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<br /> TNAT�aY at!�e��1y t8e Tiwt Ua�a�r�cated b�r..:................... _ ...:...,................,
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<br /> �q,E�e�e�,Na,�aer and Vs�Cda �te Nagne'r,� _,�,,.,�,,, _ _ _ '
<br /> busband .............�..»..r..r........,..
<br /> ..�.. ..... ..................... _.........................__......_......�.......
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<br /> . .»....»�_�.lEDfltAI•:-.SAVIIiGS,Tl�ND,;wL0/11!I,�ASSOCIATION OF_LZIiC0I.1�---.._���.,tLe Hro�ci�s7�oMd tliwi.
<br /> '.- .d�i�»....J..�»..i.�:1983;�_..... and r�oc�lsd in t1M oAio�of t�s�ot Deeds oE......� � . -
<br /> - . � as�N�tIQ���_...J aa MiModlm Hoi!Nmube� �p1a . `
<br /> Co�ah►.N�beMics.ia Booit......_�.._.../ � ,
<br />-_ �,,,,.������reqaested in wrtt�tl�at tbit Deed af Reoon�9ance l�r
<br />-- I�OW,TI�RBli01�8,in ooaida�atian of soch paYmeat aad in acoonL�oe with tbs req�eat of tbe Be�ciat��m�d � ,
<br /> -- thwri. tlr �e�d as ZYvrtwi�oa� hy► t�we P�Aa,i�at,r�mi�=ileYS aud r�ooa�eY ta dr preswi ae.
<br /> __ — . p��o�s��e�o aII tbe is�eR+�t.awd estita dniv�sd to s�id Tt+atee by �the�oa�it s�id T�t Deed 3�tba .
<br /> �_�crl�d�pnmws bat anly.�to��ac6 pe�emi�es: , � ' .
<br /> -- Lots liiAe (9), and Tta (10). in B2ock Eight (Sj, in the City of��Naad River,: �
<br /> = Hs1I Couaty. Nebsaska: ' .
<br /> � -- bATED:..._.l�ugust�?� 1991 .......... TRUSTEE: ..�.:�.r��-!!�r.r.n.�.. .....»........�............. ' _
<br /> ;;.;� � $TATE OF NEBRASKA �
<br /> ;' �tJN'I'Y OF ,. I.11NC�STER..._..... �' -.
<br />;-:� � .
<br />. _.
<br />__...
<br /> ; On tLia..7�h.».:.dny o�..__..............».August iS 9� .before tl�e�mdersi=ned,a Not�uy Pabiia da�commi�Oaed
<br /> ' and qn�}i8sd ios Mid Camtq peraoe�aU came..........._:.....Jose,�h..H.-�Hadami,„ .,,.._..........�„;,�„,.........._.. _
<br /> . Y
<br /> '': c as Trn�ta� to me lmown to be the i�kntlptl pereon �rboee nune ia aub�crlbed to ti�e ic�oip� indri� and
<br /> rn� .
<br /> � act�mwledpd tbs eseentioA thereof to be hie volw�tary act�nd deed as auch Trostee. : '- - --
<br /> . ,
<br /> . �•,��j����
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<br /> �� • . . �•`L��*�.� '��i,�'�jA _ • °,
<br /> J1A17MA.KUNKMAN �:�,�v � ,��� - —
<br /> _ E�e eae i,iss�....A�ri 1..i;........... 19..92.. ,���.'�____°�":..... ...;Nabi �1��'iilie =.
<br /> ,� ..._ •, ••a '�•-,
<br /> TII�/�t0 CE�}I�1tt tI10 �I10YO�ill�Tt1l�E0� 11EED !lQuCi�El1 1A�IrltIDs t0�rilCpl� ���'�a�0= _
<br /> � Re�oaveyan�e amd hie action in doiag eo ia rati5ed�nd oonfumed in all respecta. - : ::�,<,,. °�'- - �
<br /> �� ,.: t qr:
<br />_.. � � ` . By.. . .. .. �.!..�.... ..... �.�, .. '��;::..��.:.:... `-
<br /> - ... :� ,
<br /> r; ...s .•� ,
<br />=; " SI'ATE QF NEBRASKA . ' On this...�t�..h...�__�o! . l�la�iti�Ly ig 4} be�ae+s
<br />-=.•C✓� ' LANCASTER me, the un a Nohty PW�iic' i11 afd �at �id
<br /> - •' . r,�ounU�peis�onally qme.................L. •F. ,Rq�c2}ew���....................:......................._.._.......ol l�at!'�d�ed$ai�up
<br />:,: .i , _:
<br />:� , - aad Ian AsrocLtion ai Linooln,to me peraonaB�kno�rn to be the......................President aad ideatical� -
<br /> : , o .................................
<br /> �; pee+�on who�e nams is�ed to the above fore�o�inetrun�ent and acknawledaed tbe e�recntioa thereui to be his =
<br /> ��m�r�t and deed as euch o�oer,and the vooTantary act and dced of the eaid First Federal8avinp and Lo�n
<br /> . . Aa�ocjat�on of IJncoln. ( � . v
<br /> .. ' My��s+es ...A�r i 1..�:........ lS.92.. ....;�A'"_�___. ........ .. . ... ..,Natary Fublic _
<br /> ..,
<br /> �: � �Mt OiA�I�M M�kut� _
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<br /> '�° � Re /ater o�Deeds ladex
<br /> - - - � iriy Conm.Erg 11�rR i.1332 r 3 Wlun reeorded to be�+etrarud to: -
<br /> � ' �':i^tL'l -
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