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�:,.: .v� . .,..^; <br /> ,::;_ .,,; :.:::_= - <br /> r.=': n s . ' '_ -. . - <br /> , . , - <br /> �� , ' ' - - _. _ -----�_.�.. <br /> "'' '� , .�••... .;�•n. . <br /> :.�•}%.x_.._._.__L_..t <br /> eonckmnulon a q�hor ulcin�of my put of the PmpeMy�or for canvey�in lieu of condems�atia►.1�ie��tbd+u�d <br /> �lu�ll bo paid to Lender. <br /> ln ehe evcnt of a taul taking o�'the Peopony. the shall be ppplied td the auma eecurcd by lhie Security <br /> ]nst�umont,whqher ar not lhen duo.wllh Mny oxcesK pai to 8orrower. In tho event of A ps►rtiui takin�uf the PrapeAy in <br /> whkh the fiir muket valuo oi 1he Propeny immodixtely hefaro lhe tWcing is eyuAl ta or grrater th�the Amaunt of'thc suma <br /> eecurcd by thia Security lnswmen�imnxdlwtcly betare the�akin�.unleas Bumnwer anA Lender otherwise ogrce in writing, <br /> the aums�ecured by this Securlty InrWment shdl he roduced by �he amouM af the procad�mulripli¢d by 1he Pallawing <br /> fnet�on: (a) tk twal amcwnt of the aumw secured immediatrly before the�aking,divided by(b)the Pair merlcet v�lue of tl�e <br /> � ��� Prapetty lmmodiately beFore thu W►in�. Any balwncc shell ba puid to Borrower. In thc event uf u partiwl lo{cing of tix: <br /> Properly in whkh the fii�mwrkct vAlue of the Property immediately 6cfor�e thc�aking is lesx �han�he omoum uf the cums <br /> secured immediatcly beforo Iho tuking. unlexa Borrower und Lender olhenvise ugt+ee in w�iting or unlc�cs applicuble law <br /> aherwiso provides�lhe proceeds rFwll bo Applied ta the rum+c secured by this Security Insin�ment whether ar not thc sums an <br /> then due. <br /> It the Property is abond�►nal by�armwe�.ar if.ufler natic�by I.eader to Borrower thut tho condemnor offerx to mal:a <br /> -- - nn award or scnle n claim For damagea,Bormwer foilR to mx�xmd ta l.ender wUhin 30 days after Ihe date Ihc notice is pivon, <br /> Le�der is uuclariud tu collect And upp{y the proceeds.ut its aption,ei�her�o�x�orntfan or r�epair oP�he Pmpeny or ta�ho - <br /> sums aecu�d by this Secu�ity Instrumanb whether or qot then due. <br /> UaUess A.eader und Bomnwer othe�vrlsc agne in.wridng,any�ppltcution nf�rrxeedx to principul shull nc►t cxtend a� <br />--- po6tpon�r ihr�ue dute of the mantbly paynents referrmd to in porJg�l.ts t anJ 2 a d�a+�$e the omoum af�uch payments. <br /> 11, �cir NW Rtles�sed: lbrbearance By Lender Nob a Wr�tre�r �xue�s�an of. ihc time for puyment ar <br />- °R�� modificativts viacno�tiaation af the sumx secured by this Securicy 6nsti�unent gra�rted�by�.en�d�er w any suecessor in inleresl <br /> of Borrower s1U10 not�apernte to rolease thc liability of Ihe origina]Atvr��wer or 6orruwerk �ucccs�ors in inlar�asl. l.cnder <br /> � ahall not ber�quimf to commence proceedings a�ainst c+ny c��cce�sor in inuxest vr mfuse to excend liu� for payment or _ <br />;�;�� oil►erwi�se modify amortization of 1he sums�cured by thiR Security In4trument by reason of any demand inad�e by Ihe adglnal _ <br /> Borrower ar Borrower's auccessorx in interest. Any forbenr�nce by Lender in exercising ony �ight or remr.�dy shall not ba a <br /> ;��__.�-- — waiver of or paclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> — 12. Successora smd AsslQns Bound;Jolnt pnd Se�eral Ll�bilify;Casigners. The covenunts an1 a(zreement�af this <br /> ;.��,���;.�.: Stcudty Instrument shall bind und benefit �he�uccegsor�and assigns of Lender und Borrower,Fubject�e,��7�e pravixions of <br />-�M��•^:� purngruph 17.Borrowers covenants s►nd agr+eements shnll be joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-si�.n. thix Security <br /> �i�z Instrument bul dces not execute the Note: (u)ic co-cigning this Security Insln�ment only to martguge,grunt nnd convey thet <br />���� �;,:;;-. <br /> :������;ry;#t�gs� Borrowerk intere�t in the Pnoperty under the terms of this Securily la.arument; (b)is not persa�ally obliRated to puy the sums <br />-:������:��:�.� secured by this Secu�ty Instrument;and(c)ugnees that Lender aix!any other BoROwer mAy pgree ta ex�end,modify,farbeur <br />_.�'!If,s5��4!�;� <br /> �;_�... . ar meke ony xcommadalions wi�h regard ro thc lern�s uf this Seca�riry Instn�meot or �he Note withc�ut that Borrower _ <br />- ; wnsent. __• <br /> 13. I.w�a Clw�es. If the loan secured by this Securily In.trument ia sub,ject to u luw which sets muximum loun a, <br /> charges.011d t�lil I8W IR iH1�IIY If1iC�j/tCieil w i�lul iI1C iiitZi2Sf Oi�7ii�2t IOBii Ch81'gC�COIICCiC�RT l0 bC COIICCtCtI IQ C4I2!KClIOI! _ <br /> with Ihe loun exceed the pern�itted limits,then: la)uny such lo;ui sharge shull be rrdureJ by the Amc►unt necetiwiry to reduce <br /> " the churge to the permined limir,und(b)uny sums ulr+eudy colYect�d from l3nrrower which exceeded permitted limi�s will be <br /> •,;,.,, refunded to Barmwer. Lender muy chooxe to muke�his mfund by reducing Il�e principul aweJ under�he Note or by moking u <br /> - ,�itr�:i�r'{_�, direct puyment tu Bonowrr. If u reiund reduces principul.�ixr teatucdon will t�e treated us u plininl prcpuyment wi�Ftout uny <br /> �t;:�t�t;:�; . � ' prepayment clwrge undcr t6�e No�e. _• <br /> � H'- <br /> 14. Notices. Any natiec to Borrower pmviilrd for ir� this Security Inxt�ument tihull lx;given by delivering it or by - <br />,. �••�,;;��;,=,__ mailing it by first class muil unlexs upplicAble law rcyu6r�K uxr of anuther methocl.The notice xhull be directed to the Propeny <br /> �� �•�' ' Address or uny other Address Borrower detiignu�es b� noiicr to Lender. Any n�tice to Lender shull bc given by fir.ct clnss - <br /> ' mail to Lenderk address stnted herein or uny other u.ldre+x Lendcr designuter hy notice to Borrower. Any na�ice provided fur <br /> ���•• in this Securily Inslrumrnt shull � decmed Io hu��c heen given w Borrowor ar �ender when given us pravided in this ... <br /> Yf <br /> ;.�,.�.�;, ' �a�g�►pn. .. <br />° �i��' 15. Coverning Lew; Cevernbility. Thi� Security Instrumem shull be Kovemed by fedcrul luw und the luw of the •y <br /> ju�isdicticxi in which the Pmpeny ix located. In�he rvent�hut any provision or cluu�r of thix Security Intitrument ar the Note <br /> , conflictti with applicuble luw,such c�mflict shull not uffert uthcr prmiwions of this Sccuriry In�trument or the Note which cun _ <br /> - - -�° be givcn effea without the conilicling provixion. To thi.rnd th�•pravixion�of tl�is Security In,trumenl�nd the Note ure <br />