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�,?�"."�` ''`��� •} .:r1W.e1�r,.a.�w�: _'_'�-�!_T_...o__. _ __ <br /> .,• �.`�t -.�' ' . . <br /> 93� �z . <br /> MM^��01Mo�f�a d�nwqMl,1�Mu�N h�w 11�oOMoe�In iM�ol��nd�b1okA�dl�uN�on�b aqrry��nooMO�, <br /> MIIr MI�r�Nam all ooM�Mid�PM�M�1�owr�d M►N In aornMOMon wMh woh ProoMd�,upon iv�y ��d <br /> IIM�btl Iu10 M WOh ordM N LMtd�f Tnl►dMwelln��or b�pply sll Woh ProoMd�.�hM woh d�du0tlt�w.b tIM►Mb�aMon d MN <br /> Npprfly upon Iluoh oondlllom lu land�r�l►dMMmIM.A�w�PP�IoMbn dlMooMb b N�d�bwdrMM MMII nOf�xlM�d or Oa�aM <br /> IIN Aw d�u W an1►PiY'�»�th�NoN,or aun aoy�.auh a�a.une.r«�w+nd.1�nr an�a+d..ti.w wa•a a <br /> TiuM,or.����4�.Upon Ih�000urr�na d�n Ewnt o1 Whurih�nund�►�or If any�al I�hk�n a Npd P���D <br /> oomm�naW whbh n�brlally dhobl.�nd�r'�Intwat In tlw Prop�ly,l.mdKmay!n ib own dhar�lbn�but wll�oul obNp�tlo�b do <br /> _ ""`�""'�'�'�'�"' p,�rb,�lqfout notia�ta a dMnand upon Trwtor�nd wtUwut r��inp Tivai�r iram ony obllp� eny�ct whlefi Tru�br hq <br /> �prMd but hll�to do and m�y ala do�ny oth�r�at It d�n�o�ry to pr obat th�Moudry hK�of.Tlrualo►Midl.� <br /> upon d�n�nd MKNor iy L�nd�r,psr 10 I.�nd�r all ao�b�nd�ucp�na�Incum�d and�umi�xp�nd�d bY L�nd�►in aoen�aMon <br /> fM�xMOlw b Nn�Mr of tlw/apdnp rlphh,top�tlw►wNb InbrNt thn�on�t tM dNault nM provld�d In fh�Nah,whlah�11 b� <br />--- ro u��i� n.►.by.i..nd.r.n�u na incur any i�.auh aoaua o�.ny�nirw ie m.y do a omi�a ao <br /> n.aund.r. <br /> _ s-- � o. Haiatdaw W!w{Mr.TruaWr sh�ll keep ths Prop�►iy In compli�ncs wlth wll�►plk�eble IArvu,adlneneee and�sgut�tlom <br /> ---- rNaGnp W Indu�trlol hypNn�or anvlronmMMl protecUon(colleativsly reterred ro h�nln u"Environmenbd Lawa"►.Tru�tor sh�ll <br /> - kNp tlw P►op�rty tn�hom dl wb�trncss dNm�d to bs h�:ardow or toxlo und�r arry EnvlronnNnt�l l.�w�(col I�odwty nNernd to <br /> h�rNn��"HRSaMous M�brl�l�'7.TruMor h�nby w�rranb a�d rep►e�enb to Lender that thsre are no Huardou�M�t�riN�on a <br />— und�r th�Prop�rty.Tru�Wr hsr�by ap��es to Ind�mnNy and ha�d h�mtlsu L�nder,In dlnatoa,oMlcsra,employeet uid a�nb.and <br /> - �ny suoo�ors W Lend�r'�InhrMf,ham�nd walmt�ny�nd�II olalm�,d�m�pM.loue��nd Il�bilitles�Hsinp In aonn�aHon wHh <br /> = 1fN p��nc�.un.dl�powl or daneport of anr H�zardou�M�terl�l�on,under,from or�bout ths Propsrty. THE FOREfiO1N0 <br /> YWIRRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'8 08U(�ATIONB PURBIlMiT TO THE FOREDOINQ INDEMNITY,8HJ1LL <br /> SUHVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TH1S DEED OF TAUST. <br /> 10.Astl�nmNt1 d R�.Truno+r lierebY esstyn�b l��t1�nn1�.bwN wnd Profib W 1h�Propwty:P�id�d thot Ttwlor _� _ <br /> shsll.uMfl tlw occurrsnce of an Evant ol DetaWt hsrauod�r,have lfis dpM M colNct and nhin wch rw�b.issu�s�nd prot�w Mw�' <br /> bocoms du��nd payabN.Upon 1M occurr�nce o1�n Event of D�fault 4+end�+r n�y.��ther In peca�m or by 1�aN.wflh or rrilhout <br /> bdnqinp any acUon or proc�edinp,or by�raceiva�ppoint�d by a couA and wuhout Q�ard to�'he ad�paa�y m'►�s�curiry.� <br /> .. ;y�i:�: ulpon and.fake poses=siae o41�te PropeAy,or my parl thereof,i�its own name or in Nae�narne Ot 1he Tor�,slEe,a�rocl2�c amy acb whkh it <br />;..,`•, �leems neT.ssstuy or deti�'�a to preee�ve ihe v�lue.markNabiliry or�ant�bllily ot th�Pr�peAy.Ot A�y pi1P1 t?16t�i D�171f6fat thae+eln, <br /> ��` i.r;F incr6aae ihe lncoms therefrom o�pr�oiect the seaurily horeof and,with or without laidn�paasasaior+09 aha Prmperty,we IoT x► <br /> vt�,. '����� olhe►wlAe coUeat the renb,Iseua a!��7�proiNs thereof,includiny those patt due and unpeiA.and appiy 1�e saane,less cwq an� <br /> ''�`� �expinsea rt�9�opsradon�nd collecdon Ir�c ludlnp attomeys'faes,upon any indebtednea eeCUred hersby,all in au�A ordaras loTade► <br /> n�y determins.Th�enterinp upon and takinp posaession oi ihe Properly,the collecUon ot suoh rents,l8aues and praf(U and fie <br /> ..,'.jt; �ppliCallon.Menoi�s a(oraald,ehaU not eure or waive any deiault or notice o1 tletautt hereunder or invalid�te any act done in <br /> "�`°�T �,��' r nae t�woh dehult or punuent ta auch nodce ot default and.natwNfisfandinp the conbnuance ln po�easlon oithe PropsAy or <br />__,:r. .t:;. � <br /> :i`;�?ry�y + 1 5 the collecUon,reaeipt and sppllcatia�m o9 rents,iseue�or proflb,an�d Tauates and Lender ahalil bs enbted to exerclee ewry raq0�1 <br /> , ,s " I�y'I,,, .�, d <br /> !r �r, , p�ovlded 4cT In any of the Loan Inatrurname flr by I�w upon occurrence o1 mny Even1 of QetauH,Irxludin9 wilhout Ilmitatlon the�Ight <br />,..,�,�;, 7#��'�,r�?;f��;,:n.��.?" �fql' to ezercis�ihs power af sab.FuMher.Lendsr's riphq and remedies unaer mis paragraph ahali be cumulative wiih,t��in�way o - <br /> },t.,j.'�i�;,cl;,�:;..�,,�I�yr <br /> �`i'., ``;:`+-:�':i:�ti^'tt'�''•`• �� and the�ecelveehall fb9e Iinblet o ac ount o y fo�t o ep ents actual�y recelved.l$recorded apalnst tlw Prop�ny.Lend�r.Truatae <br /> ��'• . � 11. Ewnls M DN�ulf.The following ahaU aonatlute an Event oi Delault under tMs Oeed of Truat <br /> ��;:,�.:. �,�. (a) Fallwe to pay any insfellment�1 principal a Interett oi eny other sum eecured hereby when due; <br /> •+�•°;�.. �. � ' (b)A bresoh oi or default under any provisbn contained In the Nots,thi�De�d o1 Tru�t,eny of ths Loen Instrum�nq,or eny <br /> .�;�.`"-'?;;�_�'.'1:°�Y othq lim a enoumb►anae upon the PropeAy; <br /> • b , ;�= ••••;;,��` (c)A wrlt ol�xacution or atfechment or eny elmller proceos�hall be ente►od apeln�t Trustor wh�h sh�ll b�com�a Nen on <br />, :?����.�,,,;r the Prop�ry►or any portion thereof or IMereat thereln; <br /> • �t' �'S` ':�"i (d!Th�e�hsll be Ifled by or e�einat T�ustor or 8orrower an action under any preaent or future fdl�ral,�ht�or other . __ <br /> '�'���'`r'�'""�' st�tute,law or repul�tlon reletlnp to bankruptoy,Inaolvency or other►eNef lor dsbtoro;or th�re shdl be appointed any truste�, -_ <br /> q(� u;1.,rr...d . .,...: a: <br /> ,,, .,,. recelv�r or Nquldstor ol Trustor or 8orrower or ot all or any paA of the Properly.or the ranb,iwua or(xofib th�r�o1,or Trustor <br /> ,��;;;�.;, ..'„ ,: .I.�° or 8orrower shdl make any yeneral asaipnment for the benefit of creditore; — <br /> �� , ��<;��' '}'�-'' �' �� �� (e)The aele,tramler,I�aw,a�sipnment,conveyance o�lurther encumbrance ot all or any peR of a any IntersR(n the <br /> ' PropeNy, elther voluntarlly or Invotunterlly, without the express wrilten conaent of Lender,provided thet T►uetor ehell bs <br /> . . �„_;, � : <br /> permitted to exacute a leaw of the Property thet does not contefn en optlon to purchaee end the term of wMch doas not excaed �_ <br /> , �.v.tti. i•..,�.•: .�. - . <br /> ...,,.f,:,•....- • . one year, <br />`:`..ri ' `��'•�� . ., (Q Abandonment of the Property:a C <br /> ,.�:i�x� . <br /> (Q)If Trustor ld not en Indlvlduef,ihe Iseuence,eale,transier,asai9�ment conveyence or encumbrance of more than a total k�^ <br /> . ;�:_.'` __. <br /> " ;��; := [�,�: of � percent o1(H a corporatlon)its isaued and oulsiandinp stock or(il a pertnerahip)a total of � perc�nt d �_- <br /> � '' paAnerahip Intoreats during the perlod thfa DeeC o1 Trust remains a Ifen on Ihe Properiy. �---. <br /> , ` ��T -�' �•� 1 2, p�m�d l a;A c C�1�r A t l o n U p o A d M a u M.I n t h e e v e n t O f a n y E v e n t o i D e t a u l t L e n der ma y,wlthout nodce ex c e pt as required b y �=- <br /> � Iaw,declare all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due end payable and the same ahall thereupon become due and psyabte -- <br />-�� t_,, ° wqhou!any preaentment,dema�d,proteat a notice ot any klnd. ThereaRer Lender mey: °�;-,: <br /> � (a) Demand that Trustee exerclee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shell thereaRer cause 7rustor's <br />= ,- ` • •. interest In lhe Properry to be sold and the prxeeda to be diatrlbuted,all in the menner provWed In the Nebraska Trust Oeods �w,._ <br /> ACx r:.; <br /> s ° (b) Exerclse eny and au rlyhts provlded for In any of the Laan Inatrumenta or by lew upon occu►rence of any Event of <<�`'; <br />- , �� .-v;��• `+` Detaulx and <br /> :.. .�,,,,. _ �'c*�-_ <br />_- ' �•^ � ''y;;;,�;;tt. (c) Cammence an actlon to iaTeclase thls Deed ol Trust as a mortyape,appolnt u receiver,ar apeciBcaMy enfwce eny of the r�..,:.� <br /> _ �� �. , � COVOnBnt�hereo1. ''�':'•� <br /> " No�emedy hereln conierred upon or re�erved to Trwtee or Lender ia lntended to be exclueive ol any Wher remedy hereln,in the <br />= �� �•� � loan Instruments or by IAw provlded or permltted,but each shall be cumuletive,snau�e In additlon to every other remedy ylven �� <br />- ���•.'r . hereunder,in the Loen InaVUmeMs or now or hereafler existlnq at law or 1�equiry o�by stetute,and mey be exe��cised concurrently, t . <br />' ��"��~ , � , Indapendendy or aucce�alvoly. <br /> _� 13. 71ruqN.The Truetee may realpn at any tlme wlthout cause,and Lender mey at eny Ume and without cause appofnt e <br /> . ";�,:;,, n_�_ ..� succestor or subsdtute Truntee.Trustee shall not be Ilable ro any perty.Includf�y without Ilmltadon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any , <br /> '�.��, : .. purcha�er of the Property,tor any losa or damaye unless due to recklesa or wflNul mleconduct,end shell not be requlred to teke any <br /> ��,`�.:., , . � pcUon In connectlon with 1he entorcement of thls Deed ot Truet unlesa Indemnilled,In wrlUnp,tor all coats,compeneatlon or , <br /> �.�} expemea whfch may+be associated eddltfon,Trualee mey become e purcheser et any sale of the�P+aperty Qudfclel or <br /> �`� ��'-_i..�. .........��....i�..�:�::�... .u... ��1.�Drn�wA� ae nrnyltl�td fiv IaW;e►fBl)1hY i,- - <br /> .-� —�.rr+i- —.-- ` u��YVi tilr yuwvi Vi iw+v yioiu'va.�o.ouy�j.voq.v..v a.0....w.. .n.�rv....... ..p_ . . _ - . <br /> ..� , Property az a whole,or In eeparete percels or lots et Trustee's discnoUOn. � <br />�" �'`•� .��:.,:�., '., 1q. ��esf and Eup�ntN.In Me event T�uatee sells the Properry Dy exerclse of power of eale,Trustee shall be eMlUed to a.pply <br /> '�+ ��;' any aale;proceeds Ifrst to payment ot all c�ste and expenses o}exercising power et sale,Including all 7ruatee's 1ees,and Lender's t <br /> . ��•�� �•' ' and Trustae'�slttorney's tees,actually InCUrred to extent permitted by appllCable laav.In the event Bo►rower o�TrUetor exerciees any � <br /> '�-;fi� � "t' � • tlpht provided by Iaw to cure m Event of Delault,Lender ahall be ent111ed to recover lrom Trustor aDl coats and expensea actually <br /> ':�,� '"' ' � ';, tncur�ed ae a �aau8 of Trwtor's dolautt,Indudlnp wlthout limitatlon all7ruatee'a and ettwney's fees,to ttr3 extent permltted by <br /> • �.r,;:'' �pp8cabte taw. � <br /> ' •�°:'ti�:` .� 15. F�u�Ad�anCN.Upon raqueet al8orrower,Lender ma�,at ite optlon, meke add�iional and future edvences and re- <br /> � adv�nces to 8orrower.Such advancee end readvances,wlth Intereat thereon,ahall be eecured by thla Deed o}T�us�At no tlme shell <br /> � •`,.°a', -`.°�•" fh�princlpal amount of tha indebtedneas tecu��d by thle Oeed oi Truat,r�l�:�ums edvanced to p�otect the securlry of thls � <br /> �'� � {J <br /> ���"�, - �O�rd of Truft,�xcNd th�oripfnol prinalp�l amount�tated herain,or S � r�hlchever is yreater. <br /> ':t..::�,�,,:� <br /> =.i ..�Y� � . <br />.___ _ .. .n • ..�' <br /> : 1 .. , _ <br /> � ` - - <br /> .. ' + , � .•----�'----- ---f-,rs-.-m-�-=r-���--�-- ---- <br />