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In the eve�Qf loss�Batrowec�i118ivt piempt naase ta the��:..�Y carrier and . . <br /> Lendes. Lender msy.�e P�'r af loss if aot mad�e prompTy by Bamwa . <br /> . , �Tnkss Latder aod Bomawer ad�vrise a�mee in writina,imwraace pro�ceeds sl�alt be apptied ta�estoration os ttp�ir of � <br /> � `d�e ArnPenY dania�ed.if the restantiaa or�epair is eeonareicalty feasibTe aod[:ender's securiry is�wt ksseoed. I[�U�e . _ . <br /> - ies�o�ation ac rep�ir is mst aaeomia�lly feas[blGOr L.ender�security wauW be ksse�ed,the iasu{ancc.piacesds shali be' <br /> appliaf�o the'sums secuied by t6is 5ecuricy InpiurtKnt.wlretlxr ar noc tLea due.with any cacess p�Id to Bamwer. I€ <br /> • B�xrow�er ab�ndons the Prupaty.or does not answa withiu 3Q days a notir�fnxn Leoder that the insunnca carrier h� <br /> uffe�ed to aettk a F1�im.lhen Letder tasy coikci tl�e iasuwnce pmceods. l�ender may use the p�axeds to tepair ar iestae <br /> �the PhoQatY or to pay smns sa.�ned by tliiis Security Iasu�umeny whethcr a na tvai dae. The 3Q-day period wiQ begin wlien � <br /> tbe notice is given. ` � �• <br /> Ualess Lsnder aod Bamwer atl�wise agtoe in Mrritbt�any application of procoeds to p�incipai s1uU not extend or <br /> ' pastpoae tbe dae d�1e af the mont6lY piYments�ef'enM to in paca�raphs t and 2 or c6mge the amoant of the payme�NS. If � <br /> �der p�ra�aph 2t the P►opaty is sequized by Lender.Fotmwtr's tig6t to�y insur�nce policies aud puceeds trsuTting <br /> fmm d�aage w the Pto�eny prior.w tLe acquisition shall�ass to Lender to the extatt of tix sums sauned by this Security. <br /> �immedia�oety prior w tbe acquisition._ . <br /> ' ,f. Oee�pue� �eeservatia�. Maiete�atce a�d Pretectb� of tLe Prnpe�ly: Borrower's La� ApplicstioN; <br /> 1.��oid�. gpmwer sha11 occupy.estaMish,pnd ase t6e propertg ac Borrower's prinapal residence withia sixty days aher <br /> � the executian bf this Securiry Insu�uaent�d st�ll cu+�tinue to occupy the P�nperty as 8orrower's principal ceside►ue foc at <br /> te�t a�e yar after the date<of aa�y. uatess l,ender dherwise agrces in•�riu�g, virhich cansait shall twt lie <br /> upRawmbiy vrifN�eW.or unkss eatrnu�ting cin:umstances ea�ist wbich ate beyond Bamv�rer's cantzol. Barnwer shal!not� <br /> �destroy.A�e os imDw!r the Ptope�tY.allo�the Ptoperty to detaiorate.or canmit waue aa the P►vperty. Borrower shall � <br /> - ' be in default if�uy farfe�twe action or pocesding,wbetlxr civil or 6egun that in L.ender's good faith judgment <br />- could nsuh in forfeitme of the P�operty or otherwise mateii�aflyr impair the lieo createQ by this Security Instrument ar � <br /> ` Lernkr�s securiry intenest Bomnwer may cure such a default and�eins� provided ig paragraph causin�ehe xtion <br /> or piocading to ae dismissed with a ruling Lender's goad faith determinatian.preciudes forfeituce of the Borrower's <br />-- - - iuterest iu the Propecty or ottfer materiaf impairment af the lien c�ated tsy this Srcutity lactrume�tt e►t Le�eAes's seasrity <br /> - imtaest. Baaower si�ali aTso 6e in defaut[ if Bamwer.during the loan appiication proctss,gave malerially false or <br /> inxcurrte info�tnation os statements to Lendet i�failed to provide Lender with any material information)in ca��:tsan with <br /> the laan eviQenced by the Note, inctuding,6ut not limited to. rcpresentatians caaceming Barrower� occupa�riy of the <br /> -- Ptdperty as a principal iesidence. If this Securiry Instrument is an a teasetald Borrower shall comply witb all the provisions <br />- of the kase. If Borrower acquices fee titk to the Pr�aperty.Ehe kasehold and the fee tiQe shall not merge untess Lender agc�ees <br /> - w the merger in writing. <br /> =- ?. Protatio�at l.e�der's Ri�ts ia the PropMy. ff Bomnwer faits to perform the covenants usd agaments <br /> cauained in this Security Inswment.or thene is a tegal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender;s rigHts in the <br /> - Property(such as a proeeeding in baNccuptcy,prcabate,far condemnatian or forfeitnre or to enforce laws or�cgala�ts).ttKn <br /> l.endet may do�nd pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vaWe of the Property and Lender?s righu in the Property. <br /> - Lender's actians may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security instrumen�appearing <br /> in coutt.paying reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Pr�perty[a make repaits.Although Lender may take action <br /> : w�dev this parsgapb 7.Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts dis6ursed by l.ender under thic paragrapb 7 shall become additionai debt of Borrower secured by this <br />�ti:� Security In.saumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agrec to other ierms of payment.these amounts shall beaz intemst from the <br />::•, date of disbur.sement at the Note rate and shall be payabic.with interest,upon notice from l.ender to Borrower reyuesting <br /> paymen� <br /> - S.• Mortgase lasuraaeG If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition af making the loan secured by this <br /> •• Security lnsmrmeat.Barrawer shall pay tfie premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effech. If.for any <br /> [eason, the mortgage fnsurance coverage mquired b}C.ender lapscs or ceases to be in effect. Borrawer shall pay the <br />_:�= premiums rrquired to abtain coverage substnntialiy equ;valent to the mortgage in.surance previously in effect. at a cost <br />-- - substantialty equivalent to the cost to Borrower of Ihe mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an Altemate mcsqgage <br /> - <br />