, ._ .,
<br /> ,�.,fr..a:,.?. J ' �,.a_::...�,, .
<br /> �¢c . --_,� - —_---- -. --- . � . --- -,-�
<br /> . � �4�,�� . � . �� - . • '"�'% � .
<br /> _ ����,�, • �i'�''�9�
<br /> _ 't�CiB7HRR W!'M�I!ti�1da�ro�ranot.now«he�a�fitt.encMd an th�ptnparty�a�d dl w�m�o�ti�ppu�t�aMnoe�, .. ..
<br /> rd l�Ctu�e�eow ar hwMii��pWt af�be p�opaty. All�e�i�cemenu nid�d0itic�o��U dw�b�aawrid by IW�► •• .
<br /> I�traneinf• Ali oPda tone�dn�i��d�arod w in thit Secatity Iaspuoent n t6�"haperty."
<br /> . , BORRi1W8R COVBNAiV7'9 tlu�t Bamanx i�1rwNUy MeLal of tha eeute heroby oomeyad�nd h�a tbe d�At to�t . ,
<br /> u�d canvey droprop�y�nd dt�t INo Pnoparty i�ueaieumbe�ed.exoept[a encumbanoes of naxrd, Boaower Ma�raen�ud
<br /> wW ddand�a�lfy 11ie dNe w tho Propaty aaainst dl aWm��ad doauod�,wbjeot�u�uy encumhra�e�at rocard.
<br /> TMS SBCURIT'Y MSTRUMBNT oombines unif'orm oovaNnu tor n�tiorul we wW eon-uniform oovauots witb
<br /> —"-'""— "—"'� limirod wriadaa�by jmiwdlcdam to ooact�tute�wiifam�ecu�ity in�in�meat cova'in�renl W�oPaiY.
<br /> IJNIPORM COV�fANTS. Borrower aid Leader coveant�ud�roe�fo1Mw�: .
<br /> 1. lh�ymeat of Pefadpd and Iater�P�Yme�t�d l.wte Ch�e� Barmwa�11 P�'omp1Yp�Y wben due die .
<br /> principQ of�nd iata�st on the debt evide�oed by tMa Note and any propwymeat�nd i�u¢hu�w dua unda�tbe Nat�e.
<br /> 2. 6iu�[or'[1�e�and faranu�e. 3ubject to�ppNcabla law or lo�wriaan w�iver by I.,onder.Borrowar th�ll pay ta
<br /> _ Lender on the d�Y��Y P�Y�a aro due uader�hn Nate,unW the Note io pwid in fY�li��aum("Fw�di"1 for:(�)yearly
<br /> _ � tw�ea and u�ewaents which m�y uaia priarity avor�hi�Sacuri�y Ina�uu�ut�w a Ilan oa th..�'mgcny;(b)Ye�iY lea�told .
<br /> paya�enta a anouad renta oa tbe Property. if any; (e) YeulY i��rd or proQerry incuauxxi promium�� (d) Ye�riY flood
<br /> �Qiunu�oe p�eraium�, ii suiy�(el Ycady mortaaBe iasur�nca p�+emiums� if�ny� and (�eny ewpo p�y�blo by Batrnwa to
<br /> I.eader.in�.�oondaoe�rith�ho provleions of p�reBraph S,in lfeu of thep�yanent ot morigage incurmoo p�emiums. 7f�ete
<br /> i`aaas�na a�lled"Fscro�v Ikx�.' Landcr may.at any tUrie.coUect u�d hold Pl�ads in an amount nat w eRCeed the auximum
<br /> arnouot�knder fa w fodaafihr�rl�tod m��igage lown awy roquire for Barower'�escrnw account under the federnl�Rroal
<br /> Esta�e Setddmeat Prooed�yrs Act af 1974 as amended from dme to tima, 12 U.S.C.¢2601 et seq.t"RIi3PA"),wilas mothw'
<br /> ;„ilFly law d�t applies w�pr Waa�u sets�lex�er�nounG If so,Lender aAay.at Aay Nma.collact aud hotd Prmds ia�n amount«ot ta�
<br /> �;::��ny�� e:ccod dw Icaser arr�a,�i. l.�t� iaa�r cxdma�c tha umount of P�nds due on the basis of cun�eot dah and �ble
<br /> -�_*���_KS.w�=�r=:;?� atia�tes of expeadinnrs of futun�.9pav�Iteme or dherwice in accordence wilh appllcable aw. �
<br /> :;".,,�►L�,'�'?�
<br />°• .[i'tik\3,I:1N};.,,g;�+:a.��;� 1'he Amds slwU be beki in an Institutlo�a whoce depoaits a� fnewed by a fedcral egency. inswmentality.a catiry
<br />-':+�a:;���'u�'..,'.,,... ` (ineluding I.endcr.if[.ender is such An instet�io�)or in any Federal Homc Laan Bank. L.ender�hall apply�he Fund�to PeY
<br /> �;'rL;;�:a� the 8scnaw Items. L.eMa awy not char�e�wer for hoWing and applying the FLnda.emually�rwlyzing the escrow
<br /> -- =_ accaunt, or verifying tde Escrow Items. unless Ltnder pays Bomnwer interest an the Funds w�d appliable law permits
<br /> — �..;..sM w��r:..�:sx� a cltat�. Howe�e•,l r�uM�m�v roguirie Bormwer W n�y s�onc-time cltarvr.far an indeS+endeM nsd
<br />_= estAte tax�epordng servioe umd by Lender in coanecdon wlth this loan,unless applicable law pmvldes otherwist. Ualess w
<br /> ag��eemeut ic mode a applicable law roquires iMcneu to be paid.Lender shall not�c roguircd to pay Borrower eny lnferest ur
<br /> 4"_ earniags on tho FWnd�. Borrower and L.ender may agroe in writing.however.thet intetr.st sholl bepaid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> - shell giva to Borrower,witbout charge.an annwd axounting of the Wnda,showing cre�its and debi�s w the Pl�nda and the
<br /> purposa for which each debit to�he Auids was made. The Fundr ane pledged as addidonnl recurity for all wa�s�ecuned by
<br />—.� thic Security insaumen�
<br /> If the Punds he�d by Lender exceed the wraunts permicted co be held by epplicabie law. i.ea�kr�i�1i a�wuni to
<br /> ��'�`+ Bomuwer far the excess Funds in ucrordence with�he requircments of applicable law. If Ihe anwunt oT Ihe Fuuds heW by
<br /> ' �4 I.endcr r�t any dmc is �ot suf�"icient 1��pay�he Fscrow Items w•hea due,Lendet mey so notify Borrower in wridng.and.in
<br /> such case Borrower sh�ll pay to Lender�he ama�unt necessary to make up t� deficiency. Bomowu shall make up the
<br /> ��' ' `��.•. , defickncy in no morc than twelve monthly pay�nients,a�I.ender's sole discretiwn.
<br /> ,.,,.:+.
<br /> . Upon payment i�futl of all sums secured My lhis Security Inswment,Lender stu►11 Examptly�etlund to Borrower any
<br />- �.r:�•:t. Fhnds held by Lender. If,under paregreph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prlor ta the acquisition or
<br /> '• �`��'�°`"Y' sute of the Pooperty, shall apply any Wnds held by l.ender at 1he time of acquisiuon or sule �a a credit ageinst the suma
<br /> "i. ; 1x,•�,,
<br /> „; secu�ed by this Security Inswment.
<br /> -• �; ` 3. AppUcatlar4 ot !'�ymeots. Unless applicable Inw provides othenvise, all pavmenl3 received by Lender under
<br /> �,na . ' paragraphs 1 end 2��n�ll trr applied:first,to any prepuyment charges due under the Not�;second,to amounts payable under
<br /> � � ..'; paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principuf due;and I�.et,to uny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> .,. • 4. C6w�es;Uens. Bora�+wEr shall ppy all taxes, nssessments, charges, fines And irnposit�ons attributeble ta the
<br />'�f �� .�.,•'•- Pe1'tY Y P n' �i' P Y 1'� Y• _
<br /> ...�.x Pro which mn attein dori aver tbis Securi Insuument,und lea�ehold a ments or ound rents.lf an Bcuraw•rr
<br /> � ';`,�}• shWl pay these obligutions in the manner provided in Ewrograph 2,or if not paid in that ms►nner,Boaower shall pay ther.�on
<br /> • v�►�'��.:,�`�k,� •� time direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrawer shall promptly fumish to Lender�li nuticex oi'a,ivaa�a�to b�paid ui�r =
<br /> "ri s':ii'�"4G�c•••%
<br /> t�r..��,�� this paragrAph. If Borrower mukes the�e payments Jirectly,Bormwer shall promptly fumish ta Lernrler receipts evidencing T.
<br /> ' :"":�.,.,•rr�`��i� the a ents.
<br /> '. �..��',.{!;�;��`;:�:�;: P Ym �—
<br /> ��•• � ,�I,.;:..,.- Bomower shall pmmpUy discharge uny lien wbich has prior�ty over this Securiry Instrument unless F3orrower.�tA��a�.rees
<br /> -�'=�'�1�'}��•.•-�„•.� in writin�to the payment of the ohligatian tecured by the lien in u munner accepwbM to Lender;lb)contests in goad�ai'th�he =
<br /> . .b,...,
<br /> r � s�, '",`��'' lien by,or defends against enforeement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lcnder's apinion operata to prevent the -
<br /> �`� � •'�"�"''" enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien on ugreement satisfnctory to I.ender subordinating the lien =
<br /> �51�. 'h Ja:
<br /> � ,f� ,,.; ?��,�. .. to this Security Inswment. If Lender determines thut any part of Ihe Property is subject to a lien which muy attain priority
<br /> .,,�1;��.�...
<br /> — �i.� . over�his Security Insuumem,Lender muy give Bo�rower a naice idenlifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> ''�•1,';�:.::;.�ti
<br /> - :.;;• v;:. one or more of the action�set forth Above wiU�in 10 duys of the�iving of notice.
<br /> ''`'��'�•' • � 5. fiwzwM or Property Insurance. Burrowcr shall keep 1hc improvemcnts now exis�ing or hercafter erected on the
<br /> - �. �~' . ' Property insured against loss by fire,hazurds included within thc terrn"cxtendrd roverage"nnd uny other huzurds,including =
<br /> -- • , tloads or tlooding,for whirh Lendcr r�equirrs inaurunce. 'Ihi�+insurunce shnll be muimained in U�e amounts end for the =
<br /> .�. ..:.�; -
<br />- � .r!�S�i;r�� �am 3078 9/9Y lpage 2 of 6 p�4es1
<br />