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<br /> ` ` r . ,:_ is: ` :.`, t�Mecte.. ir..eeT eas�sY r.�wat•.=ooq e!a��.etfa er�.ta�s a.i c�c.� .
<br /> � seEie�st�1� rsdar�fsi2�t to Trwtor aC.tIM�iirw s�i tecti� L tiN iir�e t�syr�N _
<br /> �+t ot�csti _ ' .; , : . . . • �
<br /> - - ..�.wc_.�-:-_.�°- �-_—
<br /> ---•-----�:li., AMelwt�of �r'3'eea�tN:—�eiTrclu��7.-fras ti�rLo lirt:-�y�eists"s last — ,
<br /> • a�crt�i aei �elsar2�d T�[!clss�r.�st1;A to trwtos aai r�eotdd tu th� Ca�tf te�v�ltti tha • . .
<br /> ,peqsrtf is Ioc�t�t aw1,fp otheM��ca�plyina with the �isios�oi`tlrr apPlieabl� !w�of sUs at�t�• �
<br /> ei Il�bra�b. wUaticut�a ioceessor or succeasors to ths ?sustes adrd Mrein ot aetinf h�re��rr.
<br /> -� -'= �. - - � = ,
<br /> 17. Sreieas�oea ai assfl�s: tMda•Deed`of Trust apq3lu to aad i+an�ea.te tM Daa�[it_af_aM Dla�s. . � - - _
<br /> all partie��escto, tbeir l+eira. le�,}te�s deHsees. PersaaaY sepreseneatttes..�oeees�oae� ana a��l��. .
<br /> - - 'lLf�CEl'S��lO�f�C�Tj�si�lT�ta�t the waer std holdes oi tUe�teote�.�ethe! or not ea�l8 !� 1�u�ttetas7 �
<br /> � U�t�1u. . ' ` . " ' `
<br /> - - ia: Maeftcits�'a lovert. xtttwut�affeettt� eht 1la�ilft�ot aa� oth�r P�saae �liable ios tM paY-�
<br /> nept ot an� oblisatim her�in ae�tiorted,,•+md iHthent aftecttna the ltm or ch�s`e ot thi� Deed ot Tsuat , �
<br /> ' � upon anY poKlcw oi ti�s proPeft7 not ti�en os thesetofore reieased as eecadt� for the full,piT�mt oi
<br /> - , ali unpald oellsatlans, ieneficist�uaT. ftaw tis►e ,t.o [!�e and vithout iwtice: -
<br /> . ' (aj releue �s►7r Peiaans eo iiab2e; • , .
<br /> (b) sxc�od ehe�atusfty or altrs +nY of ehe c�ss of an��uch obliptlon;
<br /> _. . _ �: fc) E�t othec lndnlaenees:
<br /> (d) svleae or se-eon�ey or eame to be re2eased ar se-co�aled u anp ,
<br /> ,,._ Lire at seaeflcisrY's aptiae. an7 Fascel, partion os �11 of tha psoy�rt7: •
<br /> - (e) tats os n2�aw a+7 otf�er ar additianai eecurit! for m�oDl.isstion , , .
<br /> , ;�. 1Nreln�entlaqtdi or ` ' , ' � .
<br /> . •(E) �te eo�Po�itiaai ar othes amriaeseats vftls de6tors fis relatiao,thereto: .;
<br /> v . '..I,9. �Lw. TAis�Deed of?ruet eiw21 be Scverned h9 tfie lavs ai tf��St�te°a! lfebraaT�s and.
<br /> itr tTie eR���y �� or sose oi the pravisionw contaiee8 i+i`tifsls Deed oi'lruses ar tha_twtw or an� oth�r .
<br /> - � secy�;�g fpstn�ent �i�ee !n connectlon vitA this crasssetton atdell be for say teasan bs.hbld to be in
<br />_ � rxIld. illegai or menfameable tn any tespecc. aueh invslidiC9,•illtaelitp or menfosceabtlity shall �
<br /> _ �4-.`..:..- ._ . �
<br /> n�t eflecs �y oeher pro�islons of chts Peed nf.•=sasi. but th��D�ed of Tcast..ahsll be construea as if
<br /> - auch_iqvellA. ille6sl or enfosceable proalalatrtia3 eeaer been containe�&eaeih or therein.
<br /> 20. Effect of Posbearance. Any fo:bei►sance_by IIenefiMarg or Trusti! fa exeTCtai�aty tfgi►t os ' � . °
<br /> - ' se�ed9 tieFeunder. os othesviae affardeII Qq spRliaahle Lav. ahsll Qot be a vsiver.of or'p:eclude sh� exer-
<br /> � cise of �t►y euch right or re�edy here�atder. Likewiae, the v+�iver bq Eeneficlary or Tsnssee of sny detault
<br /> ° � of the?rustor under ct�iw Aeed of ltust ahall not be dee�ed to be a traives of sny ather os si�llas de- _
<br /> ' � fault sub�epuently occuain6• ° ' . .
<br />=•!� 21. RrcanveYmce b� T:astee. Upon Written request of the Eeneticiasy statina thst all s�s �ecured
<br /> -- hereb�h+ive been psid, snd upon aursendes of chta Deed of Tsast and cbe aote to the Tsastee for cmcel-
<br /> lation artd tetentian and-apa► paYsent Dp Tsustar of Trastee's fees. Trustee shall re-cm�7 te?w-'KOr, �
<br /> or th� paraon os person� legally entlticd thereto, althont �arranty. �ny pnrtion of the�sopert� then ,
<br /> - i�eld hereander. ReeitAls in such re-conveyance of any wntters or facte ahsil be conclusive preoE of the
<br /> • eruthfuineas thereof. Grantees ia the re-convepance eaq be descsibed aa "the peraon or peraon� le8�lly '
<br /> - entitled theteio." �
<br /> �r
<br /> 22. 4icaptance b4 Truatee. iewtee acceyta tbis truat vhen this Deed af Trust. duly esecuted �d
<br /> ackna+ledaeA, ia �ade a pu lic :ecord aa prnvided hy lav. _
<br /> - IH WITNESS WHG'ttB�F, ITUBLOT N.'IA E7ClCtlLlA CIf19 D!!A Ot TTt1AC on the date flsai noted abwe.
<br /> �
<br />' '3_ ` .
<br /> + , RO B. L S ,
<br /><-t'
<br /> Kath ne J. Lewis '
<br /> -- ' S7ATE OF NElIRASRA ) •
<br /> _ � � A9S
<br /> =- couem op AALL � .
<br />-�' On tfiir lOth day of Au�4u8ta 1991�.-iOa- _. beYore ae, the tndersfgned. a Aotiry ' ,
<br /> -``"�' Public duly coeienian�d and quatifie.d fot eaid Cb�mEy. pe:aonally �e�e�nlle B. L.e +� s trAt�,��ine J.
<br /> to�e kno�n to he the ld�ntfeal peraan(s) vhose nanr(e) ere aubscrlbed ta the fosegoinp� inststs�eetLEV�,B� husband
<br /> L��, and acknoaledged the executtno thereof to be their ,lool�tA=r nce and deed. 8Ad i1if8 � _
<br /> r...'•, i,. '
<br /> ,,f,.
<br /> x.'y ' ititneas my hand and Natariel Seal et Crand Is andtH�braslta.__in eaid Couniq, the date
<br /> nforesaid.
<br />-i',1', Hy cmnni�eion explre�:,` �� � i
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