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<br /> � • - . Notl�iaq I�r�fa cor�taiaad sb�ll� in aay �r�Mhst�owir,<. .
<br /> _a__� �_�. _.��fr thw' `I�ot�:, -�s,=-_�#a�9nmeists,=-a�- -`Qthsr-- �t.�uitt�-=- .,._ :--.•_-:-
<br /> � . i�oc�ats,. as �od�ffad 7�sr�by. OT th� first li�n ctiatsd t�us�bY -_
<br /> � __--` �s su� atUsr< docuMats�. �cacu#ed� by �lo�qor i�t ` �tonn�ctfon .
<br /> f�r�nti.tli, o�, . alt��t, .. Ma�.v�, vary . ar a fact my praMfs�. �
<br /> - - - - -- . : - - . _ - ,
<br /> aqrNS�at: cgv��at -.:oz aondittd�3 ' racttad . i.0 ° �aY - � � � -� _ —.
<br /> . -' abova-a�ntfonad doctawsnt�,_ u�cept a� h�r�in utpr`usly �odffi�d, . .
<br /> .nor aff�ct. or i�pair any,rights, powsr's.:: or r�f�s of lbrtqaqee
<br /> � . tiad�r .ui� .: o� - Lt� abova aeatio�sd _docw�nts. R�aspt as � . -
<br /> L�r�ittabove otl�rttis� provided, sII te�nis. and psovi43ons of the.
<br /> � l�ot�,�l�crtgaq�s� Assiqt�snts � �tlaer Loat� Docu�reats �xecutwd .3�i;;::;;: _
<br /> � �. cont�ctioa with the snbject isortqaqa_ ioa�x. ah�ll r���in:fu�l��`.,-
<br /> forc� �st�d �ffect snd. sh�l! `be �indinq npan the psrtiea;:;�reta; -•
<br /> � tbeir tiucc�ssor�t snd assiqns.� � � � � : ,
<br /> . IN iiI3Z�lESS i�+1�RTsOF, tfi�s instrt�eat hss biea executad .
<br /> by th�s parties hereto in � aann�r and foss suffictent ta bind ,
<br /> - �h�► ss�o�- the day and ye�tr €frat above �tten. . • , ,
<br /> �. ' . • �
<br /> . ': � • - I�lO#�Gll�GEE: � . .
<br /> • . . . T�E TR!►VSI�AS INSURPIIJC$�;'�C[+IPANY. � -
<br /> . ��gT: . , , .- a Conaecti�cut co�poratio��� .
<br /> - :;,�t�f:.�;'. ;". . . .. . � _. _.. . ; �. . . _ . ._ . .� � _
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<br /> ��-.�-�i z ` _ :•�. Sond : Richard G. Gr itb _ .
<br /> ^�;�:� �; -';�s�etant &ecretary Its- 4�����t va�.. �AAi�en
<br /> : :/j � >r. , •!f -- ----- .
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<br /> . - . . ...� �•: � RF1iL-VEST COMPANY. a N�braska
<br /> ��gT: �•� -.., � corporstio
<br /> BYs BY=
<br /> its: Corporat Secret�ry Its: '��'
<br /> ) sa:
<br /> Hefore me, a Notary Public in and for ssid County snd
<br /> Stste, on this day, peraonally appeared Rici�asd G. Griffitb
<br /> � �� .Tni�n A. sona � to me known to be ths id�nticsl •
<br /> ptrsons who eubecribed the nsme o� THE TRriVELERS INSLiR�lNCE
<br /> � COlY1p11t�1Y, a Connecticut corporation, to the foreqoinq inetrwnent
<br /> as 1t� 4A6�nnal vi�e p=esiaent and �lssiatsnt Secret�ry who, bsing
<br /> � by. �ne duly aworn, did atate that they are ths ��ion.i vice rrasident
<br /> and Assietent Secretary oF aaid corporstion, that the aesl _
<br /> stfixed �o said instrument 3e the. corporste sesl oF ssid _
<br /> corporation, and that said inetrument waa siqned �nd aesled by
<br /> the�a on behalf af said corporstion by authozity of its Bosrd of
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