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<br /> . .� . " ___ —_ _ —_" ___ —. ' - . .. . _.- .__ _ .._ _ .._
<br /> 1 . ._.__ �. . . . . . . T . ..— — r .
<br /> 1—fi S ��' _ ` ' . - . ` � . .- ` `. '= . � . _ . _ . .. ... '`. C'T- . ... `_ .
<br /> —_. _- --— _ ____ _" _�_- -__. ���____—__'-_�__ _.v.--t_'_��111���+���'���-_—_
<br /> �N P�o�rb M ao trlo�n or d�0.L��r sINN hw�Mti opftoib in le��oM and�b�ok� ` ,
<br /> allirdrdue�inQ�9�altood��nd�xpMa�af�cur�Adellk(nwn�wCtlonwf1A�udeProD��sipon�nU����� •
<br /> hi�b�►�ind t�uucl►adM aitN�maY t��a.a tQ�ORlft�!!weA RtooMd�►�Illraud�Q�dud�oer.1Q Mit�ul�woil of�t-. -_ -- -
<br /> p�qp�y�pp�wch�onditlon�►asLw�m�ltdrM�mtr�An�t�PP��dPtoCNdsbM�d�bwdEtNSMi�Mnot�id�idoipo�li - — .
<br /> � fN.ds�d�M ot anY'p�y n�ti w�d�tM[�aM.a oun�r�t dMault tlyrwndK pr h�r�ur�r.MU urnppM�d iul�ds NWI b�p�id to
<br /> Tru�lix. ' - � ` �
<br /> s.�iel�eeaww�s OY L�UAon the ocFurr�na 4�f an Ew�e a OMwnt�wndu.or i��an�►+�et i�tN�r a 1pN proa+din0
<br /> � s�,�nd wi�o�R�1oYcam b a�dMnae4 upon TruNOr ind without rN�wtin0 Ttupor�yfram cblip�Yort. �nY�wMd�TtuMor l�a.
<br /> ` aprNd but t�ils b do�nd may alw do�r olf�aee R d�ems tNaMary�o P����Y�Ttwlot MMM�Ia�nNdi�IM�t
<br /> � upoo Q�n�nd tlwrMor by L�Nr.Pry b t.�nd�ralt e�sand�xp�ns�a ineumd and aums�xP��d�d b�►��in oot►mcltan v�f .
<br /> ` ���nciMdflLN�d��Wtli�lonpoitg��.��wilhinlK�tlMnonatllwd�huftrM�Pr��M�l'�wlMcAaf�lib�'
<br /> addrd b 11N IndebMdi�s�eund f��bll•��1 nol inCUr anY li�bility b�CauN d anytl�Bg k may do or ortdt b do
<br /> ii�dew Wlwti.Trupor sha!{kiip 1hs P�upKlf►in aompliance.+rdh all sppticabt�4ww adimncM and cq��«M
<br /> rNadnD fo iodustrial bysiene or Mvironm�l�tal Pro�ction tcolkctiYShl►M�►nd b h�nin aa"Envtrainwnl�i Laws'?�TruMO►s1rN .
<br /> ke�p eM Propsrt�lreefrom aI1 w�deemedto b�h�xvdous ate�cicund�ra�flEmrironn�W Laws(coQ�ctiwl!►rWundb
<br /> her.in as"w:.rdan MaMrws'�.Tru�heraby warraata ua c.prswnts ta 1..no�r+Mic u+.r.u.ra t�asudous M+��s�a►
<br /> � �tids►1hePrope�h.Trus�ott�erebf►a�raatoindannityanQhotdharmksat�nd�r.itsdfreafors.o!lteers.amPbYs�s+�d��� _ .
<br /> any succ�aors b Lendsrs fntsrs�t Trom and a�finat my and atl ctaims,d+ims�n,losses an�ltabitNla srtairt�tn cannecftan wiTh.,_
<br /> ths p[esencs,u�.dl�potal ar tranWoR ot anll Hw�dous MstKlals on.unda,lrom or about the Pirop�rry.THE FORECiO1N(i .
<br /> 10.A�Ml��tal ll�.Tnis�r harebY,as�ipns to��endeo fhs reM;.istwsand D��ot the Prop�rry;Pro+iid�d ihat Trurlor
<br /> ah�Il,unffltheoccurtenceofanEvento�Osfaultheraunde►.haYSths�httocotlsctarlOnWnwcltreMS,is�u�sand�wilhout
<br /> becorM dus and payabl�.UD�ths occurrence d an Ewnt M Default.l.,fnA'rf miy.eitMr in p«�a bY��•
<br /> = 6rn�lrp�nY��a P����•or by a�ecahrer aPpolMed bY a couR Ond wHhout re�ud to 1he�d�4uacY d ib security.�
<br /> uponandlakapa�fealonoifheP�ops�h.oranypertthersM inibownnamsorinlhenartisotlhaTru�MS.anddoanyaCtawhict�it
<br /> deem�necesfuyordesinbbtopreservsthsvatue.mackeleMliryor rentabilitf►cifhe Props�N.orany P�thersof oriM�esttbersin.
<br />� � fincrease the ineome N�erdrom�or protect th�aecu�Hy tu�raoi and.witt�a�witbau�Wcln�pos��ion of the PropsKy.ws tor or
<br />'�'- pq�w(se coltect ths ron/s,iaaues and profita thereot inctudiny those past due and unpald,snd apply 1he sams,less co�ts aAA
<br /> °` expensesatoperAtlof►andwltecdonlncludtngattorney9 tees,upananyirtdebted�esssecuredhereby.allirtsucAorderasLendrr
<br />�'��� may deEe[mins.The eMerinp upon anQ takirtQ posaesston of tfie Proparty,the coltedlon ot aucb�snts.iasues and prof�and 1hs
<br /> � �cafion thsteof as aforeaaid.shall�ot cure or watve a�r default or notice of default hereunder or inva04ate arry act done in
<br /> aPPt.
<br /> res�ocu�sto wah defeuR or pursuant to aucb natice of default ar�d.notwHhsfanding thecontlauance in possesslon of the PropsrtY a
<br />-�'i the coitsctlo�.recsipt and appticatlon ot rents,lssues or profds.and Trustee and Lender shadt be endqed fo exerciae evw!!�
<br />,:��," providpd for in a�ryof the Lopn Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Oafaul�lnctudin�withou!limits�on�s riyht
<br />%;F�,; to exerclss the power of sata Further.Lender's righb and remeclies underthls para�raph shatl bs cumulative with.and in t�o way a
<br /> = 1�fion on.lendsrs rlyhh8nd temedies underairyssai�nmentof teaaesand�eMa recordaa a�ltm.�tthe Property.LenAer.Trusbe
<br /> and(t�e receiver shall be tlabte to account onty for those rents acNalty racetved•
<br /> - 11. EwiM�d O�a��lf.The folloWiny shall conatitute an Event o(Oefault under thls Oeed of TrwC
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any installment of princlpal or interest of any mher sum secured hareby when due:
<br /> (b)A breach ot or default under any provisicn contained in tha Note.this Deed of Trust.any ot the�oan tnstruments.or arty _
<br /> other lien a encumbrance upon tha Properiy;
<br /> �r. (c) Aw�itatexecutlonorattachmerttosanysimitarprocesssha116eenteredagainstTruatorwhichshallbecomealienon -
<br /> � ' the Property o�any portton Mareo!or interest therein: -
<br /> _ (d)Thera shall be(fled by or against Trustor or 8crrqwer an actton under eny present or tuture tederat,state or other _
<br /> atatute,lsw or reDulation retating to bankruptcy,insolvency�or other rellei for debtor�or there shall be appointed any trusts0. _
<br /> � recetver or Ilpuldator of T►ustor or BoRVwer or ot atl or any paR of the Property,ot the rents,iasues or proflts thereof.or TrusW► _.
<br /> :`.;ti� or Borrowe►st�alf make any generat assi�s�ment tor the beneflt ot cseditorx _
<br /> �= � (e)The sale,transler.lease,asaigament,conveyance or tuRher encumbrance of all or any part of or any Interest in the �
<br /> Property,either voluntarity or involuntarify,without the express w�itten consent ot Lender,provkted tlfat Trwtor shall De 6=
<br /> . penmitteA to execute a teaae ot the Property that does not contaln an option to purchase and the term ot whfch does a0t exeeed _
<br /> . one year. '
<br /> (n Abandonment ot the Property:or -
<br /> • (�)N TrusWr is notan indivldual,the iasuance.sale,hanafer,assiqnmenL convayence or encumbrance af morethan etoW -
<br /> - of perceM ot(it a corporation)Its lsaued and outstandlnp atock or pf a partnenhip)a total of psrcen!ot '"
<br />=- • .•, parine►�Ip interests durir�ylhe period this Oeed of Tnust remalns a Nen on Ma Property. t
<br /> - j2, p��;AeeN�aYonUppnONauN.lntheevent�t�anyEventof0efaultLendermay.withoutnoticeexceptasrequiredby �
<br /> - law,dsclare all indebtednas�secured hereby to be due a�:�payabte and the seme shatl thereupon become due and payabte �.
<br />= wlfhout any pre�entment demand,protest or noUce of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: �
<br /> �`, (s)Qema�d that Trustee exerciae the POWER OF SALE gsa:-��ed heretn,and Trustee shatl thereatter cause Trustor's �
<br /> ., interest in the Property to be sotd and the proceeds to Ce distribu:e�:atl in the manner p�oWded In the(Vebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> ACt •
<br /> _- . (b)Exerciss any and a0 dghts provided tor in a�1 at the Wao Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event ol
<br /> Ddault ana =
<br /> � (c)Commence an actlon to torec►ose thia Deed of Tr�stas a mortgage,appolnt a recelver.or apec�ficalty eni�ree airy of the
<br /> covenaMS hereof.
<br /> No�emsdy hereln conferred upon or reaerve0 to Trustee or i.ender is intentled to be excluaive o!arr�C`er remedy herein,in ths
<br />� � l.oart InsVuments or by Isw provided or permitte0,but each shatl0e cumulative,sha11 Ee in atlditton to every other remedy�iven
<br /> - .,:� herlunQer,in the Lasn Instrument�or now or heraaRer existing at taw or in equity or by ntatute,and may be exercised concurrently.
<br /> -T - � }°�. +ndePendentty or sucees.�vety,
<br /> :�� 13.TruMM.The 7ruste�may�esign at any time wlthout cause.and Lender may at any Ume and without cacrae appoi�t e
<br /> +� succe»or ar��slmte Trustee.Trustee shall�ot be qabta to any pa►ty.including without UmitaUOn Lender,Borrower.7ruator or any
<br /> .'�;: � purcha�arot�:eprcpsrry.toranytauordamaSeuntes�duetorectdessor�+ri11fu1miaconduCLandshaltnotbs�equiredtoMkeany
<br /> acdon ln connection wlth the entorcement ot thls Oeed of Trust ur.:�o9 indemnifled,in wrlting,for atl costs,compensfUOn or
<br /> � ' ' �xpenaer which may t�e assaclated therewith.tn addiUon,Trustee may beeome a purehaser at any ssts o1 the Prop�fy nudieial or
<br /> � - - - rx.der the po+xer tif sate granted herein);postpo�e the sate of aU or any portion of the Property,as provlded by taw:or aell the
<br /> �� ptope�ty as e whole.or in eeparate parcela or lots at Truatee's dlscretion.
<br /> • - � ��, p�and E�p�rw.tn tha event Tivatea sells tha Piopeny by axereise o!power of aate,Trustee shatl be enUUed to appty
<br /> � any sale proceeda tlrst to ptyment ot ali cosb and expense�of exerciaing power of sate,inetuding all Tru�teda/ess.and Lender's
<br /> ' ;,, [' andTrustas'sattorrley'steu.actuallyincunadtoextentpermittedbyappticabfelaw.IntheeveMBorrcwerorTrusto►sxerct�any
<br /> rtght prouldad by law to cnrs an Event ot 0efautL Lender sha11 be ent�ted ta recover irom Trustcr atl cosb and expenaes actualty
<br /> � incurred as s resuH of Trustor's de(ault,inctuding wlth0ut limitatian atl Trustee's and attomey's feas to the extaM permitmd bY
<br /> ��
<br /> 15 Fuiun Adr�nc�Upon-requelt bl Horrowef.tendar may.at ib nptiart.make addlUonal artGtut�ra�adva�eesact�ra- -
<br /> � , �dvaneesfo Boirowar.Such.advanCes and readvanCel.with interest thereon,shall be secured by thts Deed of T�u�i M notl�lte shall
<br /> �. '�.,, thsprinciptlamountoftheinQebtednesssecure4bythis0eedofTrust,_n tinstudingsum�advancedtopretecttheaeeurityafthts
<br /> p�sd ol Trust exceed fhs ori�inal pBneipsl ameUM atated heroin,or�i� •00�.00 _whiehever is greater.
<br />