Deed ot Trast to be ezecated b�TrwWe�s a tswt daed a�d aot ,
<br /> s�oet�a��aii tb1 tl�e�war of�ak peorided for in tbe Deed o!Tsnst prnvidss sub�tsntialt�.diK�e�eat rIahts and
<br /> �q�s m,ti�a 1�astae t6�n s�aoet�sp is t6e eveut af s iidault a breieh ot ddiaatjoe.
<br /> Trastre acicaowlad=es tbat tbis Aeltnowl3�tTi At was�rie peloe to t Auau�st�of tDs D�ei o� 1 91 _
<br /> Faueated sad d�tt�ered this d�l af
<br /> � Trwtae James B. Hoeg
<br /> Tswtae
<br /> SS ,
<br /> tQUNTY OF Hall . �
<br />_ . 13th ��oi Au4ust
<br /> '. � 9�ioreaoia�iastsument w�s se�cnowkd�ed befoee me t -
<br /> j� -�i Gran� I len N ias�idwnatr. dateafoesssid.
<br /> . Witnes�n►�6snd aad aot�risl sesl s
<br /> . e... -- .
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